
Apple dream book meaning. Dream interpretation of eating an apple in a dream, why dream of eating an apple. Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

according to Freud's dream book

If in a dream you ate a juicy, ripe apple, it means, unfortunately, that your attempts to get closer are in vain. You would really like to meet a certain person who interests you, but he will not respond to your calls simply because he is inclined to have sexual relations with members of the same sex. Seeing wormy apples in a dream means your “other half” gives you serious concerns: it seems to you that he (or she) spends too much time outside the home, and this is not caused by career considerations. Don’t worry in vain - nothing bad threatens either you or your union, and if there was some kind of “left-sided” interest, then soon enough something will happen that will finally open the eyes of the “lost sheep” and everything will fall into place . Your partner will understand that there is nothing stronger than old love, and peace of mind can only be found in your own family, and not in casual relationships on the side. So your spouse will return to the bosom of the family, where you will welcome him with open arms. Shaking the apple tree so that apples fall from it to the ground means that in order for your partner to enjoy sex with you, you need to try hard. However, later, after you have shown everything you are capable of, you will see how good it was for the other person to be with you.

Why do you dream about an apple?

according to Vanga's dream book

The apple is a symbol of wisdom and reward. If you dreamed that you were picking apples from the branches, this means that under the influence of the events taking place around you, you will feel the need to comprehend the essence of earthly phenomena and you will communicate a lot with people and think, but you will understand only a small part, because everything around you is... God's creation and its incomprehensible mystery. Eating an apple in a dream means that in reality you will become wiser when you meet a person older than you. He will teach you a lot of what he knows, answer him only with kindness, otherwise you will bring disaster on your own head. If you dreamed of a wormy apple, it means that you will receive false information, and if you do not think through your further actions, you will lose. A dream in which you cut an apple into slices predicts a delusion for which you will pay.

Apple in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Seeing a large ripe apple in a dream is a sign that a great discovery will soon be made. Such a dream tells the dreamer that in the future he will receive respect from a large number of people. If you dreamed of a rotten apple, then such a dream means that the business you are doing will end unsuccessfully. Eating an apple in a dream means meeting a beautiful woman who will have a great influence on your destiny. Perhaps this dream indicates that in the future a woman will come to power in one of the states of the world, who will manage to make this state the most powerful in the whole world. If in a dream you saw a large number of apples, then in the future amazing fruits will be discovered that resemble apples in shape. These fruits will restore health and youth to people.

Seeing fruit in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases this symbol can be viewed through the prism of the concept of food. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances you dreamed about fruits. Have you offered fruit to someone, or, conversely, has someone offered fruit to you? Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is connected with its recent appearance in your real life?

I dreamed about fruits

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing fruits ripening among leaves in a dream usually predicts a prosperous future. Green fruits mean wasted efforts and rash actions. If a young woman eats a fruit in a dream, this foreshadows her moral decline and loss of inheritance. Eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable dream. Buying or selling fruits means large but unprofitable transactions. Seeing or eating a ripe fruit promises you uncertain luck and pleasure.

Apples... The source of health and longevity. The forbidden fruit, because of which, according to biblical legend, man was expelled from paradise.

You will learn further how to interpret a dream in which you saw apples.

Dream Interpretation Antonovka apples, large red, white filling, green, white, on a tree, take, pregnant, sort out

Dreaming of Antonovka apples foreshadows illness and failure.

Large and red apples symbolize your integrity and dream of fulfilling your cherished desires.

Apples of the White filling variety - for a fleeting romance.

Green apples are a dream warning. In real life, you risk incurring the wrath of your parents or people close to you.

White apples foretell success for the dreamer.

A dream in which you see apples hanging on a tree - in real life you should thoroughly think through all possible scenarios before making a final decision.

Taking apples is a favorable dream. You are able to “tempt” any person you like. The only caution is not to take the word “any” literally, but to be selective in your connections.

A pregnant woman dreams of apples for the birth of a baby endowed with good health.

Picking apples in a dream is a sign that you are a strong person and are able to learn useful lessons for yourself, even if circumstances are unfavorable for you.

Dream interpretation of apples in a dream, in a basket, stealing, in a bag, in water, boxes, bucket, rotten, collecting, cooking, giant, giving, donating, donating

If you dreamed of a full basket of apples, with patience and hard work, you can achieve what you want in reality.

