
What is the name of a flower with striped leaves? The best types of climbing and hanging indoor plants in the home interior. Abutilon, indoor maple

An unusual flower with red leaves always looks advantageous against the background of standard crops with green foliage. On this page you can find out the name of the flower with red leaves and remember this information for later use.

When designing the phyto design of an apartment, office or home, you need to take into account not only the botanical characteristics of plants, but also the compatibility of the color scheme of leaf blades. An indoor flower with red leaves can be an excellent backdrop for arranging beautifully flowering or other decorative foliage crops. When choosing plants for a composition, it is also worth understanding that they should all belong to approximately the same group of requirements for organizing care. This will facilitate the organization of agricultural activities.

In some cases, there is a popular name for an indoor flower with red leaves, so you may know the plant under a different name. Here are the correct Latin names.

Look at the flowers with red leaves on the page: plants will allow you to collect in your collection exactly those specimens that will help you create unique compositions:

Cordyline - indoor decorative flower with long red leaves

Cordyline shrubby ( Cordyline fruticosa)

This is an indoor flower with long red leaves up to 50 cm in length with red or red and white stripes. Cordyline australis has dense green leaves without petioles, some varieties with reddish or white stripes. In both species, the leaves gradually dry out from below - this is how trunks are formed.

Family: Agavaceae (Agave).

Homeland: India, New Zealand.

Location: this one with red leaves likes light without direct sun, Cordyline australis prefers sun.

Temperature: for Cordyline fruticosa - warm, Cordyline australis - cool.

Air humidity: provide high humidity, spray more often.

Substrate: flower soil mixture; for Cordyline australis - with 1/3 sand.

Watering: Cordyline fruticosa - the soil should never dry out.

Feeding: once every 3 weeks, do not feed Cordyline australis in winter.

Transfer: if necessary.

Reproduction: seeds, apical and stem cuttings.

Pests, diseases: red tick

Important! Place Cordyline australis outside in partial shade in summer.

Look at this flower with red leaves in the photo, which illustrates its decorative capabilities:

Perennial flower with red leaves

Bloom's Coleus– perennial flower with red leaves in the middle

The velvety leaves with finely toothed edges can come in all colors from cream, green, pink and purple to fiery red. The patterns on them are as varied as the shapes. Almost exclusively garden forms and hybrids of Coleus Bloom are grown as indoor plants. This flower with red leaves in the middle blooms with inconspicuous blue flowers.

Look at this indoor flower with red leaves in the photo and remember the name of the crop:

Family: Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae).

Homeland: Tropical Asia and Africa.

Location: A perennial flower with red leaves prefers a sunny place, otherwise the leaves will not be beautifully colored.

Temperature: room, in winter not lower than 12 °C.

Air humidity: The warmer the room, the higher the air humidity should be.

Substrate: flower soil mixture.

Watering: Abundant in summer, more economical at low temperatures; do not allow the earthen clod to dry out.

Feeding: Weekly in summer.

Transfer: If necessary.

Reproduction of Coleus Bloom: Cuttings in water.

Pests, diseases: Red tick.

Important! The tops of the shoots are regularly broken off for more luxuriant growth. In the summer, expose the coleus to the air, but in damp and at the same time cold weather, bring it indoors.

Cryptanthus– home flower with red leaves

Cryptanthus acaulis has wavy red, pink or brownish leaves covered with gray scales in star-like rosettes. Cryptanthus bivittatus is characterized by wavy leaves with two white or pink longitudinal stripes.

Family: Bromeliaceae (Bromeliaceae).

Homeland of Cryptanthus: Brazil.

Location of home flower with red leaves: Semi-shaded, sunny in winter.

Temperature: Not lower than 18 °C. The earth must be warm.

Air humidity: Tolerates dry air, but prefers 60% humidity. Do not spray.

Substrate: Flower soil mixture with styrene chips or something else.

Watering: Economical - into the funnel.

Feeding: In summer, every 2 weeks with fertilizer of 50% concentration.

Transfer: If necessary.

Reproduction: Offspring are half the size of the mother plant.

Pests, diseases: Rarely.

Important! Cryptanthus should not be planted on a tree trunk as an epiphyte; it will die. Cryptanthus looks very attractive in the “bottle garden” and has a variety of uses.

Carefully! Contains substances that irritate the skin.

The name of the indoor flower with green-red leaves is Hypestes phyllospica

Only one species is cultivated as a houseplant, Hypestes phyllospica, but there are many varieties. With age, the indoor flower with green-red leaves becomes large, but bare. Olive-colored leaves usually have pink-red or white spots. Small side shoots grow from the leaf axils. A flower with green-red leaves has one name; it has no synonyms.

Hypestes usually cultivated as an annual.

Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthaceae).

Homeland: South Africa, Madagascar.

Location: Light, direct sun for several hours a day.

Temperature: Room, not lower than 15 °C.

Air humidity: High. Do not spray.

Substrate: Flower soil mixture.

Watering: In summer, maintain humidity, but not dampness; in winter, water less.

Feeding: Every 2 weeks, in winter once every 6 weeks.

Transfer: Rarely.

Reproduction: Seeds; cuttings in water.

Pests, diseases: Rarely.

Important! In summer, expose the hyposthes to the air in a place protected from the sun. The roots rot if the substrate is cold, so ampelous specimens are placed in a second pot with peat or styrene chips.

Irezine - a home flower with red-green leaves (with photo)


Not only is it a very unassuming flower with red and green leaves, but it is also a cheerful splash of fiery red among other species. Within a year, the young plant forms a dense bush about 30 cm high with soft stems and red leaves. The following types of home flower with red-green leaves are most often on sale: Herbst's iresine (Iresine herbstii) and Linden's iresine (Iresine lindenii).

Look at the flower with red-green leaves in the photo, where the crop is shown in a variety of floral compositions:

Family: Amaranthaceae (Amaranthaceae).

Homeland: South America.

Location: As light as possible. With a lack of light, the brightness of colors is lost.

Temperature: Room temperature is preferable, not lower than 15 °C.

Air humidity: Does not tolerate too dry air.

Substrate: Flower soil mixture.

Watering: Just maintain humidity.

Feeding: Every week in summer, once every 6 weeks in winter.

Transfer: Every year, young plants develop intensively, while old ones become unsightly.

Trimming: In young trees, trim the tops more often so that they grow bushier.

Reproduction: Cuttings in water.

Pests, diseases: Rarely.


Narrow sword-shaped leaves form a flat rosette. During flowering, the leaf color of most species clearly changes: in some the tips of the leaves become bright red (Neoregelia spectabilis), in others the leaves in the center of the rosette turn red (Neoregelia carolinae). The unusual beautiful color lasts for months. Plants are hung on trunks and cultivated as epiphytes.

Family: Bromeliaceae (Bromeliaceae).

Homeland of Neoregelia: Brazil.

Location: Bright, a little sun.

Temperature: Indoor, in winter also not lower than 18 °C.

Air humidity: Quite tall. Do not spray, provide artificial humidity.

Substrate: Low-fertility, peat with styrene chips, as for epiphytes.

Watering: Pour soft water into a funnel, keeping the substrate moist.

Feeding: Every 2 weeks with half the concentration, also in a funnel.

Transfer: Not required.

Reproduction: Offspring.

Pests, diseases: Rarely.

Important! Every 2 weeks, drain the old water from the funnel and add new water.

The name of an indoor flower with large red leaves is Nidularium.


A beautiful flower with large red leaves has the unusual name Nidularium. When the plant blooms, in the center of the rosette, 5-7 long, soft leaves turn from green to bright red. The coloring remains until (after a few months) the nidularium dies. During the flowering period, offspring are formed. Nidularium innocenti is an indoor flower with large red leaves with a metallic sheen on the underside. Some varieties have cream stripes on the leaves.

Nidularium purpurea (N. rigrigeum) forms straight rosettes of a brownish-red color.

Look at this large flower with red leaves in the photo, where the plant is shown at various periods of its development:

An evergreen plant in the form of a small shrub with ovate dark green leaves with serrate edges. The plant is popular in indoor culture due to its beautiful spike-shaped inflorescences of bright red color.


Alamanda is a climbing evergreen plant with leathery, ovate-lanceolate, opposite leaves and large yellow flowers collected in racemes. The leaves reach 15 cm in length and 4 cm in width.

Aloe vera is a plant that does not have a stem. The leaves are fleshy, feathery leaves that grow in a rosette form from the root collar of the plant. The leaves are fleshy, elongated and pointed at the end.

It differs from other types of mint in appearance. Pale yellow or white stripes on the leaves and a pleasant aroma place pineapple mint in the category of ornamental plants that can decorate the interior or become a decorative addition to compositions of fresh flowers.

Vigorous evergreen vine with 3 to 5 lobed or heart-shaped, elongated leaves. The leaves are hard, glossy, dark green, and depending on the variety, can be variegated.

Anectochilus versicolor is an evergreen plant. It is grown as an indoor plant because of its dark green leaves. The beautiful, velvety leaves are lined with red, making them very attractive even when not in bloom.

Aplenium nesting leaves are collected in a rosette and resemble a bird's nest. It has large, broad, spear-shaped, light green, shiny leaves. With good care, its leaves reach 60-100 cm.

The indoor aphelandra flower is known for its large leaves and beautiful lush flowers in the fall, when most other plants have finished blooming. Aphelandra flowers - large, spike-shaped inflorescences, yellow or golden, with bright red bracts, last for almost two months.

Begonia everflowering is a herbaceous plant reaching a height of 21 to 35 cm. There are dwarf varieties of ever-flowering begonia with a height of 8 - 20 cm. Begonia blooms with bright white, pink or carmine red flowers.

This is an evergreen, strongly branched shrub 0.5 - 1.5 m high. The leaves of the beloperone drip are simple, ovate, 3 to 8 cm long. The flowers of the plant are small white, surrounded by large spectacular bracts, collected in a herringbone pattern, pink or dark purple.

Brunfelsia latifolia rarely reaches 1 meter in height. A shrub with highly branched branches that grow from the base. Young shoots are light brown in color, the distance between internodes is 1 cm.

It is a thorny climbing evergreen shrub that can grow from 1 m to 5 m in natural conditions. Bougainvillea glabra is a beautiful plant that is grown for the colorful bracts that adorn the plant. Bougainvillea uses a support, but it can grow as a small tree.

It has decorative glossy, dense leaves of a dark green color when young, which lighten in the sun. Young shoots and leaves are dark brown in color; as they grow, they lighten and become green. Old shoots gradually become rusty, and the leaves become dull.

In floriculture, there is a technique in which a plant is forced to grow and bloom at unusual times.

Gardenia indoors comes from the madder family. Its homeland is South Africa, China and India. Gardenia grows as evergreen shrubs or small trees. About 250 species of gardenia are found in nature. As a houseplant, the most common is the jasmine gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides).

Hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae family. Homeland of Southeast Asia. Types of Chinese hibiscus, often called Chinese rose (Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis), are common in culture. Sometimes in the literature, this variety is called Chinese rose.

Ginura is known for its purple stems and velvety leaves. This is an evergreen herbaceous plant. Ginura has oval leaves with large teeth along the edges. The leaves are 5 – 7 cm long. The leaves and stems are covered with short, bright purple hairs, which become more vibrant if the plant is grown in full sun.

Gloxinia Gloxinia

These modern hybrids have brightly colored funnel-shaped flowers and very beautiful, large, flat, velvety dark green leaves. Flowers vary in color. Bell-shaped flowers 6 cm or more long.

An epiphytic herbaceous plant with large linear leaves that can reach a length of 60 cm. It has a characteristic rosette of leaves that form a central vase for water. A tall peduncle grows from the middle of the leaves, on which a white inflorescence appears in a bright red perianth.

Duranta belongs to the Verbenov family. Its homeland is the tropical forests of South America, India and Mexico. This is a shrub with elongated leaves and flowers of various colors - purple, blue, pink, white. In nature, there are about 36 species of duranta shrubs or small trees.

Herbaceous perennial plant with purple, gray-green, crimson leaves. The leaves are triangular, tripartite, medium in size. At night or in gloomy weather, the leaves curl up. Regnell's oxalis begins to bloom in the spring and continues to bloom throughout the summer.

Codiaeum variegata is an evergreen shrub that grows as a houseplant up to 1.8 m tall, has large thick, leathery shiny leaves located alternately on the branch. The leaves are 5 - 7 cm in length, in natural conditions they reach 30 cm.

Pavlovsky lemon is a variety of indoor lemons, bred by breeders for indoor growing. Lemon belongs to the rue family. Pavlovsky lemon is an evergreen compact tree. It blooms 2 times during the year.

Flycatcher is a plant that feeds on insects. Flycatcher, a plant that is a twisted tube growing directly from the root, at the end of which a yellow pitcher-shaped leaf opens. The height of the plant reaches more than 1 m, although more often it is a plant 50 cm high.

Indoor narcissus is a bulbous herbaceous plant. During the growth period, long leaves appear in the form of ribbons from the bulb. The flowers are solitary or collected in loose inflorescences located at the top of the stem. The perianth is white or yellow and consists of 6 petals.

Nidularium comes from the bromeliad family. His homeland is

tropical forests of Brazil. There are about 25 species in nature. In culture there are 2 types: Nidularium Innocentii and Nidularium bilbergiiformes.

Common oleander is a beautiful ornamental shrub. Description of common oleander

This is a plant with evergreen leaves, reminiscent of willow in shape. Oleander's attractive, fragrant flowers are similar to wild English roses. They can be simple and terry.

Lady's slipper orchid is a perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plant. Plant height is up to 50 cm. The leaves are large, oval, with up to 5 pieces on the stem. This unusual plant has flowers measuring more than 5 cm in the shape of an elegant shoe with long pointed bracts in yellow, red or burgundy.

The Dendrobium Nobile orchid has strong pseudobulb stems that grow to a height of 60–90 cm. Strap-shaped, long leaves on the pseudobulb remain for 2 years and dry out when flower buds appear. Flowers appear in spring or winter.

Miltonia orchid belongs to the genus of orchids. Such orchids grow in Ecuador, western Colombia, and Central America in the highlands. Miltonia is an epiphytic plant that lives in tropical forests with a humid climate. An oblong leaf up to 30 cm long grows from a pseudobulb.

The Kariota palm comes from the Arecaceae family, which is native to the tropics of Asia, Australia and Oceania.

The Caryota palm, or fishtail palm, is characterized by its leaf structure - with ragged edges and drooping fishtail leaves, giving it the appearance of a fish with a tail. At home, this tree usually does not exceed 1.5 meters.

Pandanus or Pandanus comes from the genus Pandanaceae. Pandanus requires a lot of space and looks impressive in a spacious room as a single plant. For those who like easy-to-maintain and fast-growing plants, pandanus is best.

This spectacular plant grows like a shrub, forming, almost without a petiole, a rosette of thick, ovoid, large leaves, for which it received its name translated from Greek. This slow-growing plant received its second name, moonstone, due to its leaves.

ROYAL PELARGONIA (Pelargonium x domesticum)

(Pelargonium x domesticum) translated means domestic pelargoniums or pelargoniums for growing at home, on the windowsill. Royal pelargonium differs from other related pelargoniums in its large flowers, collected in inflorescences, reaching 10-15 cm in diameter.

Pilea cadierei is a fast-growing perennial plant. It is often grown as a ground cover plant. Pilea Cadieu is valued for its decorative, showy leaves.

Miniature rose - a compact bush 25 - 40 cm high with reddish shoots and leaves when young and dark green adult leaves. Flowers up to 4 cm in diameter are single, double or simple, varying in color from white to light red.

Chamomile Indoor

This is a very fragrant plant with oblong leaves with a triple pinnate dissection. The flowers are white with yellow centers and bloom in July and August. The stems are erect, the height of the bush reaches 30 cm. Chamomile can be grown indoors all year round.

This is a herbaceous hanging plant with bright green large leaves up to 7–10 cm in length and light silver veins. There are hybrid plants with variegated leaves. The plant can reach sizes up to 3 – 4 m. In mid-spring the plant blooms.

It is a delicate species of creeping evergreen grass with succulent, bright green or yellow leaves and many tiny white flowers. Various varieties of soleirolia have golden, yellow, white and dark green leaves. The leaves are small circles with a diameter of 0.5 cm.

Streptocarpus flower (Streptocarpus x hibridus) is a perennial plant. Large dark green leaves with veins form a basal rosette. The leaves are oblong, 15 - 20 cm long, covered with hairs.

Plants were first grown in greenhouses or flowerpots during the time of the Great Geographical Discoveries. Almost all domestic crops originated in the homes of people from distant lands. Each of them requires a special approach: one needs shade, the other needs sun. Some fauna require abundant watering, while others prefer drought.

Contents of the catalog of indoor plants and flowers:

In order for flowers to please the gardener with lush blooms and beautiful greenery, you need to know the rules and master all the nuances of caring for crops.

Today, indoor flowers, the catalog with photographs and names of which is presented below in our article, pleases with its choice and variety, allowing each gardener to grow on the windowsill the plant most suitable for his taste and conditions.

The most beautiful blooming indoor flowers photos and names

In nature, there are many domestic crops grown on windowsills. This section presents flowers with bright inflorescences that do not stop blooming almost all year round.


Not a capricious houseplant that blooms all year round. Begonia blooms with lush inflorescences all year round. The flower loves light and is undemanding to soil and temperature conditions. In the summer it is taken out onto the loggia without harm to health. Transplanted by cuttings. To make the crop lush, it is pruned.


Thanks to its leaves, the home flower received the name “indoor maple” among gardeners. The plant is not whimsical; it requires constant, careful watering and good daylight. The best soil for flowers is deciduous humus with sand, turf, and mature manure. For abundant flowering, abuliton is fed with superphosphates and saltpeter. Will require pruning in spring. Propagated by cuttings.


A picky indoor shrub that grows in houses up to 2 m. It blooms from spring to autumn with large flowers of whitish, bright red, and pink colors. The plant is sun-loving. In summer it requires good watering. In winter, the culture is kept at a temperature of 16-17C. Propagated by cuttings. Suitable soil: humus/peat, turf, a little sand. In spring, the flower is pruned to form a bush shape.


The plant is divided into decorative deciduous crops and flowering ones. Blooms in light red, crimson, red. Loves light and thermometer division not lower than 18C, moderate watering. Flowers do not mind irrigation. They are planted by cuttings and cutting off the side stems. The substrate must be drained.


The indoor flower is characterized by dark green leaves. During flowering, a long stalk with yellow-orange buds is formed on it. The plant tolerates shade. With fertilizing, clivia will bloom even in a dark room. The crop is propagated by root “babies”, separating them from their parents and planting them in a substrate of sand, turf, or leaf soil.

