
A white dove flew into your hands in a dream. How to interpret what a white dove dreams about. Why do you dream of white doves according to Miller’s dream book?

The first thing people most often associate a dove with is everything reasonable, good, eternal. So why do you dream of a white dove?

The dove is called the bird of peace and is considered the personification of all the good that can exist on earth. Since ancient times, the color white has been considered a manifestation of light forces, a harbinger of favorable, joyful, happy events. Thus, the appearance of a white dove in a dream represents the essence of the concentration of everything favorable and bright that can happen.

However, one should not prematurely rely on Lady Fortune alone. First of all, it is necessary to carefully and thoroughly analyze the details of the dream in order to determine its interpretation as accurately as possible.

Even such a bright omen has a kind of “dark side” - important warnings about danger and valuable advice for the dreamer or dreamer, which should never be neglected.

So, who the dreamer or dreamer is and what emotions he or she experiences in a dream plays a very important role.

  • A girl’s dream about a white dove or doves portends the rapid development of a love relationship. Even if until now the dreamer had little concern for her personal life, she preferred to devote herself entirely to work and organizing some everyday trifles; soon romantic feelings will occupy a fairly significant place in her life.
It is possible that she will have to choose between her career and her love interest. In this case, the wisest thing to do is not to rush from one extreme to another, but, if possible, to find a middle ground.

One way or another, the dream foretells a young lady a lot of pleasant moments and positive emotions associated with the appearance of an attractive young man in her life.

  • A man's dream of a white dove or doves portends success in his career. It is possible that until recently the dreamer’s affairs were not going well, and his financial situation was very precarious and unstable. The dream guarantees that his business will soon improve, delivering not only material profit, but also a lot of pleasure and positive emotions from doing what he loves and pride in the work done.
  • For a person who has already achieved success in life, a white dove or doves in a dream foreshadow a favorable environment in the home and work team. Birds symbolize comfort and harmony both in the environment of the dreamer or woman, and in his or her own soul.

What was the white dove doing in your dream?

An important role is also played by what exactly the white dove or doves did in the dream, and what they looked like.

  • A flock of pigeons flying across the sky, seen somewhere in the distance in a dream, can be interpreted in two ways depending on which direction the birds were flying. If they moved away from the dreamer or dreamer, in the near future his or her problems will disappear, they can be overcome or minimized. If, on the contrary, the birds are approaching, the dreamer or dreamer should expect good news from distant friends or relatives in the near future. In any case, such a dream is extremely favorable.
  • Hunting a white dove or doves in a dream is an unfavorable omen. Such a dream suggests that recently the dreamer or dreamer has been showing far from the best traits of his character. He or she should moderate his pride and cruelty so as not to mistakenly offend dear and beloved people and not be left alone through his own fault.
Catching a white dove or doves in a dream is a very good sign. Such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding or, if the dreamer or dreamer is already tied by marriage, strong love and a pleasant family life that brings exceptional joy and pleasure.
  • Trying unsuccessfully to catch a white dove or doves in a dream is not a good sign. Such a dream suggests that the dreamer or dreamer is not directing his forces in the right direction. He or she should reconsider priorities and choose what is really necessary for themselves, so as not to waste energy and vitality in vain.
  • Taking white dove chicks out of the nest is a harbinger of an unexpected meeting. Uninvited guests await the dreamer, but he or she will be very happy about them. An unplanned meeting will take place in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere and will leave behind a lot of pleasant impressions.

The white dove has long been perceived as a symbol of warm family relationships. And if you dreamed about it in a dream, then the dreamer experiences an incredible emotional upsurge. He is waiting. After all, what is this bird dreaming about if not for the fulfillment of a cherished dream? However, such a vision always means only good things. And in order to correctly select the interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to take into account all the details and circumstances of the dream.

Seeing pigeons

Miller claims that if you see a white dove in a dream, then luck will not forget to visit the dreamer in the real world.

Freud says that such a dream allows you to be successful in relationships with the opposite sex. And platonic feelings will definitely become something more - a strong intimate connection.