Stealing apples is an event that will have a disastrous outcome. In the near future, avoid dating and do not get involved in dubious activities.

Apples in a bag - get ready to hear stunning news.

Apples in water are a sign of purity of intentions.

Apples placed in a box - you are overflowing with vital energy, but you cannot find a worthy use for it.

If you dreamed of a bucket of apples, monetary profit awaits you.

Rotten apples are a sign that you have ill-wishers and envious people.

Picking apples from the ground is a disappointment. There is a high probability of family quarrels and conflicts.

Cooking apples is for an upcoming joyful event. You are closer than ever to realizing your hopes and aspirations.

Giant apples dream of abundance. The same dream predicts extraordinary events and great discoveries.

If you were given an apple, it means that in real life you are expected to do something extraordinary.

A dream in which you are given an apple is a sign of your inexperience. In real life, you still have a lot to learn.

If you had a dream in which you are giving apples, then in reality you are generously sharing your experience and knowledge with others.

Why dream of eating apples, holding them in your hand, dividing them, sweet, ripe, on the ground, in winter, selling

Eating apples is a dream that predicts an exciting pastime.

Holding apples in your hands is a test of strength. You will be tempted.

Dividing apples is a dream that predicts separation for lovers.

Sweet apples dream of sensual pleasures.

Seeing ripe apples in a dream means your wishes are feasible and will soon come true.

Apples on the ground - you are surrounded by imaginary friends. Don't give in to their flattering persuasion.

Apples in winter are a dream, meaning that you will have to postpone the implementation of your plans for some time.

A dream in which apples are sold in real life is fraught with trouble for someone close to you.

If you dreamed of apples, eat, wash, soaked

Eating apples is a sign of prosperity. You are in anticipation of love and will experience this feeling in reality.

Washing apples is a dream warning. They are deceiving you or trying to deceive you.

Pickled apples are a dream that predicts that you will find yourself in an ambivalent situation, characterized by the saying: “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.”

Miller's apples dream book

According to Miller's dream book, apples are a symbol of friendship and love.

Dream Interpretation: small apples, on the table, in the snow, plucked, from a deceased person, cores, peeled, bitten, fall on the head (into the hands)

To dream about small apples means to endure undeserved insults.

Apples on the table - love and prosperity in the house.

If in a dream you see apples in the snow, then in real life you should slightly cool down your love fervor.

Picking apples is a dream that predicts pleasure and the fall from grace.

Taking apples from a deceased person is a sign of insincerity or fading of your feelings for your loved one.

Peeled apples are an unfavorable symbol for the dreamer. No matter how much you regret what you did.

A bitten or bitten apple is a sign that you are being misled. This same dream is a harbinger of quarrels with a loved one.

Apples falling on your head or directly into your hands is a favorable sign. You are on the threshold, if not of great discoveries, then of knowledge of the truth.

Dream interpretation apples cut, distribute, different varieties, dried, throw

Cutting or distributing, giving, giving away apples in a dream means parting with a loved one in real life.

Seeing apples of different varieties in a dream means instability in love relationships.

Dried apples - a meeting with a selfish person.

Throwing apples means getting into trouble.

Dream interpretation apple tree blossoming (blooming), tall

Seeing a tall apple tree in bloom in a dream is a very auspicious dream. You are full of hopes and grandiose plans that you can bring to life. A happy period of prosperity and love is coming for you.

Dream Interpretation Juno apples

According to Juno's dream book, anyone who sees apples in a dream will have a happy life. Luck will help you not only in love, but also at work.

Apples according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

In this dream book, apples are associated with various kinds of troubles.

Eating apples means disappointment, seeing them means trouble, picking them means illness.

The meaning of the dream of looking for golden apples

Golden apples are a symbol that you are destined for an enviable future. However, on the path to success and fame, you will have to change internally and externally - find yourself.

Islamic dream book apples

Apples in the Islamic dream book symbolize a craft that generates income. Dreaming of large and sweet apples is a sign of stable and high profits.

Muslim dream book apples

The one who saw and felt the aroma of (fragrant) apples in a dream will have a child who will glorify the name given to him at birth, says the Muslim dream book.

Apples in a dream according to Freud

Apples in Freud's dream book are interpreted as a sign of satiety in love.

Seeing a wormy apple is a dream that predicts bitter disappointment in your sexual partner.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena apples

According to Felomena’s dream book, dreaming of apples is a sign of a prosperous life filled with love and happiness.

Apples Vanga's dream book

According to Vanga's dream book, an apple is a sign of wisdom.

Eating an apple means successfully comprehending various sciences.

If they crumble and have worms, after which they become broken and you have to see a lot of these apples in a box or put them in your pocket, you should not plan anything for the near future, because the plans are not destined to come true.

Green pears, mountains of apples and they are yellow or you ate others, then interpretation of the dream online for free will promise you hope for success in your endeavors.

Picking yellow and green spoiled very large and beautiful apples on an apple tree in a dream means prosperity.

If they are visible and grapes, oranges, plums, worms, tomatoes, pomegranates, peaches are on the trees, or you are treated to them under the tree, then expect trouble at work or school.

Receiving or giving baked, grated or cut apples of paradise is a sign of receiving good news. If you have to break them, you can expect a rich harvest. Coward from a tree or steal to lead to family squabbles. If you have stolen fruit, berries or an Adam's apple, it is recommended not to make hasty decisions.

Wanting to peel black (black) or wormy, blue small apples, with which the garden is dotted in a dream, is a sign of pregnancy.

Seeing three (2-3) apples bitten, cut, fresh, rotten on a plate, grass, floor and biting into them is a sign of illness.

A core, one pink or purple apple means bright changes in your life. Eating (I eat) or drawing, folding, dropping, keeping in a bag, sack (bag), mesh apples is a sign of a change of place of residence. Shaking an apple tree, like seeing eyeballs, means unpleasant news.

Seeing slices (slices) of apples with a worm, the smell of which is extremely unpleasant, promises material problems.

Why apples are seen in dreams is explained by famous psychotherapists and clairvoyants based on observations of many people. Despite their different social status, age and profession, the consequences of the dream or the reasons for the appearance of an apple in a dream were the same.

A juicy ripe fruit sometimes appears so vividly in a dream that upon awakening you can still feel its heaviness in the palm of your hand or its taste if you managed to eat it. The dream evokes pleasant memories, but the story of Adam and Eve, whose life was radically changed by an apple, is a little disturbing. Different interpretations are possible depending on the color of the fruit and the general impression of what was seen.

Most dream interpreters are unanimous in the opinion that a dream about an apple tree with ripe, beautiful fruits means the fulfillment of cherished dreams. A person should immediately take action to achieve them, the time has come. Bad apples carry negativity regarding family, fans and current affairs. The harm can be neutralized, but you shouldn’t let the situation get worse.

Eating a ripe apple foretells a long, comfortable life. A mother who has such a dream does not have to worry about the financial situation of her children - they will be successful. Eastern sages also considered the dream to be successful. Soon the person will receive good news or a large income.

Admiration for red apples can represent a forbidden passion that the sleeper is ready to succumb to. Picking a fruit from a tree and biting into it shows an accomplished fact. The dreamer could not resist temptation, and the subconscious reflects his action in a biblical image.

The details of the dream are of great importance. In addition, for a man and a woman, a dream about an apple carries different meanings. From the point of view of interpreters, the explanation of dreams for a young girl, an expectant mother and an elderly lady are not the same.

For the stronger half, career plays a huge role in life, so the symbols seen are primarily interpreted based on the state of the business and current transactions.

According to Miller

Psychologist Gustav Miller advised enjoying sleep with large, ripe apples hanging on a tree. Good health and strong will of the sleeper cause such visions. A good sign is to shake the fruit off the tree. If the apples located at the very top fall, the man will reach incredible heights in his professional activities. The highest ambitions can come true.

Rotten or spoiled apples reveal the machinations of envious people. Apples lying on the ground carry the same warning. You should not take even a beautiful apple from the hands of an ill-wisher in a dream. In reality, he will try to deceive, covering his intentions with flattering words.

For women, an apple tree that blooms and bears fruit at the same time means a future pregnancy. Juicy fruits speak of cloudless happiness and a prosperous period of life.