Indoor roses

An ornamental plant that prefers plenty of light does not tolerate overheating. House flowers come in a variety of colors. After acquisition, the crop is immediately transplanted into nutrient soil. In favorable conditions, the rose blooms all year round with a short break.

The flower responds well to watering; it is important not to let the soil dry out. Feed indoor roses every two weeks. Prune the plant by removing faded buds, dry leaves and branches.


Blooms with bright exotic balls (dormant period November-February). The plant's homeland is South America. In total there are from 280 to 350 species. The essential oil of the flower kills harmful bacteria and helps purify the air in the house. The culture is not fussy to care for and loves light. Water pelargonium sparingly without over-watering. To prevent the flower from stretching, it is trimmed into a neat bush. Propagated by seeds and cuttings.


The most amazing indoor flower. Considered a succulent. Homeland is Madagascar, Australia, southern Africa. All are grown in pots. The plant is sun-loving. Temperatures for growing Kalanchoe in summer are 20-25C, in winter - 15-18C. Water the plant rarely, but abundantly. Feed with fertilizers for cacti. After flowering, prune. Reproduction occurs by seeds, cuttings, “babies”.


Another name for the flower is Uzambara violet. Refers to perennial herbaceous plants. Small exotic indoor flowers tolerate shade and are unpretentious. Blooms almost all year round. East Africa is considered the birthplace of the plant. Today, the originators have developed many varieties and types of flowers that differ in external characteristics. The best conditions for growing crops: temperature 16-24C, humidity 60-70%, no draft. Water the “queen of flowers” ​​moderately (you can put it in the tray of a flowerpot). Spraying is contraindicated. Propagated by small bushes.

Non-flowering indoor plants photos and names

Having looked at catalogs with photographs and names of indoor flowers, you will notice that all non-flowering plants look beautiful. They do not need to waste energy on flowering, forming buds and inflorescences. All their strength goes into decorativeness, filling the trunk, leaves, crown with strength.


The houseplant has a dense, woody trunk and fleshy green leaves. It is grown in the shade and in the sun, although it does not tolerate direct sun rays. Easy to care for. Does not require abundant watering or spraying. To make the leaves shine, they are wiped from dust. Another name for Crassula. According to Feng Shui, a home flower brings wealth and prosperity to the home.


The culture belongs to the Dracaena family. The flower is divided into two groups: tree-like and bush-like. Plants do not require abundant watering or spraying. The exception is the heating season. Dracaena leaves are narrow, saber-shaped, wide and long. In appearance, the indoor flower resembles a palm tree, but in fact, it has nothing to do with them.


House flowers of the araceae family. There are several varieties in nature. Some of the species produce flowers and fruits. Many gardeners value the plant for its bright and unusual leaves with silver veins inside. Therefore, for those who are interested in catalogs with photos and names of indoor plants and flowers, this is perfect. The culture grows slowly and does not require abundant sunlight. Does not require spraying, except during periods of increased dryness, that is, in winter.


Not a thriving culture. The plant is not too demanding to care for. It tolerates shady window sills. It is recommended to increase watering in the summer, and during the rest period, in winter it is reduced. Feed the indoor flower with fertilizers for fixings and standard mineral complexes. This is done from Vienna until mid-autumn.

Fact! Buddhists consider the plant to be a sacred plant. Also, those who dream of becoming a parent should buy ficus flowers. They say that culture contributes to the birth of a child.


Depending on the care and life expectancy, the flower can be in the form of a spreading bush or a small tree. Large umbrella leaves perfectly fill the air with ozone and decorate the room.

The plant does not like direct sunlight and grows well in the shade. Sometimes it is sprayed. The monstera is also wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust. The culture copes well with low temperatures. It is optimal to place the flower in a room with a temperature of 10-14C ​​in winter.

Weddel coconut

The shape of the indoor flower is a smaller copy of a real palm tree bearing coconuts. The culture grows slowly at home up to 1.5 m. The pot needs to be free for the comfort of the roots. The plant prefers light and warmth. It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight.


An expressive indoor plant that has become especially widespread in recent years. Some varieties have medicinal properties, but it is extremely prohibited to treat yourself, because the culture is toxic. People called it “elephant ears” because of its size and shape of the foliage. Tropical evergreen crop with large leaves (grow up to 70 cm). Depending on the species, the home flower has different leaf colors: copper-green, flowery with whitish spots, wavy edge with a silver edge.


Another name for the flower is “agagave.” The plant belongs to the medicinal succulent flowers that love sunlight. Recently, the fashion for this beautiful culture has returned. It does not need to be watered often, otherwise the roots will rot. It is best to place the plant on window sills or a glassed-in loggia. In winter, aloe is provided with artificial lighting, since it can lose its decorative effect by stretching uphill.


Perennial of the Airaceae family. Cereal and herbaceous varieties are available for sale. The plant's homeland is Japan, East Asia, where it grows in shallow water and swampy places.

The flower is characterized by narrow leaves collected in a bunch. The length of the leaves is 45 cm. The color and length of the leaves differ depending on the litter.

Poisonous indoor flowers and plants photos and names

This section of the catalog of indoor flowers and plants contains some household crops that are distinguished by their beauty combined with toxicity. To learn more about the representatives of the flora, their photographs and names, read our entire article.


People are sure that it drives away fears and bad dreams. It is often placed at the head of the bed. It is worth immediately noting that the flower is poisonous. Sometimes you come across information that the juice of the plant's root is dripped into the nose to treat sinusitis - this is a terrible mistake. The temperature may rise, the mucous membranes may burn, the throat may become sore, and breathing may become difficult. Toxic parts of the flower: root system, seeds, juice, causing decay, irritation of the dermis.

Amaryllis beauty

The houseplant has toxic bulbs. They contain galantisine alkaloid. In a small dosage, lycorin provokes expectoration, in a large dose it provokes vomiting. If a plant leaf bursts and releases juice, you need to treat your hands and do not rub your eyes.


An indoor flower can improve the air in a room. However, it cannot be placed in bedrooms. The plant sap is toxic, especially the stem sap. It provokes breathing problems, the digestion process, and provokes burns on the dermis. If there are flowers in the house, it is best to take care of it with gloves.


The plant is naturally beneficial. On the one hand, it acts as a disinfectant, relieves tension, pain due to sore throat, otitis media. But there are people who suffer from allergic reactions after smelling the smell of geranium. Also, homemade flower is extremely dangerous for pregnant women, young children, people suffering from low blood sugar and taking contraceptives.


The plants are not toxic, but only dangerous with their thorns. For example, the trichocereus cactus contains psychotropics, can cause paralysis of the central nervous system, its effect is similar to that of a semi-synthetic psychoactive substance from the lysergamide family.


Another name for indoor flower. The plant is picturesque, has lush whitish, pink, red inflorescences. In indoor flowers, only leaves containing a toxic substance - a glycoside - that causes poisoning are toxic. Azalea should not be kept in the bedroom. Place flowerpots with plants in places protected from “little brothers” and children.


A shrub similar to a liana. Belongs to the Araliaceae family. The leaves are dark green with a carved border, the stems are long and curved. The flower has toxic berries and leaves if ingested by the human body. Cats are particularly affected by ivy. They are attracted by the luscious greenery of the crop.


Belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. One of the famous, widespread flowers among gardeners due to its large leaves of unusual colors. The plant is toxic because of its seeds and juice. A toxic liquid appears when the leaves and stem are damaged.


Widespread indoor flower. Euphorbia looks like a small palm tree: dense green leaves are placed in a bunch at the top of a thick stem. The seeds and juice of the crop are poisonous. During transplantation, all precautions should be taken.


The plant grows in Europe and the USA. Belongs to the nightshade family. It smells great and blooms with bright lilac inflorescences.

All parts of the crop are poisonous. Particularly a lot of poison is contained in the seeds and fruits.

Bulbous indoor plants photos and names

The catalog presents indoor flowers with shoots in the form of bulbs. It is in them that plants accumulate useful substances. Many crops completely shed their leaves during the rest period. Most of the domestic flora representatives have beautiful and large flowers. Only a few are valued for their unusual leaf shape.


The culture grows in Africa. It grows in height up to 30-40 cm. It is distinguished by shaggy inflorescences. It blooms in red and beige, usually in spring and summer. From one bulb grows 2-6 leaves, fleshy or transversely leathery. At home, only hybrid species are found.


The flower grows up to 60 cm with large roots, bare plump stems, and mundane leaves. A peduncle with thick clusters of red, pink, yellow tones blooms in a cool room from January to March. The inflorescence is unique and showy. Depending on the conditions of detention, it can live from 1 to 5 years.


All varieties of indoor plants are fragrant. It grows 30-45 cm in length. The pedicels are soft orange, yellow, bright red, crimson, and whitish.


The home plant is distinguished by its unusual, original white buds, presented in the form of an umbrella, on which dozens of flowers are formed. The culture smells good. The plant is considered an unpretentious indoor flower. It is grown in different conditions (it will refuse to bloom in a dark room). In Greek, the name of the flower Hymenocallis means “beautiful film.” After looking at the photographs from the catalog, you will understand why it was called that.


This is a crop with thin stems that requires staking to a support. A dwarf houseplant rarely grows above 30 cm. The leaves are ovate. The legs are long. At their top, pedicels of soft yellow, red-green, purple, and crimson shades appear.


