
Bachelor's lunch. Bachelor's cuisine - quick and satisfying What can a bachelor cook for himself?

Who is a bachelor? A certain... living alone, alien to CONSTANT female company... washing his socks once every full moon (and shaving at the same time) male individual? Yes, that may be the case. However, this is also a person for whom regular cooking in the style of “Smak” by Andrei Makarevich or Borisa Burda is something fabulously unreal. Bachelors, as a rule, do not like to “bother” with food. The main thing is to get enough, while spending a minimum of energy, effort and time. And this is what our next bachelor recipes are about!

Hairy sausages

The recipe for this truly bachelor's dish is extremely simple, but the result looks disgusting. Yes, and it all turns out satisfying.

What to take

Spaghetti – it’s better to pack 900 g, so that there’s still some left for later

Sausages - quantity at your discretion (possibly with cheese)

What to do

We cut our sausages into “circles” 3.5 cm thick or even in half. Next, take the “spaghetti” and pierce each part of the sausage with as much of this pasta as the volume of the sausage allows. You can even “stick” up to 40 pieces. Next, we lower these “products” into water and cook until tender. Add salt to taste. If you're not impressed by the picture of your upcoming opus, then what is?

Pureeshka with fillet

One would be asking for “another beer”... but not about that yet. So, at full speed you rush home with the realization that the last piece of sausage as compensation for moral damage was carried away by cockroaches yesterday. There is nothing to satisfy your hunger... A simple recipe for a bachelor's dinner is just for such an occasion!

What to take

Potatoes - 1 kg or just enough for one time

Chicken breast - not to be confused with breast

Salt and spices should be at home “by default”.

What to do

Firstly, we forget about everything, allocating about 40 minutes for cooking. We turn on the music, to which we peel the potatoes, leaving them to cook after that. Now we “communicate” with the breast: first, wash it, dry it and cut it into small slices. Season with salt and pepper, add your favorite (maybe even the last ones in stock) spices. Place the fillet in a frying pan with sunflower oil and fry, stirring. Chop the onion. Having shed a stingy man's tear, put the peeled onion in a saucepan, add the fillet there and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Having “received” mashed potatoes from the finished potatoes (certainly everyone knows how to do this - drain the water and crush them), we can already feed ourselves to our loved one: potatoes - 70% of the space on the plate, fillets - 25%, the rest of the space can be filled with a cucumber or something else edible .

Spaghetti carbonara

And now a little “Apennines” on our bachelor menu. Let's try to join a certain dish of traditional Italian cuisine. Of course, everything is prepared simply. Italian men sometimes don’t like complexity either.

What to take

Spaghetti – 500 g is enough

Cream 10-20% fat – glass

Bacon – 250 g (brisket or loin will do)

Hard cheese – 100 g

Eggs and yolks – 2 pcs.

What to do

First of all, “chicken” the bacon into small and thin slices. Fry it in a frying pan with a drop of olive (!) oil. Just don’t be fanatical: don’t fry until crispy – you just need to render out the fat. Done? Then place the bacon along with the fat on a plate. Before you lose the desire to cook, quickly let the pasta cook and prepare the sauce. Grind the cheese on a fine grater, add cream, stir until smooth. Then “swell” the yolks and shake. Next - whole eggs, mix thoroughly. Pour sauce over bacon. The last chord: so that the sauce “reaches” on top of all this beauty, spoon freshly cooked spaghetti directly from the pan with two spoons. No rinsing or colander. Let the sauce thicken, leave the dish for about 10 minutes. Stirring finally, you get what the Italians call “Belissimo!”

Beef liver in sour cream

If you couldn’t “get along” with your liver, then let’s learn how to handle beef liver. Just an hour and the dish is ready!

What do you need

Beef liver – 1 kg

Sour cream 20% fat – 250 g

Bulbs – 1-2 pieces

Garlic – a few cloves

Greens - a small bunch

Vegetable oil (for frying).

What are we doing?

Cut the “cookie” into small cubes. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Chop the greens. Place the onion in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry it until golden brown and add pieces of liver. Cover with a lid, reduce the gas to low and leave for 20 minutes. Stir and leave to simmer for another 20 minutes. During this time, the liver will give juice. Pour sour cream into the pan, add herbs, pass the peeled garlic through a garlic press, add salt and pepper to taste. Then mix everything and leave to simmer over low heat under the lid for about 10 minutes. Be sure to eat it hot as an independent dish, or as a gravy for boiled potatoes or pasta. Eat, don't mess yourself up!