And if a person dreams of a cooing couple, then in reality he can expect reciprocity from the object of his love. Did you see a dove with chicks? You can be congratulated on the new addition to the family.

Pigeon behavior

In order to determine the correct interpretation of the dream, you need to take a close look at the behavior of this white-winged bird.

For example, why do you dream if a dove trustingly sat on your shoulder? Having seen such a dream. The dreamer should be wary. After all, according to Medea’s dream book, you should be more attentive to your loved ones and relatives. Some of them may become seriously ill if preventive measures are not taken now.

Did a dove fly onto the table in a dream? It's time to think about your own health. Did you see a pigeon peck crumbs in a dream? In reality, expect losses. If in a dream he flew away from a person, then he cannot avoid sad news. Did you dream about a flock of white doves soaring into the sky, and one holding something in its beak? Such a dream prophesies news from afar. Perhaps old friends will want to make themselves known. And Vanga believes that if the pigeons were circling in the air, then the sleeper will find harmony with himself and come to terms with the inevitable changes in his life path.

In addition, she believes that if a dove lands on a shoulder or dreams of being dead, then the sleeping person cannot actually avoid trouble. A wounded bird means sad changes to the dreamer's friends. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows separation.

Why do you dream if a dove flew into the window? Most likely, in reality the dreamer is planning a noisy celebration. If a girl saw in a dream how a dove flew into her window, then in reality she should expect an invitation to a date. For a man, such a dream foreshadows secret sympathy from a young charming woman, about whom he will very soon find out.

Did you see a dove drinking water? According to the interpretation of the dream according to Aesop’s dream book, such a plot foreshadows pleasant changes in life. But if, without quenching his thirst, he drowned, then all the sleeper’s undertakings in the future will fail.

White dove in a dream

Are you thinking about why you dream of keeping a dovecote at home? Most often, such a dream is a reflection of internal experiences. Most likely, you want to provide your loved ones with great material benefits. But according to the interpretation of the dream, according to the Apostle Canaanite, if a girl happened to see a dovecote in a dream, then in reality she will be able to get to know her rival better. Why dream of ringing a dove and sending a message with it? To unexpected good news.

But hunting a dove in a dream, according to Miller, is a bad sign. Try to control your bad tendencies.

The doves on the domes promise the dreamer support from above. If you pull the chicks out of the nest, expect guests. Take them in your hands - beware of failures. But feeding a pigeon only bodes well.

A dove in a dream symbolizes receiving good news, peace, blissful pleasure, wealth and success in business.

For lovers, such a dream predicts fidelity. If your lover is going on a long trip, then after such a dream you should believe that he will return to you, and his trip will be profitable.

For married people, a dream about doves predicts the devotion of the spouses.

For businessmen, a dream about doves promises an increase in wealth.

Seeing him flying in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success.

Seeing a dove in the sky is a sign of consolation in love.

Cooing doves in a dream promise happiness for lovers and a happy marriage for married people.

Feeding pigeons from your hands in a dream is a sign of big changes in life, recognition and honor. Sometimes such a dream indicates a person’s great affection for you.

If in a dream you try to close a dove in a closet or cupboard, and it falls out, then your hopes for a happy marriage with your lover will not come true.

For a mother, a dream about a dove predicts receiving news from her beloved child.

Catching pigeons in a dream means losses; kill - to separation or death of a close friend.

Pigeons flying over your house, sitting by the window or on the roof, portend receiving news from loved ones.

To see two kissing doves in a dream is a sign of your lover’s devotion, reciprocity, and affection.

Seeing a turtledove in a dream is a sign of tender affection for men and receiving good news for women.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Dove

The dove is a symbol of peace, love and trust. People associate all the best with this bird: hopes for peace and harmony, good news and, of course, love, because it is no coincidence that lovers of all countries understand without words what two doves sitting next to each other mean. Since ancient times, people have trained and used pigeons as postmen, and therefore even now, when we see a pigeon near our window, we ask it about the news that it brought.

Seeing a dove with little chicks in a dream is a sign that long-awaited peace and harmony will soon be established in your family. Your spouse will make you happy, and your children will no longer upset you.

