
Interesting facts about angels. