
Scenario for an extracurricular activity, let's talk about kindness. Scenario for extracurricular activities “Ethics is the ABC of Good” Scenario for the festival of extracurricular activities

What should a person be like? What character qualities should he cultivate in himself? Children find answers to these questions in extracurricular activities. A summary of one of these classes is offered to your attention.



Formation of spiritual and moral values ​​in children in extracurricular activities. “Create yourself” (lesson notes on extracurricular activities)

The issue of spiritual and moral education of children is one of the key problems of modern society.

The family and secondary school are faced with the task of educating a responsible citizen, capable of independently assessing what is happening and building his activities in accordance with the interests of the people around him. The solution to this problem is associated with the formation of stable spiritual and moral properties and personality traits of the student.

Only all together - an educational institution, a family, a state - through targeted educational influence can plant in a person the seeds of love for people, lay the foundations for understanding that one must really rush to do good, and not just “take everything from life” and “act for the sake of goals.” enrichment in any way."

The Federal State Educational Standard makes it possible to deal more deeply and purposefully with the problem of spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren and defines the following tasks:

  • harmonious spiritual development of the individual, instilling in her the fundamental principles of morality: kindness, honesty, desire to care for one’s neighbor,
    strengthening family ties, love for children, respect for elders;
  • assimilation of the best moral and moral principles developed by humanity throughout its history, preservation of historical
    continuity of generations; education of Russian patriots;
  • preservation and enhancement of moral, cultural and scientific values ​​of society; development of national culture; education of citizens of a democratic state who respect individual rights and freedoms; combining the efforts of families and educational institutions in raising children.

A necessary condition for the implementation of these tasks is the creation of a subject-development environment, which in our school is represented in several areas:

  1. class system and extracurricular activities;
  2. implementation of programs for extracurricular activities.

We have developed a system of classroom hours aimed at spiritual and moral education. My students and I regularly go on excursions around our native land and together visit museums and libraries in the city.

As class teachers of fifth-graders, we conduct extracurricular activities. We took the programbased on the course of G.K. Selevko “Self-improvement of personality.”According to this program, from the fifth grade, a systematic presentation of the concepts and problems of personal self-improvement begins. The psychological and pedagogical course presents for the children, as it were, “psychology and pedagogy for themselves” and at the level of their age development. Naturally, its first part is devoted to the study of one’s own psyche, since the process of self-knowledge underlies any act of self-improvement. The child must realize who he is, how he evaluates himself, what and why is happening to him. Therefore, the course begins with an overview of the psychological qualities of a person that is accessible to fifth-graders, bringing into some system the ideas they have about their personality, helping children understand themselves and create a conscious image of their “I.”

What should a person be like? What character qualities should he cultivate in himself? Children find answers to these questions during the lessons of this course. We bring to your attention a summary of one of these classes.

Lesson summary for extracurricular activities “Create yourself”, 5th grade


  1. formation of spiritual and moral qualities as fundamental in a person’s personality;
  2. formation and development of skills of self-knowledge of personal qualities;
  3. development of social intelligence (mastery of ways and techniques of constructive interaction with others);
  4. broadening the horizons of students, enriching their speech; revealing the creative abilities of students.


  • The flower is a daisy with words denoting positive and negative character traits of a person.
  • Projector, computer presentation.
  • Children's drawings.
  • Quotes from Charlie Chaplin.

Progress of the event.

Good afternoon everyone! Today we will talk about what a person should be. What determines the attitude of others towards him? And I want to start our conversation with a parable. Listen.

Once upon a time there lived a wise man. People from all over the area and even from other cities came to him for advice. And not one of them left inconsolable. The fame of his wisdom spread throughout the country.

One envious man heard about this, envied the sage and thought:

Let me laugh at him!

This man caught a butterfly, planted it between his closed palms and went to the sage. He goes and has fun to himself:

I'll tell him which butterfly is in my hands - dead or alive. She’ll say she’s alive, so I’ll squeeze her in my fist. She'll say she's dead, so I'll let her out. A man came and said:

Everything is visible to you, everything is open. Tell me, did I bring you a dead butterfly or a living one? The sage looked at him and said: “Everything is in your hands!”

How did you understand this parable? How is it related to the topic of our lesson?

So we will try to understand the qualities of a person’s personality, to correctly and objectively evaluate the positive and negative qualities of his character. Each of us has something valuable, unique, interesting. But some qualities help us communicate with people, in work and study - these are positive qualities. Others, on the contrary, hinder us. These are negative qualities. We must be able to distinguish them.

Game "Say the other way around"

The slide presentsnegative qualities of a person. Your task: name the antonym for each word.

  1. negligence - neatness
  2. ignorance - good manners
  3. irresponsibility - responsibility
  4. deceit - sincerity
  5. indifference - sensitivity
  6. cowardice - courage
  7. despondency - cheerfulness
  8. lack of composure - organization
  9. taciturnity - sociability

(SLIDE 2.3, with leaving the chamomile on the board: in the center of the chamomile is “I”, the petals are the positive qualities of a person).

Each of us has both positive and negative qualities, but we should strive to develop positive qualities in ourselves. This is what folk wisdom teaches us. Let's check how well you know the proverbs. You will need to continue the proverbs presented on the slide. (SLIDE 4-6)

Game "Auction of Proverbs"

  1. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
  2. Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain.
  3. Whoever you hang out with, that's who you're like.
  4. Before you give your word, be strong; if you give your word, hold on.
  5. The bird is beautiful in its song, but the man is in his skill.
  6. The world is not nice when there is no friend.
  7. It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.
  8. The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
  9. Man is man's friend, comrade and brother.
  10. The world is not without good people.

Well done! In fact, a person has many more positive and negative qualities.

Watch an excerpt from the cartoon (“Cat House”, SLIDE 7 - 8) and think about what qualities the characters in this excerpt show towards each other.

(Indifference, cruelty).

These are negative human qualities.

Let's look at the next excerpt from the cartoon (“Cat's House”, SLIDE 9) and think about whether the little heroes of this cartoon did the right thing by accepting into their home those who once refused to help them. (Discussion of this passage: Supplementing chamomile with qualities such as kindness and compassion).

In our lives, situations often arise when we have to make a choice: what to do? And each such situation shapes our character, ourselves. (The situations presented on Slides 10 – 13 are read and discussed).

Game “What will I do?”

  1. You are playing in the yard with the guys, but your mother calls you home. What will you do?

A. You'll go home.

B. Pretend that you didn’t hear mom.

B. You’ll start asking your mom to go for more walks.

D. You will agree to meet with your friends tomorrow.

2. Your friend was called to the board to solve a problem, but he couldn’t do it.

A. You will give him hints.

B. Will you help me figure it out after class?

V. You will laugh and make fun.

G. You won’t do anything.

  1. You found a stray puppy, but you already have a dog.

A. You will start playing with him, and then you will leave him and run home.

B. You will try to find the owner.

B. You will pass by.

  1. Grandma didn't have enough space on the bus, you:

A. Give your place to grandma.

B. Pretend you didn’t notice.

B. Pretend to be asleep.

Self-education is changing yourself, your character. Character is made up of strengths and weaknesses. The process of self-education begins with a critical look at oneself. Many famous people have achieved great success in life. Thanks to the fact that we constantly worked on ourselves. For example, the famous American actor and director Charlie Chaplin followed these rules. (SLIDE 14. Discussion).

Charlie Chaplin's advice

  1. Don't be afraid to make a decision and follow through with it.
  2. Look for the positive in yourself and demonstrate it.
  3. Look for an interest in various things and try yourself in them.
  4. Don't miss a moment of luck.
  5. Clearly define your strengths and weaknesses. This contributes to success.
  6. Learn to enjoy every day you live and learn to learn lessons from every day you live.
  7. Love people and they will love you back.

And there are people among us who are already following some of the tips listed. (Creative performance of pre-prepared students: performance of music on the flute, guitar).

What advice do you think they took on board? (Look for an interest in various activities and try yourself in them).

The same advice is followed by the participants in our art exhibition who submitted their works. (Children's drawings are shown).

Look at our flower. It symbolizes a model that shows that respect for a person largely depends on what kind of person he is.

But the most important thing is that the petals of a flower stick together because they have something in common. This “something” is you, your personality. You are the creators of your personality, and it depends on you what kind of people you become.


  1. Galitskaya I.A., metlik I.V. The concept of “Spiritual and moral education” in modern pedagogical practice // Pedagogy, 2009, No. 10, p. 36-46.
  2. Malenkova L.I. I am human! – M.: Intel Tech LLP, 1996

Municipal educational institution "Basic secondary school No. 2, Yuryuzan" Katav-Ivanovsky municipal district (MOU "General educational school No. 2, Yuryuzan")

Nomination “Methodological Development”

Scenario for an extracurricular physical education lesson for 5th grade “BASKETBALL SHOW”

Moskvicheva Irina Galikhanovna

Yuryuzan 2018

OBJECTIVE OF THE LESSON: To develop knowledge about sports games.

Formed UUD:

personal: continue to cultivate initiative, adequate self-esteem and self-determination for sports and recreational activities. Cultivate the ability to show discipline, hard work and perseverance in achieving your goal.

meta-subject: Developing skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, goodwill, tolerance (communicative LUD). Develop the ability to plan, control and evaluate your motor actions (regulatory LUD). Develop the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct verbal statements in oral form (cognitive UUD).

TIME AND PLACE: 45 minutes, gym.

INVENTORY: whistle, stopwatch, basketballs according to the number of students, soccer balls (2 pcs.), volleyballs (2 pcs.), hoops, chips.


Formation of all participants.

Leading. - Today we invited you, friends, to the “Basketball Show”. In our program you will see performances by professional basketball players from our school, of course, these are not NBA professionals, but, nevertheless, you will be able to see masterly dribbling the ball, accurate throws, lightning-fast passes! And you, the participants of our show, will compete in fun basketball relay races. First of all, let’s warm up!

All participants are freely placed on the sports field, with a player standing in front demonstrating the exercises.

Leading. Try passing the ball - from one hand to the other - in an arc. And now with a bounce off the floor. Watch the player performing this drill. Music is playing. All participants complete this task.

Leading. Catch the ball with one hand, do not press it to yourself, throw the ball higher, try not to fall on the floor. Now let's do it with claps. We're done. Well done! You did a good job with this exercise.

Now we will pass the ball from one hand to another at waist level. We begin to pass the ball to the right side. We got ready and started. And now to the left. Participants perform. Well, the task was more difficult, but you coped with it.

And now there will be a very difficult task. You need to throw the ball directly above you, crouch down and catch the ball, and then throw the ball up - quickly stand up and catch it. We will carry out according to my command. I say: “Throw” - everyone throws, and you sit down. And when I say “Throw!” again, you throw the ball and stand up. So, get ready. Let's start. Everyone is doing the task.

Leading. The task was difficult, but you did it well. All participants stand on the starting line. So we warmed up. Now let's start the competition. Draw for team selection (draw a number with team number 1 or 2).

Two teams stand in a column, one at a time, at the starting line.

Let's remember the rules of the relay race.

1. Start of the game at the signal (sports team: “At the start! Attention! “March!”);

2. The next player on the team can begin the task only after the baton is passed to him behind the starting line.

3.Complete the task in a prescribed manner;

4. Run around landmarks (turning flags);

5. Complete the task to the end (if you do pull-ups on the bench, then to the very end), for violations the team is given fines;

6.If you lose portable equipment (ball, cube, etc.), you need to stop, pick it up, and then continue moving;

7.Do not interfere with other players completing the task;

8. At the end of the relay, the captain raises his hand up (a signal that the team has completed the game) and the team lines up in the column.

9.After the end of the relay races, the teams do not disperse, but line up for summing up and awarding.


1) You need to move the basketball around the chips and then throw it at the backboard.

Leading. There are virtuosos of dribbling the ball on the court. They perform various tasks with two balls. Let's see! (Music sounds).

2) Presenter. And again the relay race! “Three balls” (basketball, volleyball, football) You run, put the balls in hoops, and throw the basketball into the basket. Adding to the cart is mandatory.

Leading. The best players of the school basketball team are on the court. Without delay, they perform throws into the basket from the penalty line, throw into the hoop with different stopping options (jump; two steps; two steps - jump throw with the right (left) hand). See how accurately and quickly they complete this task (music sounds). Leading. Thank you!

3) Now get ready for the teams to shoot into the basket. Let's see which team will be the most productive. At the signal, participants with balls perform throws into the ring. 1 minute is given. The judges count the successful throws (music plays). Thank you!

We continue our competitions.

4) Now you will show your dexterity in dribbling the ball, but this dribbling is unusual, the ball must be passed by running along the bench (music plays).

5) Presenter. The next task is for the "Sharpshooters" teams. You need to roll the ball across the floor and knock down the big chip. Participants take turns rolling the ball, trying to knock down the chip. Each hit counts as one point. Teams complete the task in turns.

6) Presenter. And again the relay race. Dribbling the ball in a circle with your right (left) hand. Pass the ball to the next person from the chest.

7) Presenter. An inverted cone in the hands, with a ball on top. On command, students run, holding the cone in one hand, run around the chip, return to the team, run around the column and pass the baton to the next participant (music plays).

8) Presenter. Roll the ball forward, quickly catch up, overtake it, stop in front of it with a jump on two legs, when the ball rolls between your legs, quickly take it with a dribble, run to the chip, circle it and pass the ball to the next one.

Leading. Our competition is over. While we are summing up, you will play the game “Stream” (music sounds).

The Basketball Show is coming to an end. We invite teams to sum up the results.