If you're tired of dumplings and Chinese noodles, it's time to put on an apron and get to the kitchen table. Moreover, we have collected dishes for you that are as simple as possible to prepare. And at the same time very tasty.

Vegetable stew from available ingredients

Any vegetables will go into the stew. Photo:

This dish is not only tasty, but also healthy. The good news is that you can put almost any vegetables in it.

What you will need:

You can put whatever you find in the refrigerator into the stew.

It would be better if they were:

  • Large onion - 1 pc.
  • medium carrots - 1 pc.
  • beets - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 7 pcs.
  • small zucchini - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.

How to cook:

All vegetables must be washed, peeled and cut: onions into half rings, carrots and beets into strips, tomatoes into slices, and the rest into cubes.

Heat a large frying pan, pour sunflower oil into the bottom, throw in onions and carrots. Sauté until the onions are translucent and the carrots are soft.

Then sequentially add beets, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, and potatoes to the pan. Let each new ingredient simmer for a few minutes before adding the next one. Do not forget to salt and pepper the dish, as well as stir it and add a small amount of water to the vegetables so that they do not burn.

When the potatoes become soft, remove the pan from the heat. Stew can be eaten as a separate dish, or used as a side dish for a piece of meat, for example.

First and second chicken

You can make two dishes at once from one chicken. Photo:

By buying a whole chicken at the store, you can kill two birds with one stone and forget about cooking for several days. Because we will teach you how to prepare both soup and main course from it.

What you will need:

  • Whole gutted chicken - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • milk - glass
  • eggs - a dozen
  • pasta - half a pack

How to cook:

Wash the chicken and cook in a large saucepan (this will take about 30 minutes after the water boils). Place the finished carcass on a plate and let it cool. Do not throw out the broth under any circumstances! This is the base for our soup.

While the chicken is cooling, cut the peeled carrots into strips, potatoes into cubes, and finely chop the onion. Fry the onions and carrots in a small amount of vegetable oil.

Now cut the chicken into small pieces. Place approximately a third of the meat back into the broth, add the potatoes there and place the pan on the stove. After boiling, let it cook for 5 minutes, add salt to taste, throw half a pack of pasta into the boiling soup, as well as fried carrots and onions. Cook for another 8-10 minutes until the pasta is soft. Pepper it. You can throw in finely chopped greens - dill, parsley. The soup is ready.

Now it's time to tackle the remaining chicken. The meat should be placed in a baking dish or in a frying pan without a handle. Using a fork, beat the eggs with milk (add a pinch of salt) and pour the resulting mixture over the chicken pieces. Sprinkle chopped onions on top, add salt and pepper and bake in the oven. Once the egg mixture has hardened, the dish can be served.

Spaghetti carbonara

Just 20 minutes - and a popular Italian dish is on your table. Photo:

Despite the complex name, this delicious Italian dish is prepared very quickly and simply.

What you will need:

  • Spaghetti - pack 500 g.
  • cream from the store - 250 g pack.
  • bacon, brisket, loin or any other meat of your choice - 300 g.
  • hard cheese - 100 g.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.

How to cook:

Cut the meat into small slices and fry them in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Ideally, olive oil, but the usual sunflower oil will also work. Set the pan aside. We put water in a saucepan on the stove and, when it boils, add the spaghetti. The cooking time for spaghetti should be indicated on the package itself.

While they are cooking, prepare the sauce. To do this, grate the cheese on a fine grater and mix it with eggs and cream.

Drain the water from the spaghetti, place it in a frying pan on top of the bacon, pour the sauce on top and put everything on the stove for just a couple of minutes, stirring.

The dish is ready.

Potatoes with bacon

Potatoes and meat are the perfect combination for real men. Photo:

The most simple and very satisfying men's dish.

What you will need:

How to cook:

Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into large slices. Place in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and fry it on another stove in a frying pan in a small amount of vegetable oil. When it becomes transparent, add sliced ​​bacon to it, now fry everything together.

We check the potatoes, they should already be cooked. Drain the water from the pan, put our roast on the potatoes and stir. Sprinkle finely chopped dill on top. Potatoes with bacon are ready.

Dessert croutons

The basis of a delicious dessert is ordinary white bread. Photo:

“The need for invention is cunning,” says the famous proverb. Even if there is practically nothing in the refrigerator, you can prepare a delicious and satisfying dessert. There would be butter, tea, sugar and bread.

What you will need:

  • Butter or vegetable oil
  • loaf or white bread
  • a cup of strongly brewed tea
  • sugar

How to cook:

Gradually add sugar to a cup of tea. They poured it in - stirred it, added more - stirred it again. You should have a fairly thick sugar syrup.

Now heat the pan. You can use whatever oil you want. We are not at an appointment with a nutritionist. Slice the bread. Dip pieces of bread in tea syrup and fry until golden brown. A simple and surprisingly tasty dessert is ready.

What wouldn't hurt a single man to know? We are dying of hunger! You look neat, well done! Did you wash it yourself? Indeed?!! Or maybe you know how to cook? What are you saying, it can’t be!!! Will you tell me?

What to do if for some reason you want to eat? Yes, and I want to do it regularly, it should be noted. Here, since our man is lonely, there is no point in hoping that when he comes home from work, he will sit down at the table and immediately receive a delicious hot dinner. You need to take care of yourself.

No, no, I'm not arguing! Of course, you can use catering services. But first you need to think about your health, and finally - about your wallet. It is difficult to force me, on pain of death, to eat something if I don’t know exactly who prepared it, how and from what. It wasn’t always like this, and I think I’ll tell you my little secret.

So, a lonely man dreams of... having dinner, perhaps. Definitely, you shouldn’t bother with overly complex culinary recipes and all sorts of exotic products. You need to be simpler and cook from what you always have on hand. First of all, we discard any semi-finished products, such as bouillon cubes, instant soups and various kinds of powdered purees. A single man should be alive, healthy and strong! Therefore, we will turn our attention to products such as cereals. Rice, buckwheat, pearl barley are always on hand? And, therefore, almost everyone can cook soup or porridge! Potentially, you can turn to a cookbook and choose the most suitable recipe for today.

Here are some little tricks It really wouldn’t hurt to know about the same cereals:

Let's say you want buckwheat porridge. Tasty, aromatic, so that it is crumbly. The only trick is that you shouldn’t stir it while cooking! Then she will be the way you saw her in your dreams. To prevent the same porridge from burning during cooking, you need to do this. As soon as the water in the saucepan with the cereal boils, this saucepan needs to be placed in another, larger size and with already boiling water. Such porridge will not only not burn, but will also have a “delicious” name - “steamed buckwheat porridge”!

There are also tricks with rice. Let's start with storage. The most convenient way to store it is in a transparent glass jar, in which you need to place one pod of hot pepper. Pepper helps protect rice from the appearance of foreign insects. When cooking rice, you do not need to stir it with a spoon. Only periodic shaking of the pan in which it is cooked is allowed.

Rice tastes best only if it is steamed rather than boiled in water. It is cooked in a canvas bag, which must be placed over a pan of boiling water. The finished rice is washed off under running cold water. Rice porridge will acquire a truly royal taste if you add egg whites beaten with a fork before eating. Rice can also be used slightly for other purposes. Let's assume that you managed to over-salt your soup. I personally don’t see any harm in this. Just add a handful of rice to the soup and the first thing will become quite edible!

I don’t understand people who don’t like pearl barley. It is possible that for men it is somehow connected with military service. But I think everything happens out of ignorance. Pearl barley is quite a valuable, “correct” product! Of course, you can cook soup with it, but it will be blue. What's the appetite here?!! But to prevent this from happening, you just need to cook the soup separately, and the barley separately, and when the cereal is almost cooked, put it in a saucepan with the soup.

Eggs are a self-evident dish that is certainly included in the diet of a single man. They can be boiled or fried. Scrambled eggs go wonderfully with any porridge, and a hard-boiled egg is cut into two or four pieces and placed in the soup. The same steep mixture can be used to prepare eggs with mayonnaise.