Seeing a dove carrying something in a dream means that you will receive good news from an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

Watching a dove drinking water in a dream is a sign that soon changes for the better await you, personal problems will be easily solved, despite the fact that now it seems to you that there is no one in this world more unhappy than you.

If you dreamed that a dove, trying to drink water, drowned in the river, then in real life you will have a task that you will undertake thoughtlessly, and therefore will fail in it.

Raising pigeons at home is evidence that in real life you are not entirely satisfied with the well-being of your family, and therefore your desire is to make sure that your household members are happy, healthy and do not need anything.

Ringing a dove in a dream in order to send some news with it is a prophecy of imminent news that will surprise and at the same time greatly delight you. Perhaps such a dream means that you yourself will tell someone unexpected news.

Being in a dovecote in a dream means unspeakable luck. Perhaps you will receive an unexpected inheritance or win a large sum of money in the lottery.

Hearing the cooing of pigeons in a dream is a sign that you will soon have the opportunity to have a good time in the company of old, cheerful friends. You will not only have a pleasant time, but you will learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Seeing a wounded dove in a dream means your carelessness, as a result of which you will lose your closest friend. For lovers, such a dream prophesies a break in the relationship.

Interpretation of dreams from

With the light hand of Pablo Picasso, a snow-white dove with an olive branch in its beak is a symbol of peace, although in ancient times these birds were assigned a similar meaning. Modern birds living in cities have acquired the not-so-pleasant reputation of “flying rats” that carry dangerous diseases. At the same time, these birds are pitied and fed. When trying to figure out why doves dream, you can see many interpretations, including negative ones, but most sources promise good events in reality.

Dream Interpretation: seeing pigeons in a dream

Miller's Dream Book suggests that if a dove dreams and family people hear its cooing, a happy period of harmonious relationships lies ahead. For single people, the bird is a messenger of an imminent romantic relationship.

According to Vanga's dream book Doves in a dream reflect the high morality of the sleeper and the purity of thoughts. To reproach them is to show nobility in reality. It's bad if the birds are injured. Family troubles lie ahead.

When you dream of a dove knocking on a window, the Bulgarian prophetess urges you not to be afraid. Good news will come.

The dove sat on the hand - a sign of a special arrangement of fate. There will be changes for the better in all areas.

According to the esoteric dream book A dove chick next to its parents symbolizes family well-being. The coming period will give you sincere joy from communicating with your loved ones.

However, esoteric Evgeniy Tsvetkov claims that when you dream of a dove, it is a warning plot. In reality, your health condition will worsen. Interpreting the meaning of dreams of pigeons pecking a sleeping person, the source calls for caution. Possible losses.

According to women's dream book a flock of doves soaring in the sky is a good sign. Troubles will disappear.

If you dream of a dove and a dove, this is a clear sign of your partner’s fidelity. So he says Medea's dream book.

Old Slavic Veles's dream book suggests that two doves mean happiness in your personal life. Meeting your betrothed or a sweet girl who will charm you with her gentle disposition.

Lots of pigeons - good luck ahead. Receiving good news.

Why do you dream of a white dove?

One of the most favorable symbols is a dove with white plumage. For single people, he predicts that they will soon find their other half.

White dove woman, dreaming of a new addition to the family, reports good news. For family dreamers, such a bird guarantees calm happiness and home comfort.

White dove man, which has unresolved controversial situations, is also a good omen. Soon it will be possible to resolve them with maximum benefit.

Where did you dream about the dove?

When you dream of a dove in hand, this is an excellent sign. In reality, the dreamer is completely under control of all events that depend on him.

A dreaming dove reports a somewhat illusory perception of reality. in a cage. It is worth looking at events and people more broadly.

There is a very important meeting ahead, this is what pigeons dream about in the apartment. A new person can significantly change fate.

Also dove in the house portends news coming soon. After new information, significant changes will begin.

When you dream of a dove flew into the apartment, this, unlike the superstition concerning such an event in reality, is a rather positive sign. You can prepare to receive guests, meeting whom will bring a lot of joy.

Pigeon flew into the window with a letter in its beak means that in reality news will come from afar. The color of the feathers will tell you what they will be like.