Our holiday is over. All team members showed their dexterity, accuracy, and speed. And most importantly, we received a boost of energy and a lot of positive emotions! Dear guys, you competed well today, and your fans cheered for you very well, and this undoubtedly gave you strength. We liked all the teams. We are grateful to you for participating in the competition, we liked your desire to compete and win. And so we decided to reward all participants.

Reward: balloons /white, red, blue/. Symbolism of the Russian flag. Our athletes perform under the Russian flag at all sports competitions and Olympics. They are met in the stands by fans and greeted with Russian flags. White color is the color of purity of intentions, peacefulness and wisdom. Blue is the color of the sky, water, sea - a symbol of freedom. Red is the color of courage, strength, power and life.

Play sports, improve your health, develop strength and endurance! See you again!

Photo for memory.

Topic of extracurricular activities: “Winged words”
Goals and objectives:
1. Cognitive: introduce the concept of phraseology, winged
2. Practical: develop students’ speech, attention, memory, logical
thinking, linguistic flair, spelling vigilance.
Expected results:
Subject UUD: Know: the concept of phraseology, catchwords.
Be able to: find phraseological units in the text, distinguish between free combinations
words and phraseological units, recognize catchwords.
Metasubject UUD:
Personal: have a positive attitude towards learning, cognitive
activities, desire to acquire new knowledge, master new
skills and improve existing ones.
Regulatory: accept and maintain a learning task, plan (in
cooperation with the teacher or independently) necessary actions,
act according to plan.
Cognitive: understand the task at hand, read and listen,
extract the necessary information, independently find it in the data
Communication: asking questions, listening and answering questions
others, formulate your own thoughts, express and justify
your point of view.
Basic concepts: Winged words. Phraseologisms
Handouts: task cards, phraseological dictionaries,
emoticons, task envelopes, tokens.
Audio recording: “Winged words”
1. Organizational moment.
Today we have many guests and, as hospitable hosts, we will first provide
We are glad to welcome you to our class,
Perhaps there are better and more beautiful classes.
But let it be light for you in our class,
Let it be cozy and very easy!
We have been instructed to meet you today,
But let's start the lesson, let's not waste time.
We hope that our guests' mood has improved and that they
They will enjoy relaxing in our home class and rejoice at our successes.

2. Motivation.
Let's start our work by “warming up the mind.”
Developmental tasks “Wonderful transformations of words”
1 slide 1st competition “Guess the word”
1. Root in the word “knit”, prefix in the word “shut up”, suffix in the word
“fairy tale”, ending in the word “fish” (Commencement)
2. The root in the word “snowflake”, the prefix in the word “drove up”, the suffix in
the word “forester”, ending in the word “table”. (Snowdrop)
Slide 2 2nd competition: Anagrams
Rearrange the letters and form new words.
onion, lyshima, hadrupo, inkasnezh, kasum (stocking, kids, friend,
snowflake, bag)
3 slide III competition: “Grammar arithmetic”
Skull – n + fly =? (Bird cherry)
Jacket – weave +itsa=? (Chicken)
Black – y + o + plum – a = ? (Prunes)
Clean – y + o + body –o = ? (Celandine)
Pine – na + ka = ? (Pacifier)
3. Introduction to a new topic.
How pleasant it is to talk with a person whose speech is rich, figurative,
Each word is used both to the place and to the time. "Lame word - lame
“speech” says a Russian proverb. To understand what you read or
what you see, so that the speech is not “lame”, but beautiful and expressive, it is necessary
know a lot of words and expressions, constantly expand your vocabulary.
I suggest you listen to the poem.
"How the Word Works"
It often happens that the word is one,
But it serves very differently.
Examples can be easily found here,
Let’s take the short word “water”.
I was a boy, but my childhood is gone,
Much water has already flowed under the bridge since then.
It happened that at school I didn’t know the rules,
He was silent during the interview: he took some water into his mouth.

