Flat Earth: history of the debate, evidence and facts

Flat Earth: history of the debate, evidence and facts
“And yet she spins!” - these words, according to legend, were spoken by Galileo Galilei, rising from his knees after the Inquisition trial, which forced him to renounce the belief that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and not vice versa. But to the great Italian scientist...
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Dolls at a wedding Rag doll wedding lovebirds

Dolls at a wedding Rag doll wedding lovebirds
In the past, dolls were often used as amulets. A ten-handed doll to help with housework, a doll to protect the house. Lovebirds were traditionally made for weddings as a talisman against evil glances of the newlyweds. But is it? There may be many amulets, but a doll is...
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Landlord Rus' in the poem N

Landlord Rus' in the poem N
Sobakevich is a landowner to whom Chichikov offers a lucrative deal for the sale of “dead” souls. The character complements the image gallery created by. Initially, the writer planned to create three volumes of the work, starting from the composition “Hell - Purgatory...
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