People call the flower “pineapple” because... its inflorescences look like an extraordinary fruit. The plant grows up to 70 cm in height, blooms only after 6-8 leaves appear. Peduncles look like small bells of a white-yellow or bur-green hue. In order for the crop to bloom vigorously, it is recommended to place it on the south side, darkening it from the direct rays of the sun.


Grows up to 20 cm. Has linear leaves, stems without leaves. On one pedicel, 2-10 flowers of different sizes and colors can form.

The flower is characterized by a delicate aroma. Grows both in a pot and in open ground.

Climbing indoor flowers photos and names

If you decide to get pets growing on the windowsill, but cannot decide on the choice, a catalog of indoor flowers with photographs and names will come to your aid. Having studied in detail the information about the flower you are interested in, you will be able to make the right choice.


A common, not capricious plant. It is a relative of the grapevine. The culture is characterized by green leaves with silvery dots. May be pink on the back. To prevent the shoots from breaking, they are hooked onto supports.


A climbing indoor plant that does not require special care. Grows in any conditions. The culture has green leaves with light spots. Heart-shaped leaves. Grows quickly, forming new stems. To make the shoots lush, the flower needs to be pinched.

Philodendron clinging

Characterized by green, heart-shaped leaves. The length can vary from 10 cm or more. The stems of the flower are thin and creeping. To make the philodendron bushy, it is staked and the stems are tied to a support. Some varieties of vines are similar to scindapsus, but there are no light stripes on the leaves. Young leaves are red on the reverse side.


As the name suggests, the flower belongs to the domestic vine. Leaves are scaly. They are distinguished by unusual pedicels. At home it can grow up to 3 m in length. During the fertile period it can bloom for several months. At this time, it is better not to move the plant so that it does not drop its buds and flowers.


Perennial crop. The indoor flower grows up to 8 m in height. The plant is characterized by strong stems covered with dense green glossy leaves. They may differ depending on the variety. The liana blooms thickly and for a long time. The size of the flowers varies, reaching up to 15 cm. The color of the inflorescences is white, pink, crimson, burgundy-lilac. Propagated from seeds.

climbing ivy

A climbing plant with beautiful leaves. It is attached to supports, decorating windows and empty surfaces in the house. Leaves can be patterned or plain. Thanks to the originators, hybrid ivy species with leaves of regular shape and color were developed.

Ampelous indoor plants and flowers photos and names

This catalog with photographs of indoor flowers contains crops that differ in appearance. They climb and their shoots often hang out of the pot. Therefore, plants are often grown in hanging flowerpots.


The plant belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family with unusual flowering. Australia is considered the birthplace of the culture. Translated from Latin, acalypha means "nettle" due to the similarity of the leaves. The flowers were popularly called “fox tail”. The leaves are presented in the form of an elongated oval hanging from the shoots. The inflorescences are interesting, purple-red in color. It can grow up to half a meter in length.

Another type of this plant has golden-purple, oval-shaped leaves up to 22 cm long. The inflorescences are small, up to eight centimeters, red.

Campanula (Bride and Groom)

The flower is very popular among gardeners. The plant received its romantic name because of its delicate flowers (blue, white, lilac). The culture is like bluebells. Today, many species are cultivated and used in indoor floriculture.


Groundcover, creeping perennial with red and soft stems. Belongs to the Gesneriev family. The plant's homeland is considered to be the shady forests of South America. Many hybrid varieties have been cultivated and grown indoors. Their length reaches two meters.

The leaves of the flower are oval green. Dark veins and a lot of fibers are visible on the upper part. Single inflorescences look like tubes with a velvet edging. Most often their color is white or with red spots. The length of the tube can grow up to 6 cm, the diameter of the flower is 2.5 cm.

Setcreasia purpurea

The evergreen perennial has succulent shoots up to 1 m. The indoor flower is characterized by broadly lanceolate leaves up to 10 cm in length. The front side of the leaves is violet-green; the reverse side is purple with edges. It blooms for a long time from mid-spring to late summer. The inflorescences are small pink-purple with three petals, collected in miniature inflorescences at the ends of the shoots.

Neoalsomitra sarcophylla

Evergreen indoor plant. Perennial. The flower is spherical in shape, up to 15 cm in diameter. Shoots with tendrils grow up to 4 m. The tendrils twist into a spiral, while their tips bifurcate and have suction cups. With their help, the plant clings to the support. The leaves are oval, smooth. The flowers are unisexual, cream or cream-green. Female types are solitary, male types are part of small inflorescences.

Decorative indoor flower. Representative of the Basellaceae. It is found naturally in the USA, India, New Guinea, Africa and the Pacific Islands. Another name for the domestic flower is “Malabar spinach”.

Basella is a warm-loving vine. The leaves are ovate or heart-shaped with a sharp tip. They grow up to 12 cm. The foliage has a delicate aroma.

Unpretentious indoor plants and flowers photos and names

Among gardeners, indoor plants that do not require special attention are quite popular. In nature there are more than a dozen of them. They adapt well to home growing conditions. They do not require special care skills. You don't need to spend a lot of time taking care of your mini garden. You decide on your own which plants are most suitable for your life.

If you want to choose an indoor flower from our catalog that will delight you with abundant flowering all year round and even in winter, then we suggest you read the article to the end and find out which flowering or ornamental plants that are easy to care for are best grown at home.

House flowers of the madder family. In its natural environment it is found in India, Japan, and China. Today, up to 250 varieties of the plant are known. A lush shrub 50 cm high, covered with large white, double flowers similar to roses with a pleasant aroma. The leaves are shiny and dark green. The plant belongs to those species that bloom even with a lack of sunlight. The crop blooms from July to October.


The flower resembles a violet. The main difference is heat-lovingness and unpretentiousness. Saintpaulia is a small shrub with lush leaves and large flowers. The beautiful leaves are covered with villi. With their help, she perfectly tolerates lack of water.


The house plant is a palm tree. It grows slowly. Excellent for growing in the shade. To make the flower lush and bright, you need to wash it in the shower and spray it on summer days. In addition, the sun’s rays are painful for the crop, so in hot weather they are darkened.


Indoor, shade-loving palm tree. It is highly decorative with proper care. In nature, there are 2 types of flowers: tall and low. Low-growing species are often grown indoors. Their height is up to 1.5 m. Moreover, the flower is compact, while tall varieties reach three meters.

Despite the fact that the plant quickly turns green in natural light, it is adversely affected by direct rays of the sun. It is optimal to place the flowerpot in partial shade. The flowerpot is occasionally turned to form the correct crown. The flower tolerates room temperature well; in the summer it is placed on the balcony. Watering remains a separate issue in growing crops. The soil should always be moist and should not be allowed to dry out or become overly moist.


An evergreen vine with unusually shaped leaves. Its flexible shoots are often used to decorate vertical surfaces in the house. The ability to grow in shady places makes the flower indispensable in interior decoration. But, despite this remarkable indicator, it is recommended to place the crop on a lighted windowsill. The plant is usually kept at room temperature, but with the arrival of winter it is better to send it to a cool place. During the growing season, the flower is provided with good watering, but overflow should not be allowed.


The indoor flower is not only considered the most beautiful due to its flowering, but also not whimsical. Any soil is suitable for the plant. In addition, begonia tolerates temperature changes well. But for lush flowering she will need sunlight. In summer, the plant is taken out to the balcony and left there overnight.


The home flower is popularly called. The culture has sharp leaves and sail-like white flowers. The plant is perfect for growing on the north side. You also need to provide moisture for the plant. Watering and irrigation are two components of a beautiful flowering crop. During the flowering period, all faded buds must be removed.

After studying photographs and looking at the types and names of indoor plants in the website catalog, a professional gardener or amateur can independently choose the most suitable flower for himself. Since each plant has different care requirements when grown at home.

If you don't have flowers in your home because you don't have the time or experience to care for them, choose low-maintenance plants to suit your tastes; Believe me, there are more than enough of them.


Heart-shaped philodendron is a robust ornamental plant that has been the most popular in indoor gardening for many years. It has heart-shaped leaves and adapts well to low light. Philodendron grows very beautifully along the edges of bookshelves or other furniture.
Pros: When tied to a moss tube or root plate, the philodendron takes on the shape of a green tower.
Name: Philodendron hederaceum oxycardium
Size: 2-3 m length of a creeping or tied plant
Important: All parts of this plant are highly poisonous and may cause irritation to the lips, tongue or throat if the leaves are chewed by children or animals.

Mother-in-law's tongue

This unpretentious flower does not require special care. It is ideal for novice gardeners who have only dealt with artificial plants made of plastic. All varieties of mother-in-law's tongue tolerate a lack of light well, but still prefer bright lighting. Do not water this plant too much or root rot may occur.
Pros: The plant is very unpretentious and has beautiful, sword-shaped leaves.
Name: Sansevieria trifasciata "Laurentia"
Growing conditions: Low or bright light; temperature 15-26 C; let the soil dry out between waterings.
Size: up to 1.2 m in length and width
Important: May cause irritation on sensitive skin.

corn palm

Do not confuse it with a vegetable with a similar name. This beautiful plant has bright, straight leaves that seem to stretch out into a palm tree. Plant several corn palms in one large container for a dramatic indoor display.
Pros: Colorful yellow-green striped leaves on a straight trunk.
Name: Dracaena fragrans "Massangeana"

Important: Poisonous to dogs.