According to Vanga

The clairvoyant called the apple a symbol of wisdom. The reward for picking a fruit from a tree in a dream will be an acquaintance with an authoritative, middle-aged man who is ready to help. You should listen carefully to his words and not commit rash actions, then success will await the sleeper.

Harvesting a rich harvest from apple trees in reality promises philosophical reflections on life and conversations with educated people. Vanga believed that not a single meeting on Earth is accidental and certain conclusions must be drawn depending on the character and mood of the other person. It is possible that a reassessment of past events will point the right direction to today's aspirations.

A wrinkled apple or cutting a fruit into slices indicates false information received and erroneous actions of the sleeper. It is worth once again sensibly weighing what is happening and changing tactics.

The psychiatrist saw the apple as a symbol of passion and sexual attraction. He explained why he dreams of an apple in a woman’s hands to her awareness of the unattainability of her lover. Perhaps he is not attracted to the fair sex at all.

Jealousy caused by the behavior of a spouse is represented by a dream with wormy fruits. The fact of betrayal may not yet have taken place, but the fears are not entirely unfounded.

Many ripe apples hanging on the branches show the sleeper's interest in sexual pleasures. Whether it is a forbidden fruit or an infatuation with an uncommitted partner, the sleeper’s thoughts are absorbed in it.

According to Velesov's dream book

The ancient Slavs believed that the god Veles sent dreams. In this way he warned people about upcoming events. For an unmarried girl, an apple seen in a dream promised quick matchmaking. The woman who stole the fetus should actually have expected pregnancy. Two fallen apples foreshadowed the appearance of twins. A fruit falling into a man’s hand spoke of receiving money or fulfilling his plans.

A dream where the sleeper picked up a wormy apple from the ground was considered bad. This was followed by illness or loss of some property. If the dreamer took a bite from a spoiled apple, in reality he was threatened with serious problems and troubles. Eating ripe fruit, on the contrary, led to a wedding and a happy marriage.

According to the Esoteric Dream Book

According to the Esoteric Dream Book, the dream showed the sleeping person the state of his soul. A sour, unripe apple meant immaturity and lack of plans for the future. The spoiled fruit reflected apathy and reluctance to find a way out of contradictory phenomena. A ripe apple spoke of the dreamer’s good health and good spirits.

If you remember a wormy apple, it is best to visit a doctor, since you have received a sign of a possible illness.

The most positive meaning and hope for good events came from a dream with beautiful, plump apples. Passion, health, profit - these are its main meanings. Anyone who saw rotten or unripe fruit should start to worry. Any contact with them or simply their presence in a dream did not bode well.

Nostradamus promised the one holding a red apple in his hands in a dream to meet a lovely lady. She will play a significant role in the fate of the sleeper. If such a dream was told by a representative of the church or a person of royal blood, the throne in the future could go to a woman.

A red apple indicates a reliable friendship that can help out in difficult circumstances. The larger the size of the fetus, the more the sleeper is respected and appreciated by others.

For both a man and a woman who are in love and dream of connecting their fate with the object of passion, a ripe apple promises a happy marriage. Only the dream books of Freud and Tsvetkov give a negative prediction. The latter believed that apples dream of ailments and troubles.

If a red fruit rolls on a plate, in real life the dreamer will be drawn into a whirlpool of events, and as a result someone’s secret will be revealed to him.

Yellow fruits

Why do you dream of yellow apples? They are not as bright as red ones, but the interpretation of their appearance retains a good meaning. Yellow fruits speak of hidden feelings that will soon become apparent. They predict marriage for young people, profit for businessmen, and additions to the family for married women. Sometimes eating apples means for a girl sadness from separation from her loved one due to a disagreement.

A golden apple lying in the dreamer’s palm is a wonderful omen. Luck, recognition and favor of fate are just around the corner.

A person thirsting for success and recognition must be patient if he sees green apples in a dream. Dreaming of picking an unripe fruit means problems will arise due to unnecessary haste. Sweet, despite the color of the apple, predicts positive changes that will come earlier than planned. A sour taste will lead to grief due to the fault of a friend.

An unripe apple that comes to the dreamer can warn of bad news. Most likely, you will receive a message about the illness of a distant relative.