Bachelor's dinner

Recipes for lunch are also quite suitable for dinner. And in the evening there is more time to prepare something special. But if you are in a hurry because you didn’t manage to have lunch, and your stomach is rumbling and bubbling, then it is best to prepare porridge or salad.

Oatmeal, sir

Oatmeal, milk, sugar, butter, salt.

Pour boiling water over oatmeal for 5 minutes. Then add a glass of milk, salt, sugar to taste and cook for 5-7 minutes. Add butter to taste and mix. Ready.


Semolina 100 g, milk 1 l, sugar, salt.

Slowly add the cereal into the boiling milk, stirring continuously. Add sugar and salt to taste. Once it thickens, add a small piece of butter and you're done.


Prodel buckwheat, milk, sugar, salt.

Fill the buckwheat with water so that its level is one centimeter higher than the grain. When it boils, add salt, sugar and milk. Cook for 10 minutes until tender, stirring occasionally.

Buckwheat porridge from kernels

Buckwheat, water, salt.

Fill the buckwheat with water (preferably hot) approximately 1:2 (2 parts water to 1 part cereal), add salt and place on low heat. As soon as the water has evaporated, the porridge is ready.

Barley porridge

A glass of barley, salt, sugar, 0.5 liters of milk, water.

We wash the cereal and put it in boiling water. When the porridge thickens, add salt and milk in parts. Cook while stirring and make sure it doesn't burn.

You can also have pancakes for dinner.

Pancakes are thin

3 eggs, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, a pinch of salt, 2.5 glasses of milk, 250 g of flour.

Beat the eggs with a whisk with sugar, salt and milk (0.5 cups). Add flour and remaining milk and mix well. You can bake.

Potato pancakes

5-6 large potatoes, 1 egg, salt.

Grate the potatoes on a fine grater, mix with the egg and salt and fry.

Salad isn't just for breakfast.
It is also perfect for dinner, thereby not overloading your digestion at night.

Cabbage salad with carrots

300 g cabbage, 1 carrot, 1 medium onion, mayonnaise.

Chop the cabbage and carrots, finely chop the onion and mix everything with mayonnaise.

Salad with canned fish

1 can of any canned fish in oil, a glass of rice, 3 eggs, 1 carrot, 3 potatoes, onions, mayonnaise.

Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs, peel. Cook the rice for ten minutes, then rinse with cold water. Finely chop the vegetables and eggs and add them to the rice. Mash the canned fish with a fork, add it along with the juice, mix with mayonnaise and add salt if necessary.

A very tasty dessert can be made from carrots
All you need to do is grate it on a fine grater, sprinkle a little sugar and mix. In a minute, the carrots will give juice and the vitamin dessert is ready.

When a woman lives alone, she does not need to start serious cooking - the little things she intercepts are enough. But when it comes to a man, you can’t get by with cottage cheese and chocolate, which means you need serious food - what to cook for lunch for a bachelor? In order for the meal to be not only hearty, but tasty, varied and even healthy - yes, this is possible - it is not necessary to be on duty at the stove.

It doesn’t matter who we are talking about, a man or a woman, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in nutrition is important, but for the stronger half, of course, the first component is much more important, regardless of physical activity.

If a man plays sports, then it is impossible to neglect proteins, so the emphasis in our menu will be on them. But let’s not forget about carbohydrates, because this is pure energy, which is so needed in the middle of the day. But it is better to choose fats of plant origin; unlike animal fats, they are very healthy, as they contain unsaturated fatty acids.

Now that we’ve sorted out the composition of the diet, let’s decide on the dishes! After all, if you need protein and vegetable fats, it is not at all necessary to fry eggs in olive oil every day.

On a day off, when you can spend a little time preparing lunch, we’ll rely on Italian pasta. It's hard to find a better all-inclusive option!

Pasta for a bachelor

First, let's prepare the famous carbonara - it's the easiest to make!


  • Spaghetti (feathers, butterflies or horns) – 400 g;
  • Bacon (brisket, loin) – 200 g;
  • Hard cheese – 80 g;
  • Egg – 3 pcs.;
  • Garlic – 1 clove;
  • Salt, spices (white and allspice, basil, thyme) - to taste.