English ivy

In most cases, English ivy is known as a trailing plant. For a decorative effect, place a pot of ivy on the edge of a fireplace or on a bookshelf with the stems hanging down. Try pruning the plant to give it shape. English ivy is very easy to propagate: just cut off a 10-centimeter piece of the stem, tear off the leaves from below and plant in moist soil. If you don’t forget to water the seedling, it will take root within a few weeks.
A little tip: The plant is often damaged by red mite. To repel it, rinse the ivy periodically in the shower or in a room temperature bath.
Pros: This is a hardy climbing plant with dark green variegated leaves.
Name: Hedera helix
Growing conditions: Medium or bright light, temperature 12-23 C, even watering.
Size: 1.8 m length of creeping or tied plant
Important: All parts of English ivy are poisonous, so make sure children and animals do not chew it.


Peperomia are a group of diverse small houseplants with waxy leaves. Red-edged peperomia has broad, cream-colored leaves. Well known are wavy peperomia, watermelon peperomia, baby doll peperomia and silver leaf peperomia.
Pros: Peperomia's waxy, colorful leaves fill the room with color, and the plant itself doesn't take up much space.
Name: Peperomia spp.
Growing Conditions: Medium to bright light, temperature 15-23 C, allow soil to dry out between waterings
Size: Up to 30 cm in height and width.
Important: The plant is poisonous to dogs and cats.

This plant, like its name, is very impressive. It has tufts of long, narrow, dark green leaves and red-edged, woody gray stems. The Tricolor variety is distinguished by pinkish-cream edges on the leaves, which is why it is also called the rainbow plant.
Pros: Herbaceous leaves on tall stems give dracaena a festive look.
Name: Dracaena marginata.
Growing Conditions: Medium to bright light, temperature 18-23 C, allow soil to dry out between waterings
Size: Up to 3 m long and 0.6 m wide.
Important: The plant is poisonous to dogs.

Ficus (rubber tree)

The old-fashioned classic plant gets its second name from the sticky, milky sap that exudes when cut. It grows quite tall, but by cutting long stems you can control its growth and even turn the rubber tree into a bush.
Pros: The large, dark green leaves of ficus are very pretty. The older the ficus, the larger its leaves. This creates a wonderful decorative effect.
Name: Ficus elastica
Growing conditions: Medium to bright light, temperature 15-26 C, allow soil to dry out between waterings
Size: Up to 2.4 m high and 1.2 m wide.
Important: Ficus sap may cause irritation on sensitive skin.

This bush tolerates semi-darkness, but its leaves acquire the brightest color in good light. They shine in shades of gold, pink and orange in the sun. Rinse croton leaves occasionally to maintain their shiny appearance.
Pros: Sturdy leaves in beautiful colors.
Name: Codiaeum variegatum pictum.
Size: Up to 1.2 m in height and 0.9 m in width.
Important: This plant is poisonous and therefore dangerous for children and animals.


One of the most common and unpretentious indoor plants, syngonium has arrow-shaped leaves of a pronounced shape (hence another of its names - arrow-shaped syngonium). Unlike many other plants, Syngonium has many species and varieties. Most of them are distinguished by bright leaves. Depending on the species, the leaves may be green with white markings or bronze-green with a pink tint. Young plants begin to curl over time, so take care of an artificial trunk or hanging planter for them.
Pros: The colorful leaves allow you to brightly decorate every corner of your home.
Name: Syngonium podophyllum
Growing conditions: Low or bright lighting, temperature 15-23 C, even watering.

jade tree

If you always forget to water your plants, the jade tree is made for you. It goes well with cacti. During the growing season, the jade tree prefers room temperature, but it will grow better if you keep it in a cool place and give it enough moisture to prevent the leaves from drying out in winter.
Pros: An unpretentious tree plant with interesting twisted branches and fleshy leaves.
Name: Crassula ovata.
Growing conditions: Bright light, temperature 18-23 C (12 C in winter), keep the soil dry
Size: Up to 3 m high and 0.6 m wide

Goya, or wax tree, is distinguished by waxy leaves and pink, waxy-scented flowers. Golden Goya has cream-colored leaves. Goya can curl, form a topiary, or simply look good in a flowerpot.
Pros: Goya has beautiful flowers (often with a strong scent). This is not a very water-loving plant, so don't be upset if you suddenly forget to water it.
Name: Hoya carnosa
Growing conditions: Medium to bright light, temperature 12-23 C, allow soil to dry out between waterings
Size: Can curl up to 1.2 m in length.

Norfolk pine

The secret to the health of Norfolk pine is rich light and humidity. In low light, the lower tiers of leaves may turn yellow and fall off. When the room is dry, the plant becomes a tasty morsel for red mites.
Pros: Ideal tree for Christmas or other holidays. In addition, it brings a unique cozy atmosphere to the house.
Name: Araucaria heterophylla.
Growing conditions: Bright light, temperature 15-23 C, let the soil dry out between waterings.
Size: Up to 3 m high and 1.5 m wide


Also known as pothos or devil's ivy, this hardy climbing plant is often confused with heartleaf philodendron. Like philadendron, pothos has heart-shaped leaves and can be grown in a pot on the table, in a hanging basket or tied to an artificial trunk. This plant does not require a lot of light, but the more light there is, the more colorful the leaves will be.
Pros: Devil's ivy is one of the most practical house plants. It looks great in a hanging basket.
Name: Epipremnum aureum "Marble Queen"
Growing conditions: Away from direct sunlight; temperature 18-23 C; the soil is relatively dry.
Size: creeping plant 2-3 meters long.
Important: All parts of this plant are poisonous and may cause irritation to the lips, tongue, or throat if children or animals chew the leaves.

Boston fern

The lacy, arrow-shaped leaves of the Boston fern make it an ideal plant for planting in a pot or planter. However, don't let this delicate-looking plant fool you: it can grow for decades if you remember to water it and keep it in a moderately lit room with moderate humidity. The Dallas variety is more unpretentious to dry air.
Pros: Boston fern creates a classic look in any space. It goes well with country or country style.
Name: Nephrolepis exaltata
Size: Up to 1.2 m in height (length).

Green dracaena

Some varieties of green dracaena, such as 'Janet Craig', have strong green leaves. Others have white, cream, gold, or yellowish-green stripes on the leaves. All varieties have rosettes at the beginning of growth, but then become upright green plants. They tolerate low light well, but the leaves become more saturated in color in medium to bright light.
Pros: Long-lasting, unpretentious plant with beautiful leaves.
Name: Dracaena deremensis.
Size: Up to 3 m in height and 0.9 m in width.
Important: This plant is poisonous to dogs.


Surely you remember how your grandmother grew this plant; Chlorophytums were and remain very popular. Just look at the number of varieties - from those with simple green leaves to those decorated with cream or white stripes.
Pros: Growing chlorophytum does not require much trouble.
Name: Chlorophytum comosum
Growing conditions: Medium or bright light, temperature 15-23 C, even watering.
Size: Up to 30 cm in length and 60 cm in width.


It is also called an everlasting plant because Zamioculcas is durable and does not require much light or care. The petioles of the leaves of this plant are so thick that they can be mistaken for plastic. Zamioculcas grows slowly, so buy it already large. Trimmed stems remain green and healthy-looking for several weeks, even without water.
Pros: This plant is so unpretentious that you still have to try to get rid of it.
Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Growing conditions: Low to bright light, temperature 15-23 C, allow soil to dry out between waterings.
Size: 0.6-0.9 m in length and width.
Important: This plant is poisonous, so make sure that children and animals do not chew it.

grape ivy

"Ellen Danica" - a variety of grape ivy - is also called oakleaf because its leaves are more prominent than those of other varieties of this plant. Vine ivy is a climbing plant whose shoots readily take over a trellis or pole.
Pros: This is a great plant for neat hanging baskets.
Name: Cissus rhombifolia
Growing conditions: Average lighting, temperature 15-26 C, even watering.
Size: Up to 1.8 m long climbing plant.

Aspidistra (cast iron plant)

One of the most unpretentious plants, aspidistra can withstand lack of care, light, humidity and a wide range of temperatures. It grows slowly, so buy a plant that is already large enough.
Pros: This plant truly lives up to its name. It is very durable.
Name: Aspidistra elatior.
Growing conditions: Little light, temperature 7-29 C, moisten the soil well during active growth, lightly moisten the soil in autumn and winter.
Size: Up to 60 cm in length and width.

Also known as the "umbrella tree," this plant has glossy green leaves that spread out in different directions to resemble the spokes of an umbrella. A close relative of the shefflera, the dwarf shefflera, has shorter and smaller leaves. Both plants are sometimes classified as Brassaia species.
Pros: Schefflera's bright green leaves instantly create a tropical feel.
Name: Schefflera actinophylla
Growing conditions: Medium to bright light, temperature 15-23 C, moisten the soil evenly.
Size: Up to 2.4 m high and 1.8 m wide.

Chinese evergreen aglaonema

A plant with beautiful leaves in shades of silver, gray and green that will perfectly brighten dark areas in your home. Use aglaonema as a neighbor to upright tree-like houseplants or place a pot with it separately.
Pros: Very unpretentious plant.
Name: Aglaonema commutatum.
Growing conditions: Low to medium light, temperature 15-23 C, keep the soil evenly moist.
Size: Up to 0.9 m in length and width.
Important: All parts of this plant are poisonous and may cause irritation to the lips, tongue, or throat if the leaves are chewed by children or animals.

