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Wild animals of the Krasnoyarsk region presentation for a lesson on the topic. Nature, plants and animals of the Krasnoyarsk region Flora of the Krasnoyarsk region

Purpose of the lesson: to summarize children’s knowledge about wild animals.

Lesson objectives:


Fix the names of wild animals and their young.

Introduce wild animals living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory



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Summary of the lesson “Wild Animals” Completed by Burmakina A.Yu Speech therapist of MDOU No. 104 of combined type, Krasnoyarsk

Purpose of the lesson: to summarize children’s knowledge about wild animals. Objectives of the lesson: Educational To consolidate the names of wild animals and their young. Introduce wild animals living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory Educational Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner. Develop the ability to defend your opinion and prove that you are right. Cultivate curiosity. To develop knowledge about the interconnection of all living things in nature. To promote awareness of the special attitude of people towards wild animals Developmental Work on word formation: wolf - she-wolf - wolf cub (wolf cubs); hare - hare - hare (hares), etc.; Work on coordinating plural nouns with numerals (one little rabbit, two little rabbits, ten little rabbits, etc.).

This is a forest. Many different animals live here

Guess the riddle: A ball of fluff, a long ear. Jumps smartly, loves carrots? Who is this???

This red-haired cheat, Kur, steals very cleverly. Little sister to the gray wolf, and her name is.....

In the summer he walks without a road near the pines and birches, And in the winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost?

I'll tell you, and you believe me. An animal ran through the forest. It was not without reason that the beast carried on his forehead two huge bushes, he was not too lazy to carry them. Isn’t that the name of the beast?...

All the time he prowls through the forest, He is looking for someone in the bushes. He snaps his teeth from the bushes, Who says this - ...

My beautiful horns are always a threat to the enemy. But I have a good disposition, Believe me, my friends. And I’m not your guest in the forests, I live here, handsome...

Instead of a fur coat there are only needles. Wolves are not afraid of him either. A prickly ball, no legs visible, Call him of course...

A red-haired little animal jumps and gallops through the trees. He lives not on the ground, but on a tree in a hollow.

This beast has two fangs, very powerful legs, and a cake on its nose. He digs earth in the forest.

“Guess where whose shadow is?”

Game "Cubs"

Game "One-Many"

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lesson breakdown with a presentation on the NRC "Nature and Ecology of the Krasnoyarsk Territory"...

Subgroup speech therapy lesson for children with FFDD: “Wild animals of our region”

This lesson allows you to expand and activate your vocabulary on the topic “Wild animals of our forests and their young”; consolidate knowledge about wild animals living in our region and their cubs, know...

The Great Yenisei and the taiga, the Arctic Circle and the Permafrost Museum, Tunguska and Taimyr - all this is the Krasnoyarsk region, one of the most unique corners of our planet. It is here that the geographical center of Russia is located (Lake Vivi) and the extreme northern tip of Eurasia is located. It has its own Moscow (that’s the name of one of the mountains in the Sayan Mountains), and 99% of our country’s platinum reserves are concentrated here.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory occupies an area 10 times larger than the territory of Great Britain, with a fifth of the region located outside the Arctic Circle. The flora and fauna of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are unique. On the territory of the region there are 30 natural reserves, more than 300 thousand lakes, Bolshaya Oreshnaya is considered the longest cave in Russia, the Yenisei is the deepest river, and the Kinzelyuksky waterfall is the largest in our country.

Flora of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The Krasnoyarsk region stretches along the Yenisei in the center of the Eurasian continent. In the north of the region, arctic deserts with sparse vegetation predominate. A little to the south begins the tundra zone, where lichens, mosses and dwarf shrubs dominate. Cereals, cabbages, cloves grow here, poppies are often found among flowers, 15 species of mushrooms, over 70 species of mosses and as many as 89 species of lichens have been found.

There are even more mosses and lichens in Tamyr - over 200 species. But the most common trees are Daurian larches.

The tundra gives way to forest-tundra, in the space of which there are rare thickets of deciduous trees.

But more than 70% of the region's territory is occupied by taiga. The majestic taiga zone, rich in resources, stretches for almost 1,300 km along the Yenisei. Larch, spruce, fir, tall taiga pines and unique Siberian cedars grow here. Actually, over 80% of the forests of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are coniferous plants.