  1. Bring a liter of salted water to a boil and boil the spaghetti al dente in it (they should be a little hard) - this way the pasta will turn out not only satisfying, but also healthy!
  2. In a frying pan with a small amount of olive oil (if not, use regular sunflower oil), first place thin slices of bacon, and then, after 2 - 3 minutes, chopped garlic. Stirring continuously, fry until golden, but no longer than 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the frying pan from the heat, put the pasta in it, beat in 1 yolk and mix a couple of eggs. Add the grated cheese, mix well again and serve!

As you can see, nothing complicated!

Let's prepare pasta with seafood in the same way.

  1. While the pasta is cooking, place 500 g of thawed and washed seafood in a frying pan. Simmer them until the liquid evaporates.
  2. Scald 2 tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and grate them directly into the frying pan with mussels and shrimp.
  3. Pepper, salt, add dry basil, chopped garlic and simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour in a glass of cream of any fat content, stir, simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes and add the pasta to the resulting sauce.

Mix, place on a plate and sprinkle with grated cheese. It turns out incredibly delicious!

You can cook spaghetti with chicken in the same way - just finely chop the not completely defrosted fillet, fry in oil with garlic.

After frying, pour in the cream and add grated cheese, mushrooms or minced meat. In this case, we will need not cream, but tomatoes or tomato paste.

There are countless options for an Italian dish for a bachelor's lunch, and cherry tomato salad with basil is a great addition.

We wash and cut 300 g of tomatoes into halves, “pluck” ½ a bunch of green and purple basil with our hands, add salt, sprinkle with balsamic vinegar, season with olive oil and you’re done!

If desired, you can also add lettuce leaves (arugula or iceberg) and diced feta cheese. This will make the taste richer.

Well, if we add slices of red fish, a few quarters of a boiled egg and corn to the salad, it will become a complete cold dish!

For bachelors who are accustomed to eating first thing for lunch, we offer recipes for quick and tasty soups.

The meat component can be varied as you like - hunting sausages, sausages and even smoked ribs or wings - all at our service!


  • Spikes – 250 g;
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Processed cheese – 300 g (or 3 packs);
  • Water (or broth) – 1.5 l;
  • Butter – 1 tbsp;
  • Greens – ½ bunch;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


  1. Place the chopped potatoes in boiling water or broth and, while they are boiling, peel and chop the onion and grate the carrots.
  2. In a frying pan, fry the bacon, cut into slices, until lightly browned, stirring continuously, and add them to the potatoes. In the same oil, bring the onions and carrots to a golden color and also add to the soup.
  3. Bring everything to a boil and, if the cheese is hard, cut it into cubes, if soft, spoon it into the soup. Cook until it is completely dissolved - 10 - 12 minutes. Turn off, pour into plates and sprinkle with herbs.

Serve with crackers or croutons.

When you want something exotic and unusual for lunch, let's cook shurpa. You've probably tried it in a variety of "catering" places, but it turns out much tastier at home!

  1. Instead of lamb, you can use beef. Cut 400 g of meat into small pieces, add salt, pepper and simmer in a deep bowl.
  2. After 15 - 20 minutes, send him one onion cut into half rings, then carrots cut into slices. Mix everything and after 5 - 7 minutes add 2 coarsely chopped peeled tomatoes to the meat.
  3. Simmer for 5-7 minutes and add 1 chopped bell pepper.
  4. Stirring, keep it for 3-4 minutes, and then lay out the potatoes cut into quarters (3 pieces), fill everything with water to 2 fingers.
  5. Add some salt, add a couple of allspice peas, a whole clove of garlic and a bunch of cilantro or parsley (you don’t have to untie it, since the greens are needed for taste - we’ll get them later).

We simmer everything until the potatoes are ready, then take out the greens and pour them into plates! An incredibly simple and equally satisfying and tasty dish is ready!

Chicken noodles are even easier and faster to prepare.

  • Fill the leg with 2 liters of water, bring to a boil and add the whole carrot onion, bay leaf and allspice, and salt.
  • Cook until the meat begins to separate from the bones - approximately 30 - 35 minutes.
  • We catch the chicken and vegetables and add the noodles.
  • After 5-7 minutes, after it boils, if desired, send back the boiled carrots cut into slices (discard the onion) and chopped meat.

Bring to a boil, turn off. Serve with sour cream and chopped herbs.