Ficus lyreformes

Ficus lyreata is a wonderful tree that gets its name from its dark green lyre-shaped leaves. It tolerates poor lighting well, although this may cause the lower leaves to fall off. If your Ficus lyreata is too tall, don't be afraid to trim it back to the desired height or remove shoots and plant them separately.
Name: Ficus lyrata
Growing conditions: Medium to bright light, temperature 18-23 C, allow soil to dry out between waterings.
Size: Up to 4.5 m in height and 1.5 m in width.


There are several varieties of Dieffenbachia. All of them are upright plants with white-green leaves. Grow one Dieffenbachia as a tree, or grow several plants together to form a bush. One of the names of Dieffenbachia, “silent rods,” comes from the toxic sap of the plant, which seems to numb the mouth and throat.
Pros: Dieffenbachia's large white-green leaves create a tropical look in any space. It is great for decorating balconies and loggias in the summer.
Name: Dieffenbachia spp.
Growing conditions: Low to medium light, temperature 15-26 C, keep the soil evenly moistened
Size: Up to 1.8 m in height and 0.9 m in width.
Important: All parts of this plant are poisonous and may cause irritation to the lips, tongue, or throat if the leaves are chewed by children or animals.
Plants for forgetful gardeners who forget to water.

Dracaena. Dracaena deremensis ‘Lemon Lime’

Kalanchoe. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana. Prefers bright light.

Haworthia fasciata

Palm Ponytail. Beaucarnea recurvata

Bunny ears cactus. Opuntia microdasys. Prefers bright light

Zamioculcas. Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Panda plant. Kalanchoe tomentosa. Prefers bright light

Euphorbia Milia, Beautiful Euphorbia (lat. Euphorbia milii)

Donkey tail. Morgan's sedum (Sedum morganianum) Prefers bright light, native to Mexico

Crassula atropurpurea

Beef tongue. Gasteria bicolor. Prefers bright light

golden barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii). Prefers bright light

Peperomia Peperomia griseoargentea

Sago Palm. Cycas, cycad (Cycas revoluta)

Look at what a flower with long leaves can look like in the photo, which shows representatives of different cultures:

Calamus (Acorus gramineus)

Family: Agaseae (Araceae).

Homeland of a flower with long narrow leaves: Japan, China, Thailand, India.

Temperature. Likes room temperature in summer, from 0 to 18 °C in winter.

Air humidity. No particular preference.

Substrate. Flower soil mixture with a slight addition of loam.

Watering. Place the pot in a tray with water.

Feeding. In spring and summer every 2 weeks, in winter every 6 weeks.

Transfer. If necessary.

Reproduction. By dividing the rhizome in the spring.

Pests, diseases. Rarely.

Important Air!- a marsh plant, it should never dry out!

Look at this flower with long narrow leaves in the photo and the name will be remembered by itself, since the appearance of the crop is very characteristic:

Aloe flower is a house plant with long, thick and spiny leaves.

Aloe variegata (tiger aloe)

Family: Liliaceae (Liliaceae).

Homeland: Africa.

Location This long-leaved houseplant must be sunny, in summer it is best to place it outdoors in a sheltered place.

Temperature. Indoor, requires coolness in winter.

Air humidity: a flower with thick long leaves easily tolerates dry air.

Substrate. Flower soil mixture with 1/3 sand.

Watering. Maintain moderate soil moisture; Water less in winter.

Feeding. In summer, apply fertilizer for cacti every 3 weeks.

Transfer. Mature plants should be replanted if necessary.

Reproduction. Side shoots, shoot cuttings or seeds.

Pests, diseases: Phylloxera.

Important! Avoid stagnant waterlogging. Place a layer of sand or perlite about 5 cm thick on the surface of the substrate - this will prevent the lower part of the stem from rotting.

Look at this indoor plant with long leaves in the photo, which shows mature and well-formed specimens:

Bokarneya - a flower with long, thin and narrow leaves (with photo)


Family. Agavaceae (Agave).

Homeland. Mexico.

Location. Sunny light.

Temperature. Warmth is necessary in summer; in winter, a period of rest should be provided at 10-15 °C.

Air humidity. Doesn't matter.

Substrate. Leaf soil mixture with the addition of loam and sand.

Watering. Humid in summer, dry in winter. Avoid stagnant waterlogging!

Feeding. In summer every 4 weeks.

Transfer. If necessary.

Reproduction. Side shoots, under a hood.

Pests, diseases. Scale insects.

Important! In summer, put it outside. Beaucarney can be grown in a tub.

Look at the flower with long narrow leaves in the photo, which demonstrates options for using the crop in indoor landscaping:

Caladium - a houseplant with long narrow leaves (with photo)


Family: Agaseae (Araceae).

Homeland: South America, especially the Amazon basin.

Location. Lots of light, but not direct sun.

Temperature. From 22 to 25 °C.

Air humidity. Must be maintained at 70%. It is recommended to spray long narrow leaves, but not to get on the buds.

Substrate. Flower soil mixture.

Watering. Daily. From September, water much less, the leaves dry out.

Feeding. Every week.

Transfer. Leave the tubers dry in the pot; from February you can transplant them into fresh soil.

Reproduction. By dividing the tubers.

Pests, diseases. Rarely.

Important! Do not wet the leaves.

Carefully! Contains substances that irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

Look at the plant with narrow long leaves in the photo, which illustrates different periods of its development:

Grevillea - house flowers with long leaves


Family: Proteaceae (Proteaceae).

Homeland: Australia.

Location. Very bright, only sunny in winter.

Temperature. Not too warm, up to 18°C ​​in winter.

Air humidity. Maintain high humidity in a warm room. Do not spray.

Substrate. Leaf soil mixture with loam.

Watering. Maintain constant soil moisture in summer; water more sparingly in winter.

Feeding. Every week in summer, do not feed in winter.

Transfer. If necessary; under certain conditions even 2 times a year.

Reproduction. Seeds or cuttings of shoots.

Pests, diseases. Red tick.

Important! In summer, expose to open air in partial shade. Does not tolerate lime in the substrate and in irrigation water. Large grevilleas are very good in the entryway next to the door, both indoors and outdoors.

Look at this plant with long leaves in the photo, which shows the various forms of its cultivation:

Howea - a flower with long green leaves

Howeia forsteriana

Family: Agesaceae (Palms).

Homeland: Australia.

Location. They can stand in a place that is not too bright, but feel better in a well-lit place without direct sun.

Temperature. Up to 25 °C, not lower than 15 °C.

Air humidity. Tolerates dry air.

Substrate. Flower soil mixture and 1/3 loam.

Watering. The soil should be moist.

Feeding. Every week in summer.

Transfer. If necessary.

Reproduction. Seeds.

Pests, diseases. Spider mites, aphids, heart rot (with stagnant waterlogging).

Important! In the summer, place outdoors, especially mature plants. Protect from midday sun. In winter, howea loves to shower, which also prevents the appearance of pests.


Family: Bromeliaceae (Bromeliaceae).

Homeland: Brazil.

Location. Bright, a little sun.

Temperature. Indoor, in winter also not lower than 18 °C.

Air humidity. Quite tall. Do not spray, provide artificial humidity.

Substrate. Low-fertility, peat with styrene chips, as for epiphytes.

Watering. Pour soft water into a funnel, keeping the substrate moist.

Feeding. Every 2 weeks with half the concentration, also in a funnel.

Transfer. Not required.

Reproduction. Offspring.

Pests, diseases. Rarely.

Important! Every 2 weeks, drain the old water from the funnel and add new water.


Family: Piperaceae (Pepper).

Homeland: East Asia, tropics.

Location. There is a lot of light, but not bright sun. Piper nigrum also thrives in the shade.

Temperature. From 8 to 23 °C, in winter - not lower than 10 °C.

Air humidity. At least 60%, Piper nigrum tolerates dry air.

Substrate. Flower soil mixture, compost and garden soil.

Watering. Softened water, do not allow to dry out.

Feeding. In summer every 2 weeks.

Transfer. Every spring.

Reproduction. By apical or shoot cuttings at high soil temperatures.

Pests, diseases. Rarely.

Important! It overwinters best in a heated greenhouse.


Family: Araliacea, (Araliaceae).

Homeland: Tropical Asia, Polynesia.

Location. Light or partial shade, no sun.

Temperature. Very warm, not lower than 18 °C.

Air humidity. High. Spray daily; provide artificial humidity.

Substrate. Flower soil mixture.

Watering. Only maintain humidity, does not tolerate dampness. Use soft water at room temperature.

Feeding. Every 2 weeks, in winter every 6 weeks.

Transfer. Every 2 years.

Reproduction. Cuttings at high soil temperatures.

Rapis - a palm tree with narrow long leaves


Family: Agesaceae (Palms).

Homeland: China, Japan.

Location: Light or shady, also sunny in winter.

Temperature. Room; in winter it is about 10 ° C, but it can winter in warm conditions.

Air humidity. Doesn't matter. It is recommended to spray the leaves occasionally.

Substrate. Flower soil mixture with 1/4 loam.

Watering. Abundant in summer, cool in winter, economical.

Feeding. Every 2 weeks in summer, in cool winter, do not fertilize.

Transfer. Every 2 years.

Reproduction. Seeds, root shoots.

Pests, diseases. Rarely.

Important! Protect from drafts. Rapis likes to stand in a shady place outside in the summer; Burns are possible in the sun.