The southern part of the region is famous for its black soil forest-steppes. This territory is the most developed by man, and most of the area of ​​the forest-steppe zone is plowed under fields.

The forest-steppe is bordered by the edges of the steppe, most of which are concentrated in the Minusinsk Basin. And in the very south rise the peaks of the Sayan Mountains, a mountain system where nature has been preserved in its original form. This is a real oasis of virgin nature, carefully wrapped in taiga cover and permeated through and through with the crystal waters of rivers and lakes.

The most famous nature reserve in this area is Stolby. Many plants in this area are listed in the Red Book: slippers, orchis, feathery feather grass, May palmate root.

Fauna of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The fauna of this part of Siberia is incredibly rich. Species diversity gradually changes depending on the climate zone. If we group by type, we get the following picture:

Mammals. There are over 90 species of mammals in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In the mountains there are argali, rams, snow leopards, in the north - polar bears and reindeer, in the steppe - shrews, wolves, hares, lynxes, gophers and wolverines. But, of course, the most mammals in the taiga are sable, arctic fox, ermine, squirrel, foxes, which are of commercial importance. On Stolby you can meet truly taiga animals - deer and elk, musk deer and martens live here, and white hares and brown bears are found.

There are over 400 species of birds in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. These are storks and petrels, loons and geese, woodpeckers and cranes, swifts and flamingos. Galliformes, various species of geese, plovers, pigeons and pelicans are of commercial importance.

But there are few reptiles in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Only 4 species of snakes are known (vipers, snakes, snakes and copperheads) and 2 species of lizards (viviparous and quick).

Amphibians are also sparsely represented. The most common species found are newts, frogs, toads and Siberian salamanders.

But the ichthyofauna of the Krasnoyarsk Territory includes more than 50 species of fish, of which 22 are of commercial importance. The region is especially famous for salmon, smelt, carp, catfish, cod and pike. Sturgeon, lampreys and catfish are caught here, and omul, bream, carp and ide are caught on Baikal.

Unfortunately, the deterioration of the environmental situation has led to the fact that more than 140 species of fauna of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are currently listed in the Red Book. The rarest animals of the region, which once were its pride, now live only in nature reserves. These are red wolves, ibex, snow leopards, herring whales, fin whales, and Siberian roe deer. The deer and Siberian sturgeon are also at risk of extinction.

Climate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The climate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is sharply continental, since most of the territory is located far from the seas and oceans. The region has three climatic zones: temperate, arctic and subarctic. Therefore, the change of seasons occurs differently, depending on the climate zone, proximity to the Arctic Circle and proximity to the mountains.

In the north of the region, winter lasts a long time, and there are no more than 40 days a year when the air temperature warms up to +10 °C. This is how short summer is. And the cities of Igarka, Norilsk and Dudinka are generally classified as points of the Far North.

Spring can be short, but very stormy, filled with sunlight and the intoxicating aroma of flowering plants.

In the central part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, summer also does not last long, but in this region it is characterized by heat. In general, this part of the region is characterized by sharp temperature changes.

In the south of the region, summers are hot, and winters, although long, have little snow and are not so severe.

“Wild Animals” The presentation was prepared by teacher Elena Vladimirovna Garmash. MKDOU "Glyadensky kindergarten "Bell". Goal: generalize children's knowledge about wild animals. Leopard Elk Elk or elk The largest deer. Moose live in the forest zone. The antlers of moose, unlike other deer, are wide, flat, with short tines. Only males have them. Every year in December, moose shed their antlers. New ones begin to grow in early summer. In the forest zone, moose feed on grass, bark and tree branches. Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest, walking boldly and easily, with his horns spread wide. (Elk)

Animals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the winter forest

Completed by: teacher

2 junior groups

Glazycheva Anastasia Alexandrovna


  • Introduce children to the life of animals living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in winter;
  • Fix the names of wild animals and their young.
  • Summarize children's knowledge about wild animals.
  • Cultivate a love for nature, for all living things.
This is a forest. Many different animals live here.
  • Guess a riddle:
  • A ball of fluff, a long ear. Jumps smartly, loves carrots?

Who is this?

The hare is small in stature, has long ears and a small, stubby tail. Long ears help the hare to hear well.

Hares do not build burrows or nests, but live under any bush they like or in thick grass.

Hares are herbivorous animals. They feed on grass, leaves, stems, and roots of young trees. They also eat mushrooms. But their favorite delicacy is aspen bark; for hares it is sweeter than sugar.