Well, when you have both the first and the second, it’s time to think about dessert! Perhaps you are one of those people who considers lunch without tasty treats a waste of space in your stomach. Let's make a simple cottage cheese casserole - quick and easy, and, most importantly, sweet and even healthy!

  1. Mix half a kilo of cottage cheese with 100 g of sugar, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. butter, 100 g semolina and ¼ cup milk.
  2. Beat with a mixer or stir directly with a spoon. You can leave the mixture to brew (the cereal should swell), or you can bake it right away.
  3. Grease a small baking dish with butter, fill it with curd mass and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C until golden brown. Approximately 30 – 35 minutes.

Let the finished casserole cool and serve with sour cream or berries.

Of course, you can add any dried fruits to the curd mass, from raisins to dates or dried bananas. Just remember that large ones need to be cut, those that are too dry need to be soaked in advance, and if we add very sweet ones, reduce the amount of sugar in the dough.

But what to cook for lunch for a bachelor in case of acute lack of time, because what we have described requires at least one free hour.


We offer all kinds of egg lunch options, as well as all kinds of additions and spreads for toast.

From tuna

Let's prepare tuna curd pate in advance: mix soft cottage cheese without lumps and a can of canned fish in equal proportions. Salt, pepper, add dry herbs and beat with a blender or bring until smooth with a spoon.

We transfer everything into a container and use it as needed, spreading it on rosy hot toast.

From canned beans

You can also make a paste from canned beans: chop them with herbs and cheese, and pepper. The proportions can be any, depending on taste preferences. Place tomato slices and slices of cheese or ham on top of the pate.

Spread toast can be turned into a complete meal by topping it with two separately fried eggs. Together with an oatmeal-banana smoothie, they will help you last until dinner.


For a smoothie, put 1 banana, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, a spoonful of honey and a glass of natural yogurt or milk into a blender. Beat everything until smooth - a dense and healthy dessert is ready!

A bachelor's dinner can be very tasty and healthy regardless of the time spent preparing it, friends! The main thing is to try to cook something new and interesting! Let's try and enjoy!

There are many arguments in favor of cooking for yourself. First of all, this is your Declaration of Independence. You can cook whatever you want and the way only you like it, and no one (no one!) will dare to demand immediate cleaning of the traces of your crushing stay.

The second argument is the healthy way, you always know what exactly and how much you ate. Try to guess what those gray sausages you ate for dinner yesterday were made of. And where did they go before they fell into your unfortunate stomach?

Finally, by learning to indulge yourself with delicious calories, you'll end up on top when the time comes. And so on and so forth. Well, there are few arguments against cooking for yourself, just one - laziness. Are you lazy?

There is nothing difficult about salting in the kitchen. A cast iron frying pan and a good chef's knife are all your equipment. Choose a high-quality frying pan, because it will become your companion for a long time, becoming only better over time. As, indeed, the knife.

Get yourself a bottle of good olive oil, buy a large box of high-quality coarse salt, premium pasta and use all this wealth without sparing. Look for really excellent meat and cook it over a hot fire, not paying attention to the smell and splashes of fat. Love and pamper yourself before another contender for your tenderness appears in the house.

How to choose steak meat

Forget T-bones and rib-eyes. Here are three cuts of beef suitable for at-home steak experiments. You won’t spoil them when frying, even without much experience, and they are the right size - exactly enough for one of your dinners.

Or, more simply put, a steak from the shoulder part of an animal. Dense in texture, with thin streaks of fat.

“They are what give the meat its tenderness and rich flavor,” says Gabriel Denton. “It’s usually a fairly thin piece of meat, so when frying it, it’s easier to maintain the same temperature throughout the thickness.”

The most luxurious part of the carcass is the center of the tenderloin. And at the same time the leanest of all steaks. It has almost no marble veins, but it is the most tender meat that will melt in your mouth.

And the size is great - filet mignon is usually sold in 170-300g portions. Season it generously and you'll enhance the meatiness of the flavour.

Aka “butcher’s steak” or “machete”. A thin and delicate piece cut from the inside of the ribs. Costs less than filet mignon, and leftovers make a great salad or taco topping.

During frying, watch the “skirt” very closely so as not to end up with a wooden sole.