Stenotafrum (St. Augustine herb) Stenotaphrum.

Family: Roaceae (Cereals).

Location. Lots of light, full sun.

Temperature. Not higher than 22 °C, cooler in winter, not lower than 10 °C.

Air humidity. Does not tolerate too dry indoor air.

Substrate. Flower soil mixture.

Watering. Do not allow to dry out completely, avoid stagnant waterlogging.

Feeding. Every 3 weeks, in winter every 8 weeks.

Transfer. Every spring.

Trimming. To make the plant grow bushier, it should be heavily pruned when replanting.

Reproduction. In parts of the shoots, roots grow from the nodes.

Pests, diseases. Red mite, thrips.

Important! The plant requires a spacious pot.

The easiest way to freeze corn is not to take it out of the leaves, but just stick it in the freezer. When you want corn, just take it out and heat it in the microwave for 5 minutes. The leaves protect the corn kernels so it tastes fresh.

All indoor plants, both decorative foliage plants, flowering plants, and cacti, are presented in the encyclopedia of indoor plants in alphabetical order.

Photos of common indoor plants with names

Some plants have several names; these types of indoor flowers can be easily found in the catalog by any of the names.

Abutilon, indoor maple

How to care for indoor maple at home: light conditions, temperature, watering and reproduction. Photo catalog of popular indoor abutilons and tips for growing.


Description of the most common types and tips for caring for aglaonema. Cleans the air in the house well. A variegated plant from the Araceae family has become very popular recently.

Adiantum (Venus hair)

An elegant and delicate indoor fern. Features of caring for the “Venus hair” fern. Reproduction at home.


The azalea or rhododendron is prized for its lush blooms in the dead of winter. The beauty of a blooming azalea is amazing. Rules of care and reproduction.

Akalitha or Foxtail

Akalifa or Foxtail is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and ease of care and reproduction. Some species are grown as decorative foliage plants, others are valued for their spectacular flowering.


A tropical plant with large leaves of various shapes and colors. Main types, features of care and reproduction.


Aloe is a plant that is found in almost every home; it is used as a “home doctor”. The more common Russian name for this plant is agave. Types of aloe, tips for care and reproduction.

Pineapple at home

Pineapple is a close relative of Guzmania, Vriesia, Aechmea, widely known and popular indoor plants. Is it possible to grow pineapple in a pot? Will it bloom and bear fruit?

Agree that any room, even one not replete with beautiful and expensive interiors, becomes much more comfortable if there are houseplants, which can create the impression of a small garden or park. This is not only beauty, but also a short excursion into the world of flora.

By observing our green pets, carefully caring for them and giving them affection and attention, we learn many secrets of living nature, get acquainted with the characteristics of a particular plant and learn to respond sensitively to their demands.

Each of the indoor plants requires a certain temperature, air humidity, amount of sun and other conditions that promote their growth and development.

Before choosing a plant for your room, be sure to consider the size of the room.

Indoor plants with variegated leaves and their photos

If the room is small, then bulky flowerpots (ficus, oleanders or palm trees) will feel uncomfortable in it, and it will be difficult for you to move between the huge tubs. You should not put all the plants on the windowsill - they may not like it.

It is better to purchase for this purpose a small stand or a figured ladder on which you can place your green friends. Some of the plants require quite specific care, and if you cannot provide them with all the necessary conditions, they will slowly die.

So before buying any unusual green pet, do not forget to inquire about the features of its maintenance. If you work a lot and do not have enough free time, then try to choose unpretentious varieties of indoor plants that will not require constant attention.

By the way, be sure to purchase several representatives of the plant world, where ordinary and decorative indoor plants can kill harmful bacteria located in confined spaces. For example, you can put aloe, geranium, lemongrass, etc. in the room. And do not forget that some of them, which seem tender and beautiful to you, can turn out to be very insidious and dangerous enemies, since their leaves contain toxic substances that can affect our health.

Be especially careful if you have someone in your household who suffers from asthma attacks or certain respiratory conditions. Some plants can significantly worsen the condition of such people. In our catalog you will also get acquainted with different types of medicinal and garden flowers. Without any problems, learn to accurately recognize and care for them. The website also contains a catalog of all the plants you are interested in; new ones are added every day.

Photos of blooming indoor cacti

It is generally accepted that the cactus is one of the most unpretentious and low-maintenance indoor plants. One could agree with this point of view if it were not for the diversity of the cactus family. From millimeter-long dwarfs to multi-meter columns, from solid thorns to their complete absence. You won’t always immediately guess that it’s a cactus in front of you. But the most interesting and important moment in the life of often outwardly unpresentable “hedgehogs” is flowering. To say that the range of flowering cacti is represented by all the colors of the rainbow is to say nothing. Not only colors, but also many shades and tints. In a word – a fabulous spectacle!

Photo of decorative cactus mammillaria

One of the most numerous species of the family comes from South America. Its representatives are united by one feature - the presence on the stem not of tubercles, but of papillae (lat. mammila)

Conventionally divided into three large groups:

  1. "Milkies", or Galactochylus, plants containing milky sap;
  2. Hydrochylus, plants containing watery cell sap;
  3. Subhydrochylus is an intermediate species of cacti (contains watery cell sap at the periphery and milky sap closer to the core of the plant).

Surprisingly beautiful, covered with spines of different colors, lengths and densities, after flowering, mamillaria are covered with equally colorful (often edible) wreaths of fruit.

The most common types are:

  • Mammillaria bocasana
  • M.


    prolifera (M. prolifera)

  • M. excellent (M. perbella)
  • M. elongated (M. elongata)
  • M. prickly (M. spinosissima)

Sharp red spines and flowers are hidden in the delicate white undergrowth of Mammillaria bocasana

Vigorous flowering and fruiting M. prolifera

Superb spiny Mammillaria superb (M. perbella)

Picturesque group of small M. elongata

Graceful floral wreath of M. spinosissima

Photo of colored prickly pear cactus

The green, gray, bluish and purple stems of prickly pear look severely prickly or, conversely, defenselessly softly pubescent. However, they have one common catch - the so-called glochidia (tiny bristles). He gaped a little - and he already looked like a cactus. Moreover, microscopic “invaders” (and there are hundreds of them) are not so easy to remove from under the skin. The fruits of prickly pear are used for food: baked, dried, and made into jam. They are also used to make alcoholic drinks - Indian mash "Kolinke" and the signature Maltese liqueur "Baitra".

The prickly pear is native to southern Argentina, but thanks to enthusiasts it has become almost cosmopolitan among gardeners. Plants can easily withstand direct sunlight. The watering regime is typically cactus - more intensive in summer, almost without watering in winter.

Opuntia main or main (Opuntia basilaris)

Prickly pear (O. fragilis) is a miniature, compact cactus with small flowers.

Prickly pear (O. microdasys) with dense brushes of glochidia up to 10 mm long

Opuntia pubescent or felt (O. tomentosa) with fruits

Opuntia compressed (O. compressa or O. stricta)

Blooming fig prickly pear (O. ficus-indica)

Scheer's prickly pear (O. scheerii)

Photo of such a home forest cactus

The group of so-called forest cacti differs sharply in their habits from typical representatives of the cactus family. Exquisite sissies are characterized by a need for indirect sunlight and high air humidity. In nature, these cacti grow on trees, so a drooping growth pattern is typical for them.

The main representatives are:

  • Zigocactus is a typical epiphyte native to Brazil, popularly called the “Christmas cactus” or “Decembrist”. Another name for this plant accepted in the scientific literature is Shhlumbergera buckleyi ;
  • Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri, or “Easter cactus”, imported from South America. The period of its flowering usually occurs during the Easter holidays, which is why the somewhat unusual name of the cactus is connected;
  • Ackerman's epiphyllum (Epiphyllum ackermanii), or phyllocactus, is a carelessly falling apart plant, all the shortcomings of its appearance are fully compensated by luxurious large flowers of a wide variety of colors.

Varieties of "Christmas cactus" Zygocactus truncatus

Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri, or "Easter cactus"

Epiphyllum ackermanii, or phyllocactus

Photo of an unusual spurge cactus

Actually, strictly speaking, milkweed is not a typical cactus. This is a succulent, which in shape and pricklyness is very similar to its fellow “hedgehogs”. The poisonous milky juice of euphorbia is used in pharmacy and the perfumery and cosmetics industry. Caring for milkweeds is the same as caring for most cacti. Watering in spring and summer and keeping dry the rest of the year.

The most interesting species are:

Blooming in December, the most beautiful euphorbia, or poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is a good gift for the winter holidays

Euphorbia bupleurifolia is a rare species in nature.

Canary milkweed (Euphorbia canariensis) feels great at home

Euphorbia cereiformis is very similar to its cactus cousin Cereus

Baby Euphorbia globosa (globular spurge) growing in large colonies

Photo of the South American cactus Echinopsis

This genus of South American cacti is undeservedly bypassed by seasoned cactus growers, leaving its cultivation to novice amateurs.

However, there is another approach to this issue - it is believed that those who understand the real beauty of cacti will definitely return to Echinopsis.

Unfortunately, in collections you can rarely find a pure natural appearance of one or another echinopsis. More often, hybrid offspring are the result of uncontrolled cross-pollination.

Typical representatives of collectible echinopsis can be considered:

  • Echinopsis oxygona
  • E.

    gilded (Echinopsis chrysochete)

  • Echinopsis candicans
  • Echinopsis pentlandii
  • Echinopsis eyriesii

Family of spherical echinopsis (Echinopsis oxygona)

Single copy Echinopsis chrysochete.