When you dream of a dove on the window, it also alerts you to news. Birds peacefully pecking crumbs on the windowsill mean a favorable climate in the family. Fighting over food symbolizes quarrels and misunderstandings.

Respect for others means dove in the sky. The sleeper will be able to gain fame and honor.

Doves sitting on the road mean the discovery of secrets. To avoid problems, you need to prepare for this.

Actions with pigeons in a dream

A good symbol is feed pigeons. Mutual care for neighbors, prosperity in the family.

Towards the happiest events, a dream appears in which it is possible iron pigeon A successful streak in business and personal life.

To catch a bird is to boldly take advantage of every chance. If successful catch dove, a meeting that has long been dreamed of will take place. For singles, such a plot predicts that a marriage proposal will soon arrive.

Very bad - kill dove in a dream. The cruel nature of the sleeping person is to blame for difficult relationships with others. It is advisable to try to be kinder, starting to take into account the opinions of at least your favorite people.

What kind of pigeons did you dream about?

When you dream of a dove, be sure to take into account all the nuances during the interpretation, as always. Depending on them, the interpretation deepens.

Large Doves in a dream symbolize significant life events. The answer to the question: “whether they will be positive or negative” will be determined by the plumage.

Good symbol - blue pigeons, regardless of size. They appear to be good news.

Warns of approaching conflict or loss black pigeons in a dream. It is also a reflection of anxiety.

Mail grey The dove portends receiving good news. Most likely, they will be received from a person dear to your heart with whom you have not communicated for a long time.

The red dove is a symbol of bright emotions. Unfortunately, they will be associated with the aggravation of a long-standing quarrel.

Wounded the dove warns of a series of disagreements with loved ones. Relationships can be disappointing, even betrayal is possible.

Failure symbolizes killed pigeon. Problems threaten to arise both in your career and in your personal life.

But flying Doves in a dream are a good sign, representing hopes for the best and dreams. Their fulfillment will be helped by an influential acquaintance who will unexpectedly support you in your endeavors.

When understanding why doves dream, it is definitely worth remembering that not all visions can be considered prophetic. Meetings with long-awaited people can be speeded up if there is a desire, and many unpleasant situations can be avoided with basic forethought.

A dove in a dream symbolizes receiving good news, peace, blissful pleasure, wealth and success in business.

For lovers, such a dream predicts fidelity. If your lover is going on a long trip, then after such a dream you should believe that he will return to you, and his trip will be profitable.

For married people, a dream about doves predicts the devotion of the spouses.

For businessmen, a dream about doves promises an increase in wealth.

Seeing him flying in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success.

Seeing a dove in the sky is a sign of consolation in love.

Cooing doves in a dream promise happiness for lovers and a happy marriage for married people.

Feeding pigeons from your hands in a dream is a sign of big changes in life, recognition and honor. Sometimes such a dream indicates a person’s great affection for you.

If in a dream you try to close a dove in a closet or cupboard, and it falls out, then your hopes for a happy marriage with your lover will not come true.

For a mother, a dream about a dove predicts receiving news from her beloved child.

Catching pigeons in a dream means losses; kill - to separation or death of a close friend.

Pigeons flying over your house, sitting by the window or on the roof, portend receiving news from loved ones.

To see two kissing doves in a dream is a sign of your lover’s devotion, reciprocity, and affection.

Seeing a turtledove in a dream is a sign of tender affection for men and receiving good news for women.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Pigeons

A dove is a beloved woman. Whoever sees in a dream that he has caught a lot of pigeons will receive financial assistance from noble people.

Whoever sees a dove in his house or yard, and if the one who saw it is single, then he will marry a beautiful, loving and friendly girl.

The dove is also good news for someone who is in a difficult situation or has a missing relative.

And whoever sees that he has thrown a dove, his share will be property and female children from his wife.

Whoever sees that he is feeding a dove will instruct and teach the woman phrases and speech.

The cooing of a dove is a type of an educated, pious and pious woman.

If a dove flies away in a dream and does not return, it means divorce or the death of your spouse.

Catching one dove in a dream means great love and quick marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from