Chef's advice

“When I'm cooking for myself and I don't feel like inventing something, I just fry whatever vegetables I have and then put a scrambled egg on them. Easy and healthy.” - Matthew Accarino, executive chef at SPQR in San Francisco.

Master the fine art of transforming a piece of beef into a delicacy with the help of Greg and Gabrielle Denton, chefs of the Ox meat restaurant in Portland, America.

1. Warm up the frying pan
“Most home cooks don’t let the pan get hot enough,” decries Greg. Don't repeat their mistakes: hold your utensil over high heat for at least 2 minutes, then touch the bottom with your finger (no, better -) - if it sizzles like hell, the pan is ready. You can fry.

2. Rash salt
Use coarse salt and coarsely ground pepper - large grains will allow you to see how much seasoning you have already sprinkled on the meat and control the process. Season the meat generously with salt and pepper on both sides just before adding to the pan.

3. Check readiness
then turn it over. If you are planning to pour juice over the meat (see below for how) - now is the time. To assess final doneness, test the steak for elasticity. Poke your finger into it: the feeling from contact with a finished piece of medium-rare roast is the same as if you crushed the fleshy part of your palm with your finger, under your thumb.

4. Patience, just patience!
Resist the urge to plunge your fork into the meaty flesh as soon as you turn off the stove. “Always let the meat rest for a few minutes after cooking, so it will be more tender,” advises Gabriel. Trust her.

Self-dressing salad

“Chop ripe tomatoes into a bowl and drizzle them with olive oil. Tomato juice mixes with oil, and in the end, almost nothing will make a great dressing with sourness,” Gabriel Denton teaches us.

  • Embellish
    Add a handful of fresh chopped herbs such as parsley, basil or oregano to the tomatoes. The taste and color, as they say.
  • Reinforce
    Bring a glass of canned beans (without juice) into the company - white, thin-skinned cannellini beans are best.
  • Support
    Throw a good portion of your favorite variety of mustard, finely chopped shallot or chopped anchovies into a bowl to taste.

If you pour the juice that accumulates in the pan during frying over your meat, you will get a steak with a richer taste, with a beautiful and uniform crust.

1. Prepare a mixture - crushed garlic, sprigs of thyme/rosemary, peppercorns. Flipped the steak? Move it to the side of the pan farthest from you.

2. Tilt the pan slightly towards you so that all the juice collects on one side. Drop some butter and your flavor mixture into the liquid.

3. When the oil has completely melted, use a large spoon to quickly pour this juice over the steak. Repeat the ritual several times to soak the meat.

Spinach - it couldn't be simpler

There is no need to prepare the spinach side dish in a separate bowl. While your steak is resting before serving, drain some of the liquid from the frying pan (in particular, try to get rid of the fat), and add 100–150 g of washed and dried spinach leaves to the rest (if you bought them too large and tough, tear them with your hands). Simmer over medium heat until the leaves become limp and darkened, saturated with meat juices. Place on a plate with the steak.

Season it well

Do you want to make the right sandwich dressing with your own hands? There are three great options. Experiment with proportions, this is a dressing for you personally (but remember that mayonnaise is the base, take more of it). It’s simple to prepare: chop everything as much as possible, mix, cool.

"Russian gas station":

  • mayonnaise
  • ketchup
  • red cherry pepper
  • green onions
  • spices to taste

Special Big Mac Sauce (McDonald's Chef):

  • mayonnaise
  • pickles
  • yellow mustard
  • onion powder
  • garlic powder
  • white wine vinegar
  • paprika

Caesar sauce:

  • mayonnaise
  • Parmesan
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • Tabasco
  • garlic
  • anchovies
  • lemon juice

Build the world's best sandwich

Upgrade anyone's design with these fundamental techniques.

1. Don't spill the salt
“Any sandwich can be topped off with something salty,” says Carolyn Fidanza, co-owner of Brooklyn sandwich shop Saltie. “Finely chop olives, capers and, why be shy, anchovies, mix them into olive oil and spread on bread.”

2. Enhance the taste
Here's a secret trick - spicy pickled carrots and fiery sriracha sauce contrast perfectly with the more delicate details of your sandwich. Or learn from the Italians - mix red wine vinegar with olive oil and oregano and top it up on a sandwich.