But we are not averse to noticing the chatterbox:
Is there not enough water to pound in the mortar?
Don’t mind saying casually to someone else:
Stop pouring water! Come on!
We have the right to say in advance about the brave:
This “will pass through fire and through water”!
And geese and ducks are always dry,
People remarked: “It’s like water off a duck’s back.”
The lazy man is resting, and time goes by:
“Water does not flow under a lying stone.”
The liar will lie, you won’t understand why,
They bring him out into the open.
Work in vain?.. What will they say later?
It’s not a good idea to “carry water with a sieve”!
I write poetry without sparing labor,
So that you don’t say: “There is water in the verses!”
(V. Suslov)
U. What does the poet use in his poem for greater
D. Idioms. What expressions do you remember?
3. Information block.
Guys, how many catchphrases do you know? (No)
I think you guessed what the topic of our lesson is? (Students call
topic of the lesson.) Slide 5
Guys, for what purpose will we study this topic? (Get acquainted with
catchphrases and decorate your speech.)
among the means are catch words or phraseological units.
Indeed, the Russian language is rich in expressive means. One
PHRASEOLOGIST SERPENT - a stable phrase that has
certain lexical meaning. It is important to remember that popular expressions
it must be used skillfully, that is, at the right time and place. Very many
winged words were invented by observant people. And there are those who
came to us from some work. This means that the writer created it, and
Then they started using everything. We encountered popular expressions in
fairy tales, Krylov's fables, stories, poems. I suggest you
get acquainted with phraseological units in Krylov's fables.
Slides 6,7 (fables)
Not all winged words are understandable to children. But this problem can be solved
by using….? What do you think? (phraseological dictionary)
Each team is given dictionaries.
Dictionaries will be useful for our work today.

Now we will begin interesting and educational work with you. Do you agree?
Each team will try to show ingenuity, resourcefulness and
friendly attitude towards partners and rivals.
For each competition, teams will receive tokens of different colors. If
the answer is correct, then the token is green, if there are errors - blue, and if the answer is wrong
true, then red.
1 competition “Homework” (2 points)
Each team had to prepare one catchphrase and
illustrate. (Team performance)
Guys, I was also interested in participating in this competition.
I suggest you get acquainted with the catchphrase “to peel off like a stick.” A
maybe someone knows this expression?
2 show jumping “Find matches” Slide 8
deceive (lead by the nose...)
shut up (bite your tongue...)
fall asleep (nod off...)
exaggerate (make mountains out of molehills...)
gossip (scratch your tongue...)
sit back (sit back, sit back)
Checking the job
3 competition “Replace the expression with one word” (dictionaries). 2 expressions each
every team. Slide 9
At full speed - (quickly)
fool one's head - (deceive),
at your fingertips - (close)
notch on the nose - remember;
chickens don’t peck – a lot;
the soul sank to its feet - fear.
Checking the task.
Physical exercise "Yolka"
4th competition “Remember the fairy tale”. 3 expressions for each team. Slide 10
stand before me like a leaf before the grass; (Sivkaburka)
The beaten one is not lucky; (The Fox and the Wolf)

at the pike's command, at my will. (at the pike's command, at my
Checking the task.
5th competition “The most attentive listener”
Audio recording “Winged words”. Students write down what they hear
phraseological units. Which team will write down the most catchphrases?
6th competition “Recognize the animal” (question and answer). 2 expressions each
team. Slide 11
hungry like...(wolf)
cunning as... (fox)
!puffed up like... (turkey)
! cowardly like... (hare)
clumsy like ... (bear)
! mute, like ... (fish)
How do you understand the marked expressions?
7th competition “Complete the expression” (oral)
Long time no see)
Not so... (it was)
Keep up...(in step)
Not by days... (by hours)
Master of all things... (hands).
8th competition “Winged words in poetry” Slide 12
Simple truth
Live by loving your neighbor!
It's simple and clear:
It’s not difficult to lose your temper (lose self-control, mental balance, become very irritated
How can I log back in later?
entrance and exit
In life there are paths, there are ways...
Choose them very carefully!

It’s hard to gain trust - (to be believed and trusted)
You can get out of it instantly!
What phraseological units have you heard?
4. Summing up.
Team scoring.
Well done to all participants! I'm glad you didn't lose face
“they didn’t go into their pockets for words”, during the game “their head was on their shoulders”,
“they caught everything on the fly” and “the tongue was well hung.”
Guys, rate our lesson.
What did you like? What caused the difficulty?
Guys, have we achieved the goal of our lesson?
5. Reflection
Everyone has emoticons - happy and sad. If you were interested and
informative, then put a funny one in your pocket, and if there’s nothing new
found out and was bored, then a sad smiley. Who else wants to visit
world of phraseological units, then take the envelope with the task.
6. Assignment at will
“How do they talk about it?” (replace with phraseology, catchphrase)
1. About very great crowding.
2. About the one who failed, found himself in an awkward position.
3. About a very happy person.
4. About complete silence.

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 42 with in-depth study of individual subjects


extracurricular activities in 2nd grade

Teacher: Pankina Olga Fedorovna

Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge

SOT: technology of critical thinking through reading and writing

Lesson topic. Politeness

Lesson objectives:


    introduce the concept of “politeness”;

    remember polite words and learn about the origin of some polite words;

    become familiar with the rules of politeness and the rules of polite conversation.


    cultivate a sense of collectivism, hard work, and interest in the subject.


    develop logical thinking, spatial imagination, attention, intelligence, creative independence;

    develop the ability to cooperate, help a friend, the ability to take into account different opinions and justify one’s own position;

    develop communication skills through group work and pair work;

Formation of UUD.