Rotten Apples

Rotten apples in a dream give disappointing forecasts. Fruitless efforts, failures and losses will come to the dreamer after such a dream. He will have to work hard to eliminate the consequences of wrong actions.

Moreover, spoiled apples indicate the presence of ill-wishers. If among a mountain of ripe fruits there is one rotten one, someone surrounded by the sleeping person is trying to quarrel with the others.

Wormy apples

The meaning of a dream with wormy apples is even worse than with rotten ones. With a high probability, the dream reports illness or wrong actions that spoil brilliant endeavors.

Unjustified expenses and receiving false information are also possible. In reality, you should be more careful and prudent than usual. The sign has been received, you need to pay attention to it.

Actions with apples

It happens that you dream of not one, but many apples. The event foreshadowed by the fetus will seem to multiply, and the consequences of the dream will last longer. In dream books you can find out why you dream of a lot of apples, and take measures to weaken the bad omens.

Falling apples promise family quarrels. Bought and brought home, they promise enrichment. Often in a dream the sleeper picks or eats apples. These actions have different interpretations.

Pick apples

Harvesting in a dream will bring good luck and abundance in reality if the apples are ripe and beautiful. Green, sour fruits speak of unfinished business or abandoned projects. The sleeper remembers them, and they lie like a burden on his soul. Spoiled apples portend illness and loss.

A man picking red apples seeks to get rid of competitors, and he will succeed.

There are apples

For a woman, the dream indicates discord in the family and a quarrel with her significant other. Only making jam or marmalade from apples changes the meaning of the dream and promises good news.

For a man, apples dream of difficulties in making a deal, especially if he cuts them before eating them. If he is hungry but cannot reach the apple, his hopes will not come true. Strong and ripe fruits improve the meaning of sleep. They report success and receiving rewards.


A familiar fruit in fairy tales and legends becomes a secret weapon or a sign of victory in a competition. An example is Snow White and Paris. The apple contains many vitamins and microelements, so no one is surprised by the saying about “rejuvenating apples.” In paradise, this fruit gave wisdom and knowledge.

Taking into account all the interpretations of dreams, you will probably be able to let only good events into your life and avoid negative ones. After all, the dream warns of what is to come. It does not mean exact facts. Everyone has the power to confront problems and radically change their fate so that the “apple” symbol brings prosperity and longevity.

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Did you dream about eating an apple? Our dream book will help you figure out why such a plot is dreamed of, because there can be several interpretations. A vision in a dream foreshadows love, pleasant events, surprise, but also warns against too rash actions and gullibility.

Good omens

Dream books often interpret this fruit as a symbol of physical health, as well as sexual appetite. Therefore, eating an apple if it was ripe and beautiful in appearance in a dream can be interpreted as excellent health and satisfaction, pleasure with one’s beloved.

Why do you dream of picking apples from a tree and eating them? When they are ripe and juicy, the interpretation of the dream is favorable. There will be joy from the work done, communication, love relationships. Honey juicy fruits in a dream portend joy, a surprise from a loved one, an unexpected date.

Since dream books sometimes call these fruits a symbol of a love relationship, occasionally a young woman may dream of them as a sign of pregnancy. There is an opinion: if you taste the beautiful pink fruit, you will become pregnant with a girl.

The desire for new knowledge and change

Did you dream of picking an apple from a tree and eating it? Very soon the dreamer will have a need for new knowledge, to comprehend information, comprehend it, and communicate with people.

Also, picking them from an apple tree in a dream and trying them means a desire for pleasant changes. It seems that everything that is needed is available, but a certain component is missing for the model of relationships or quality of life that the sleeper imagines as the best.

Possible troubles

Why do you dream when they are soaked? The dream book indicates: in reality a dual situation is possible. The person has probably already found himself in a dubious situation.

I dreamed of eating apples, pears, peaches - in reality things will not go very well due to the receipt of unreliable information. Even if everything looks great, the situation will soon change for the worse.

Have you seen how you collect the crumbled ones? You hope in reality to receive something that is not available. Collecting and eating rotten ones is a warning in a dream about upcoming losses. You need to pay more attention to your affairs, and also be wary of overly tempting offers.