3. Add crunch
A sandwich with no crunch is no more enjoyable than baby food. If your base is large chunks of soft, crustless bread, add some iceberg lettuce or even a sprinkle of broken up potato chips.

4. Think about bread
Buy some good bread, cut it into pieces and pop it in the toaster. To prevent the bun from becoming soggy during the cooking process, spread a little mayonnaise on the slice (its fat will block the penetration of liquid into the bread) and only then place the juicy parts of the filling in the center of the piece.

Meet "Ruben"

"Reuben" is a classic American sandwich with meat (corned beef or basturma), cheese and sauerkraut. Get a quick economical recipe from MH.

1. Do without basturma
Rub a piece of regular store-bought ham, turkey or roast meat with plenty of ground black pepper and coriander seeds. These seasonings will imitate the traditional taste of real basturma.

2. Brew the seasoning
The Ruben is supposed to be filled with “Russian gas station” (see details below), but you can easily make its super-fast analogue. Just mix a little fruit jelly or jam (any) into mayonnaise to get that salty-sweet taste you're looking for.

3. Fake cabbage
Don't have sauerkraut on hand? And God bless you, take iceberg or romaine lettuce, chop it thinly, mix with a teaspoon of lemon juice and salt. Let this composition sit for a couple of minutes until it looks like fermented cabbage.

4. Brown
Usually the cheese for the Reuben is grilled, but we’ll take the short route again. Place a non-stick frying pan over medium heat and quickly fry the sandwich on both sides in butter until the bun browns and the cheese begins to melt.

Home diner

Is a cardboard box of noodles or one delivered by a delivery service for a hell of a lot of money your best option for dinner? Don't be ridiculous, you can do this yourself. Simple, quick, and uses almost everything edible that is on hand. “Fried rice is a fertile haven for a wide variety of foods in your kitchen,” says Dale Talde, chef at Brooklyn restaurants Talde and Porc Slope.

1. Start with eggs

  • 2 eggs, beaten with a pinch of salt and pepper
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Pour oil onto a well-heated pan, pour in the eggs and swirl the pan, distributing them over the entire bottom. Let them fight. Place the egg pancake on a board, roll it up and cut into thin strips.

2. Release the scents

  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1–2 tsp. chili pepper flakes
  • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
  • 2 tsp. fresh ginger, finely chopped

Return the pan to high heat, add oil, and let it warm up slightly. Plop pepper, garlic and ginger into the pan. Fry for 45 seconds until the mixture begins to exude aroma.

3. Roast the vegetables

Take only 1½ cups, in any combination:

  • broccoli florets
  • cauliflower inflorescences
  • thinly sliced ​​kale
  • frozen peas
  • shredded white cabbage
  • frozen corn kernels
  • thinly sliced ​​carrots
  • chopped green beans

Stir the vegetables, transfer them to the pan with the aromatic mixture and fry until they are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

4. Add more protein

Just 1 glass each, choose what you want or find.

  • leftover cooked chicken or turkey breasts
  • Homemade sausages cut into slices for frying pork or chicken
  • peeled shrimp
  • ready-made roast beef from the store, tear into pieces

If you are cooking raw shrimp or cooked sausages, fry both for about 3-4 minutes. During this time, the shrimp will be cooked and the sausages will be sufficiently browned. If you are making dinner from other proteins, quickly fry them while stirring - 30-60 seconds, no more.

5. Let the rice mix in

  • cooked brown or white rice, ideally chilled and fluffy

Add the rice to the whites, stirring occasionally to break up any lumps. Fry until completely hot.

6. Final chord

  • ¼ tbsp. + 2 tbsp. l. lightly salted soy sauce
  • juice of 1 lemon or 1 tbsp. l. rice wine vinegar
  • some hot sauce like Sriracha or Cholula
  • 1 tsp. dark sesame oil

Return the sliced ​​eggs to the pan with the rice and stir. Gently stir in all new liquid ingredients. Transfer everything into a bowl.

7. Decorate the dish

  • roasted chopped peanuts
  • chopped green onions
  • bean sprouts
  • chopped cilantro
  • a little more hot sauce

Sprinkle some of this (or even all of it at once) on top of your rice and finally eat!