Cognitive UUD

    We develop the ability to extract information from text and illustrations.

    We develop the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of the drawing - diagram.

Regulatory UUD

    We develop the ability to express our assumptions based on the work of the textbook material.

    We develop the ability to evaluate educational actions in accordance with the assigned task.

    We develop the ability to draw up a lesson plan with the help of the teacher.

Personal UUD

    We form an emotional attitude towards school and educational activities.

    We form a general idea of ​​moral standards of behavior

Communicative UUD

    We develop the ability to listen and understand others.

    We develop the ability to construct a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks

    We form and practice the ability to work coherently in groups and teams.

Equipment: on the wall there is a poster “To give people joy, you need to be kind and polite,” an exhibition of books on the topic of politeness, reminders for children, rules of politeness, rules of polite conversation, photos, illustrations on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher activities

Student activities

Call stage

    Teacher reads poetry

It's not easy to be kind

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

You just have to, you just have to be kind

And in times of trouble, do not forget each other.

And the Earth will spin faster,

If we are kinder to you.

It’s not at all easy to be kind,

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness brings people joy

And in return it does not require a reward.

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness is like the sun shining -

Adults and children rejoice.

But in order to give joy to people,

You need to be both kind and polite.

The teacher shows photos (slides) about politeness

1.What is the topic of our lesson?

2 Reception "Cluster". Compiling a cluster on the topic “Politeness” in the form of group work.

3.Write the keyword in the middle of the worksheet. Start writing down words that come to your mind in connection with this topic. As ideas arise, write them down and start making connections between them. Write down as many ideas as come to mind until you've exhausted them all.

4. Remember the rules for creating a cluster:

write down all the ideas that come to mind;

don't stop writing until you run out of ideas;

If you've run out of ideas, draw on a piece of paper until new ones come up.

    Reception. Game "Do you believe that...".

Rules of the game:

On your tables there are pieces of paper with a table drawn on them, just like on my board. I indicated the number of questions in numbers.

I am reading to you questions that begin with the words “Do you believe that...”. You discuss the answers in groups.

If you believe, then put the “+” sign in the second line, if not, then “-”

    Do you believe that politeness is observing the rules of decency?

    Do you believe that there is such a word as “vezha”?

    Do you believe that a polite person is a good person?

    Do you believe that there are more impolite people than polite people?

    Do you believe that it is very difficult to become a polite person?

    Do you believe that a polite and kind word spoken from the heart is not an empty phrase? Can it dispel gloomy thoughts, extinguish an incipient quarrel, lift your spirits?

    Do you believe that an impolite word can offend a person?

Students “remember what they know about the issue being studied

Students answer the questions:

What do they know?

What do they think?

Students create a cluster in groups

Students share their ideas with each other, making all connections in complete sentences.

Students look at the photographs.

Students fill out the table

Conception stage

    Reception "Insert"(reading with notes )

Individual work.

Independent reading of the article.

The teacher requests that as you read the article, you make notes in the text:

I knew this information, I know it, I remembered it;

This is new information for me;

This information is not clear to me, I have questions.

A polite person means one who observes the rules of decency, is well-mannered, and is courteous. You can often hear phrases: polite address, polite hint, politely ask... The most famous aphorism about politeness is attributed by history to Louis XVIII, King of France... It goes like this: “Accuracy is the politeness of kings.”

How can you become polite? Nothing could be simpler. To do this, you need to use words that make everyone feel warmer and happier in their souls. You may ask: how then should you make comments to your friends and acquaintances who have offended you in some way? I will answer this question this way: even comments must be made politely. A polite and kind word spoken from the heart is not an empty phrase. It can dispel gloomy thoughts, extinguish an incipient quarrel, and lift your spirits. A kind word, like a spring breeze, disperses gray clouds. And not only our words, but also our actions should be kind. Do we always find the strength to say kind words? It’s much easier to lose your temper and be rude to a friend or even your mother...


    Guys, do you know where the word “thank you” comes from?

In ancient times, when they wanted to thank a person for a good deed, they said to him:

God bless you!

“God bless” turned into a short “thank you.” You should never forget this word. There is even a proverb: “Don’t be sorry for your thanks”!

One boy didn't like to say thank you, please, excuse me, hello.

“Oh, you ignoramus,” they told him.

He was very offended and shouted back:

No, I'm vezha, vezha, vezha!