Beware of false information and hasty decisions

Why dream of eating an apple if it has worms? The dream book warns: some incorrect, false information may be received. After such a vision, you should plan your actions more carefully and analyze incoming information so as not to get into trouble.

To see that you are eating unripe, green food - one of your friends will be insincere. Also, eating green, according to the dream book, means: you are capable of making immature, hasty decisions. This approach needs to be reconsidered, because it does more harm than good.

Taste and appearance of the fruit

Remember its appearance, taste in a dream:

  • sweets - pleasant events await;
  • sour - you will learn sad news;
  • tasty - a happy marriage;
  • green - hard work, sadness ahead;
  • red - love relationships;
  • wormy - a hidden disease.

If a man dreams of eating a sweet, juicy apple, he will meet a beautiful girl who can have a great influence on his destiny. Delicious red promises him a violent passion. When it is wormy, the dream book warns: when the intensity of passions subsides, it turns out that the chosen one does not have a very good character.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing a lot of apples in a dream means quarrels and domestic squabbles. Eating an apple in a dream means grief due to discord in the family or in love. Boiled apples or jam in a dream foretell the imminent receipt of good news.

Picking ripe apples in a dream is a sign of pleasure and joy.

Picking green apples in a dream is a harbinger of grief due to your own haste.

A sour apple in a dream means grief over a loved one.

Dividing or cutting an apple in a dream foretells a divorce for lovers or disagreements with business partners. Worthy apples in a dream mean unfaithful friends or envious people who will do a lot of harm to you.

Admiring beautiful or unusually large ripe apples in a dream is a sign of seduction and forbidden pleasures. Trying such an apple in a dream foreshadows satisfaction, enjoyment of the forbidden fruit, unless the apple turns out to be sour, bitter, wormy, etc. Asking the price for apples you like in a dream is a harbinger of love passion, succumbing to which you can lose a lot. Biting into such an apple in a dream means that you are prone to frivolous actions and are capable of taking great risks to satisfy your own lust. See apple of paradise, garden, fruit.

Why do you dream of apples according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

If you dreamed of an apple, it is a symbol of wisdom and reward.

Picking apples from branches in a dream:
If you dreamed that you were picking apples from the branches, this means that under the influence of the events taking place around you, you will feel the need to comprehend the essence of earthly phenomena and you will communicate a lot with people and think, but you will understand only a small part, because everything around you is... God's creation and its incomprehensible mystery.

Gnawing an apple in a dream:
Eating an apple in a dream means that in reality you will become wiser when you meet a person older than you. He will teach you a lot of what he knows, answer him only with kindness, otherwise you will bring disaster on your own head.

If you dreamed of a wormy apple:
If you dreamed of a wormy apple, it means that you will receive false information and if you do not think through your further actions, you will lose.

Cutting an apple into slices in a dream:
A dream in which you cut an apple into slices predicts a delusion for which you will pay.

Why do you dream of apples according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of an apple, this is a sign of physical health and sexual appetite. Tearing ripe apples in a dream means you will have good luck in love. If you dreamed of a wormy, rotten apple, someone’s anger or envy will create problems for you. If you dreamed of a green, unripe apple - sexual problems, illness. If you dreamed of large red apples, it is a sign of good health. If you dreamed of small apples, this foreshadows an activity that is incompatible with your tastes and inclinations. Eating apples in a dream means you will help a friend. If you dreamed of a blooming apple tree, good news.

Why do you dream of apples according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a ripe apple - for single and unmarried people - for marriage; for family - to temptation from the outside; if you dreamed of an unripe apple - to losses; if you dreamed of a baked apple, it means deception; if you dreamed of a sweet apple - to fun; picking apples in a dream means striving for a high goal; picking apples in a dream and eating them right away means little profit; if the groom sees himself eating an apple in a dream, it means that he will soon be happy; see apples on a tree - you will make many friends; drinking apple juice in a dream means a short illness; eating sour apples in a dream - to love experiences; if you dreamed of slightly spoiled apples, your friend is being disingenuous with you; if you dreamed of spoiled, very rotten apples - be careful, you can get into trouble; receive or buy apples in a dream - all your troubles will be resolved and everything will return to normal; cutting apples in a dream means separation from a close friend or acquaintance; Picking apples in a dream means you will receive a lucrative offer.