Colony of Echinopsis candicans

Beautifully blooming Pentland Echinopsis (Echinopsis pentlandii)

Echinopsis eyriesii, large-flowered variety

You looked at a selection of photos of cacti with names. More photos can be seen in the Plants section.


Indoor plants can be seen in almost every modern apartment. Beautiful flowers in pots are good in many ways: they decorate and complement the interior, have a positive effect on a person’s aura, and effectively purify the surrounding air.

But it is important to remember that not all plants are beneficial; some of them have a very adverse effect on humans. Indoor flower plants are beautiful and cute, but are they necessary in the home?

A little history

If you are wondering about the benefits and necessity of indoor plants, then you need to delve into history. Scientific facts have proven that plants appeared on earth long before the existence of humans. We can say that they were the discoverers of life on our Earth. Life is not possible without flowers, trees and shrubs. A little later, animals and humans appeared. From all of the above it follows that a person not only can live among plants, he simply must be close to them.

Some studies have shown that plants differ very little from humans; among the properties of flowers there is the ability to hear, breathe, see, feel touch, distinguish taste and smell.

Indoor flowers provide a great opportunity for people to communicate with wildlife throughout the year. Indoor flowers have healing properties; they protect a person from the negative influences of the environment, external manifestations of modernity (gas pollution, dust, noise), and from the influence of radiation.

Any indoor flower creates a unique biofield around itself, which can influence everyone around it in a certain way.

A person who cares for indoor plants feels a connection with them, he senses when the flowers need additional care and when it is necessary to give them rest. The same applies to flower plants; they can unbalance a person (poisonous crops) or have a beneficial effect on emotions and the psyche.

The benefits of indoor plants

Why are indoor plants used in the modern world? They perfectly refresh the interior of the house, create comfort and have a beneficial effect on a person’s mood. But besides this, the benefits of indoor plants lie in other properties:

  • flower plants eliminate the influence of harmful and toxic substances accumulated in the air;
  • harmful substances are present in every home; they are contained in detergents, tap water, and finishing materials;
  • plants relieve humans from the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation;
  • flowers purify the air from harmful bacteria living in the air.

To find out everything about indoor flowers, you need to study the positive and negative properties of each of them:

  1. Dracaena. The flower is necessary in those houses where the flooring is linoleum. Dracaena purifies the air from benzene vapors, which are released by linoleum.
  2. Chlorophytum - absorbs harmful toxins, kills pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Ficus and Dieffenbachia - purify polluted air. Dieffenbachia requires careful handling, despite the benefits, this flower is poisonous; the juice of the leaves contains toxic substances that can cause allergies or burns in humans.
  4. Geranium. This unique plant has medicinal properties. In a collection of folk recipes, geranium is used as a tonic, anti-inflammatory and soothing medicinal plant. Geranium also has magical properties; it is believed that this flower brings prosperity and well-being to the home.
  5. Cacti are unique for their bactericidal properties. They protect a person from harmful electromagnetic radiation, so it is advisable to place them near televisions, computers and other household appliances. Tradescantia has similar properties.
  6. Laurel can be called a natural healer; it destroys bacteria and harmful microorganisms in the air, kills viruses and infections.

    Houseplants with small leaves

  7. To view indoor flowers of various types and appreciate the beneficial properties of each of them, you need to refer to the catalog of flower plants.
  8. What flowers should not be kept in the house?
  9. In addition to their benefits, some flowers can have an adverse effect on humans and the atmosphere in the house. The catalog of indoor flowers contains a set of flower crops that are not advisable to keep at home.
  10. Ivy has a destructive effect on the plants around it.
  11. Monstera, azalea, spurge, hydrangea, clivia are poisonous plants, the juice of which can cause burns to the mucous membranes and internal poisoning.

You can learn everything about indoor flowers from the individual description of a particular plant.

Flowers play an important role in home decoration, read more here. Is it possible to keep indoor flowers in the kitchen? Everything about kitchen arrangement in this article.

Caring for indoor flowers

All indoor plants and flowers need high-quality care; only in this case they can provide maximum benefit to a person and his home.

The life and longevity of each flower depends only on the person. There are several basic rules for proper care of flower crops:

  • create the necessary temperature regime for the plant;
  • provide the flowers with an appropriate light regime (some flowers are shade-loving, while others, on the contrary, require constant lighting);
  • create recommended watering for indoor flowers (in this case, crops differ in watering requirements, for example, cacti do not require abundant watering, but chlorophytum needs constant moisture);
  • regularly humidify the indoor air;
  • promptly fertilize the root system of flowers in the form of mineral fertilizers;
  • provide plants with the necessary rest;
  • provide fresh air access to indoor plants;
  • Regularly care for the appearance of flowers (wipe dust from leaves, prune, eliminate diseased parts of plants, etc.).

For indoor plant lovers who are tired of monotony, there is an option for variety. Indoor gardens are a combination of beauty, originality, and imagination. This article reveals the basic principles of selecting plants, depending on their location. Ideas for creating mini-compositions are described, plant species that grow well in the proposed containers are suggested.

Principles of plant selection

Taking into account the basic rules of phytodesign, the following criteria for selecting plants can be identified:

  • The size of indoor plants should correspond to the size of the room.

    If the room is large, then small flowers will not be noticeable, but in a small room, large flowers and pots will further reduce the visual space.

  • When choosing a pot, you need to know what composition will be placed in it. If the pot does not match the number of plants, the results will be disastrous. If there is too much space, some plant species may die and others will spread into unsightly shapes. But in cramped conditions, a battle for survival will begin, the strongest will win.
  • In the far corner of the container, when forming a composition, you need to place plants higher, in the foreground - lower, climbing plants or hanging ones.
  • When purchasing plants, you need to inspect them and make sure that they are healthy: without a damaged root system, there are no strange formations or damage on the leaves.
  • When composing a composition, you need to know the conditions of keeping all plants. You cannot combine plants that love the sun and shade-loving ones. Also, it is worth considering the temperature regime, the chosen colors, and the attitude to moisture. If this is not taken into account, they will not get along together.
  • When combining plants with a large root system and a small one, it is better to place flowers in a large pot in appropriate pots, and cover the top with a ball of turf, moss or peat. And if desired, exchange some flowers for others.

Miniature gardens

These funny little compositions will dispel sadness and tension just by looking at them. Many options with different small plants have been invented to create mini-gardens indoors:

  • Gardens in cups. These little masterpieces are made according to the general principle of planting. You need to select low-growing, miniature flowers. Suitable for such compositions are: Fittonia, Spathiphyllum Wallis, miniature Phalinopsis, asparagus, Pilea appressata, Soleirolia, Mühlenbeckia entangled, Selaginella bezopodniki.

Original miniature composition in a cup

Mini garden in a cup with fabulous decor

Mini garden in a cup

  • Rock gardens. Compositions of plants that are planted in stones instead of pots look unusual and original. For such purposes, rocks that have many pores and are airy and light are suitable. You can take limestone, sandstone. These stones are relatively easy to shape. To plant plants in them, you need to drill or hollow out a hole (or several) inside, fill in the substrate and plant the plants. That's all. You can place it on a table, window sill, shelf - wherever you want, as long as the plants feel good. But the plants need to be selected correctly - not everyone will grow in such an unusual pot. If the stone is not large, the recesses are small, then succulents are suitable: sedum, sedum, lithops. Small cacti and saxifrage also work well. And if the sizes are a little larger, then you can take cyclamen, cotula, gerbil and the same succulents.

  • Gardens in bottles (glasses). These small compositions in a small glass container are perfect for the kitchen, living room or office. It is not difficult to make such compositions, except that it is inconvenient to place plants in a bottle. For such gardens, flowers are selected that grow slowly, do not require much care, and do not require frequent watering and irrigation. Don't forget about the drainage layer - it is required. The following plants are suitable: low-growing, dwarf succulents and cacti, miniature violets, mosses, dwarf ferns, fittonias, soleirolia, selaginella bezopodniki.

Garden in a glass

Garden in a bottle

  • Shell gardens. Such small compositions touch us with their simplicity and miniature size. Several pieces at once look great. The sizes of shells may vary. Plants are planted with a small root system and grow slowly. You can take curly or hanging ones, then the compositions can be hung near the window. The following flowers are suitable: sedum, soleirolia, dwarf juvenilia, muhlenbeckia, selaginella unpeduncle.

Flower arrangement of shells

Mini garden in a shell

In addition to such miniature gardens, you can create original compositions by using some natural materials in the form of pots.

Flowers in coconut shell

Coconut shells, without pulp, are suitable for these purposes. Make several drainage holes, fill in the required soil mixture, and plant a flower or composition. This flowerpot looks good both on the windowsill and hanging. You can plant different flowers, depending on the size of the pot and the needs of the flower itself.

House plant with narrow leaves

Orchids feel good in such flowerpots.

Coconut pot

Hanging coconut pot

Flowers in stumps

Making such pots from stumps will take time, because you need to hollow out a decent recess inside and make drainage holes. But the result will be magnificent: by combining the number of stump flowerpots or the number of plants in one stump, you can get original and environmentally friendly compositions.

Flower arrangement in a stump

Flowers in stumps

Thus, by creating flower gardens, you can dispel everyday boredom and monotony. A large number of proposed options will help to translate original ideas into beautiful compositions.