Strange word. But in fact it is not strange, but ancient. In the old days, a “vezhi” was a name given to a knowledgeable, competent, and learned person. And “knowledge” meant learning, courtesy. This is where the word “politeness” came from - good behavior, respectfulness. So the boy was right: there is such a word as “vezha”. And yet he was wrong, because he could not be called a “vezha.” First he needs to learn to say hello, thank you, please, excuse me and other polite words.

2) Reception “Table Z-X-U” (I know - I want to know - find out)

Work in pairs.

Remember everything you know about the importance of water for life on Earth and write this information in the first column of the table.

Ask questions about the topic being studied: what do you want to know and write them down in the second column of the table.

I want to know

The guys work with texts, the texts are in protective files, you can write on them with markers, make notes, the marker is then deleted.

Students answer the teacher’s questions, and questions from the textbook answer each other’s questions.

The student is reading.

If, in word or deed

Did anyone help you?

Don't be shy loudly, boldly

Say: “Thank you.”

If you meet an acquaintance,

Whether on the street or at home,

Don't be silent, don't be shy

And don't pretend to be dumb.

Hurry up to say hello

Loudly: “Hello”! Tell.

Student 3.

In our little village

There is an ancient custom:

Morning, afternoon and in the dark

Those and those, and those, and those,

Having met, certainly

They say at the same time:


If you ask for anything,

Don't forget first

Open your lips

And say: “Please”!

Student 4.

If you accidentally offended someone

Or stepped on your foot accidentally,

Just don't be silent, just don't be silent,

Don’t wait too long, say “Sorry”!

Children fill out a table in which they write what they knew about this topic themselves, what they learned new, and what else they want to learn.

Reflection stage

"Sinquain" creative form of reflection. A cinquain is a poem that requires a synthesis of information and material in concise terms. This is a poem consisting of five lines.

Rules for writing syncwine:

In the first line, the topic is named in one word (usually a noun).

The second line is a description of the topic in two words (two adjectives).

The third line is a description of the action within this topic in three words (verbs).

The fourth line is a four-word phrase showing the attitude towards the topic (feelings in one phrase).

The last line is a one-word synonym that reiterates the essence of the topic.

"Writing in a circle" technique.

Essay on the topic “Politeness” in one sentence

Now, guys, you know how to communicate with each other, how to use polite words correctly. I hope this will be useful to you in life. It’s not for nothing that they say: in order to give joy to people, you need to be kind and polite. This concludes our event. Goodbye, see you again!

Thank you for the lesson!

Students make up a syncwine


Necessary, important

Saves, makes you prettier, makes you happy

People need politeness.

The rescue


Kind, necessary.

Cries, pleases, helps.

She helps all people.


Children generalize knowledge on the topic of the lesson studied. "Politeness". They write a letter, each writing one sentence.

Lesson appendix


    Be polite. Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy communicating with you.

    Always be friendly: say hello when you meet; thank you for your help and care; When leaving, don't forget to say goodbye.

    Give up your seat to the elderly, sick and tired on a tram, trolleybus, bus, train carriage, or on a street bench; try to do it not for show; don't wait to be asked to give up your seat.

    Help someone who has fallen to stand up. Help the old, the weak, the blind cross the road. And do it cordially, from the heart, kindly, without frowning.

    Never be late for anything. Always arrive at the appointed time, minute by minute - take care of other people's time.

    Don't make you worry about yourself. When you leave home, tell me where you went when you return. And don't be late.

    Do not be fancy. Your whim can ruin the mood of others and cause them anxiety.


    Politeness is more than just “hello,” “thank you,” and “please.”

    A polite person tries to express his thoughts in such a way that the interlocutor can understand everything.

    Don't rattle. Speech that is too fast is difficult to understand. Yes, and she looks funny.

    Don't talk for too long, try to convey the main idea of ​​your message. If the interlocutor is interested, he will ask you to tell about the details.

    Before you say anything, mentally formulate what exactly you want to convey to the listener. Pronounce your words clearly and distinctly; an interlocutor with “porridge in his mouth” terribly annoys those around him.

And in order to learn to speak clearly and distinctly, there are special exercises. For example, pronunciation of tongue twisters. (The guys try to pronounce tongue twisters).


    Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

    Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.

    Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

    Cuckoo bought a hood. How funny he is in the hood!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 3

city ​​of Donetsk, Rostov region

Scenario for extracurricular activities

“Ethics is the ABC of Good”

To live is to do good

Compiled by:

Levinskaya Irina Ivanovna

primary school teacher

Donetsk 2013

The purpose of the lesson: formation of moral qualities and development of creative thinking.
Tasks: 1. Develop the ability to see and create beauty, visual – imaginative thinking 2. Learn to select related words; 3. To instill in students the desire to do good with the help of words.
Equipment: Dobrinka doll, birch bark box, cards with letters: D, O, B, R, O; cards with letters: D, O, (A), L, O, N, L, flowers made by the children at the technology lesson.
Musical accompaniment:- song “Peace to everything that lives according to the laws of Kindness.” - song “If you are kind...” from the cartoon “Leopold the Cat”
During the classes: I. Organizational moment

Hello girls and boys! Smile, and now give your smile to others. Our world is a big mirror and when you smile at someone, your smile will return to you with joy. (Slide 1)

II. Lesson topic message

Today we will talk about the quality without which a person cannot be called a person. What kind of quality are we talking about? (good)

Yes, the topic of the lesson “To live is to do good.” (Slide 2) Each of us has a little sun inside us. This sunshine is kindness. What kind of person do we call good? (who helps, loves nature, people). A person can be very small. And the SUN OF KINDNESS in it can be very large. Let's listen to an excerpt from the song “If you are kind...” (Slide 3)

Choral speech warm-up.(Slide 4)

Pure saying: Grandfather Danil divided the melon:

A slice for Dina, a slice for Dima.

III. Main part 1. -Today Dobrinka came to our lesson. What word does her name come from? (Slide 5) - That's right, this is Good! Good is like light, with it all the best blossoms in a person, like in a flower. Did you guys know that the letter “D” in the Russian alphabet meant: “good, good time.”

2. Names.

And in the Russian language there are also names that have two words in them, where the first is “good”. Do you know such names?

Dobrolyuba, Dobroslav, Dobroslava, Dobromir, Dobrynya. (Slide No. 6,7)

3. Kind words.

What words do we call kind? Say some kind words. Are we saying these words for ourselves or for other people?

4. Learning a poem. (Slide No. 8)

I love it when when we meet

We are friends and family

"Good morning!",

"Good evening!",

"Good night!" we talk.

5. Reflect on wisdom. (Slide No. 9)

- Connect the beginning with the end of the proverb

The worst thing is... ...they pay well

For good... ...decorates a person

Good... ...who does no good to anyone

6. Conversation about good deeds.

What deeds can be called good?

7. From the history of the word PALM (Slide No. 10)

- “DOLON”,

Are you familiar with this word? Do you know its meaning?

This is a very ancient word that we have now forgotten. It denotes a part of the hand. Which one?

Palm! "PALM". O changed to A. (Slide No. 11)

The word palm begins with three letters LAD. What does the word LAD mean? (children's answers).

Of course, there is harmony when everyone lives well and in harmony.

Show your palms. Our fingers are also friends with each other. They help us do various jobs.

Let's return to the ancient Russian name for the palm - DOLON. It begins with the word DOL. What is DOL? - Valley. Why is the human hand compared to a valley? (children's assumptions).(Slide No. 12)

And now we will find ourselves in a magical valley - a clearing. We will read an interesting article “Polyanka - palm”, which was published in the newspaper “Dobryata” (No. 8, 2006)

One day we found ourselves in a clearing of friendship. In this clearing, everyone helped each other, no one cursed or offended each other. The sun was always shining there. The clearing looked like a palm extended to each other. Mushrooms grew on the small finger, flowers on the middle finger, berries on the index finger, and a Christmas tree on the big finger. This is such a wonderful clearing of friendship! (Slide No. 13)

IV. Practical work (Slide No. 14)

- Trace your palm on a piece of album paper. Decorate it with drawings of flowers, mushrooms, Christmas trees (you can draw a sun, a butterfly, a rainbow, birds)

V. Completion of the lesson- Let's make an exhibition of your works on the board. (Children attach drawings, music sounds). - Dobrinka really wanted to walk through such a joyful valley with such kind palms. And when she was walking, she saw wisdom written on the path: “The reward for a good deed is in its very accomplishment.” (Slide No. 15). -How do you understand these words? (Children's answers) - Thank you for your kind thoughts and smart answers! Goodbye. The children answer: “Thank you!” (Slide No. 16, 17)
VI. Homework- Tell your family at home what interesting things you learned in class today. Find sayings and riddles about goodness to read to the kids in class.

List of sources used:

    Book “Thoughts about good and evil” St. Nicholas of Serbia
Edition 2012 D.V. Kharchenko
    Astrid Lindgren “Fairy tales about goodness and evil” Astrel, Polygraph Publishing House 2011.
    Methodological guide to the workbook “On the Road of Goodness” on the basics of children's journalism. Publishing house "Stronghold", Tomsk 2011
    Educational program “I serve the Fatherland with my pen.” Publishing house "Stronghold", Tomsk 2008

Sources of illustrations:
1. › kindness
2. › Dobrinka
3. › flowers