Twice a year the bunny changes the color of its coat. In autumn and winter it turns white, so the hare blends in with the snow and becomes less noticeable to predators.

He makes friends only with the fox, This animal is angry, angry. He clicks and clicks with his teeth, A very scary gray...

Guess a riddle:

The wolf's body is elongated, its legs are long, and its fur is thick.

Wolves are classified as predatory animals. They can live in mountains, forests and plains.

The color of wolves can be different - yellowish, reddish, grayish with an admixture of black hair.

The wolf's weapon is its teeth. He has as many as 42 of them in his mouth.

Wolves live in families. A wolf family is called a pack. The pack is led by the strongest wolf. His friend, a she-wolf, helps him.

The wolf has developed a hostile relationship with humans, because wolves constantly attack domestic animals and thereby cause great damage to agriculture.

Cunning cheat, Red head, Fluffy tail-beauty

Guess a riddle:

The fox is a wild animal.

Foxes live in forests, but most often in fields and meadows.

The fox is the size of a small dog. The animal’s body is flexible, its ears and muzzle are sharp, its paws are like boots, and its tail is fluffy.

Foxes live in burrows, which they make among tree roots or in rock crevices.

In fairy tales, the fox is always red, but there are foxes of yellow and gray shades.

Foxes eat squirrels, hares, snakes, birds and their eggs.

Don't mind eating berries and fruits.

Clubfoot and shaggy, He warms his paws in the den. In the summer he loves to go for walks and protect animals. And in winter, under the blizzard howl, He sleeps in a snowy hut.

Guess a riddle:

The bear's fur coat is warm and shaggy. He walks slowly, waddles, and has a club foot.

The bear's paws are strong, its teeth are strong, its claws are thick and sharp.

Brown bears are predators, which means that they eat the meat of other animals - elk, wild boar, deer. In addition to meat food, bears eat acorns, nuts, berries, roots, ants, insect larvae, and honey.

They also love fish. Bears are excellent fishermen. They fish in the shallows.

With the onset of cold weather, the bear goes to sleep in the den. He arranges it under the slope of a ravine, under fallen trees.

Brown bears are very smart and quick-witted animals. They are easy to train and achieve great success in this.

Guess whose shadow?

Game "Whose Cub"

Game "One - Many"

SQUIRREL Rodent, representative of the squirrel family. In the pre-war period it was the main commercial species. After the restoration of the sable population (its natural enemy), the number of Squirrels decreased and Squirrel harvesting in value terms is in second place. The total population in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is 6-25 million. Rodent, representative of the squirrel family. In the pre-war period it was the main commercial species. After the restoration of the sable population (its natural enemy), the number of Squirrels decreased and Squirrel harvesting in value terms is in second place. The total population in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is 6-25 million.

POLAR BEAR The largest predatory animal in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it inhabits the coast of the Arctic Ocean, penetrating the ice far from the shore. Listed in the Red Book. The largest predatory animal in the Krasnoyarsk Territory inhabits the coast of the Arctic Ocean, penetrating the ice far from the shore. Listed in the Red Book.

BELYAK The most numerous representative of the order of lagomorphs, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory it inhabits the entire forest zone and forest-tundra, the object of hunting. The most numerous representative of the order of lagomorphs, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory inhabits the entire forest zone and forest-tundra, the object of hunting.

Irbis, or snow leopard. Order Carnivores. Family Cats. Order Carnivores. Family Cats. Inhabits the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Inhabits the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is rare in the forest belt, mainly during vertical movements. The biology of the snow leopard in the Sayan Mountains has been very poorly studied. They feed on: Siberian mountain goats, roe deer, deer, snowcocks and partridges. There are known cases of attacks on small livestock. It is rare in the forest belt, mainly during vertical movements. The biology of the snow leopard in the Sayan Mountains has been very poorly studied. They feed on: Siberian mountain goats, roe deer, deer, snowcocks and partridges. There are known cases of attacks on small livestock.

The BROWN BEAR in the Krasnoyarsk Territory inhabits the entire forest zone. It can annoy hunters, ruining their huts and destroying food supplies. Connecting bears occasionally attack humans. Object of sport hunting. in the Krasnoyarsk Territory inhabits the entire forest zone. It can annoy hunters, ruining their huts and destroying food supplies. Connecting bears occasionally attack humans. Object of sport hunting.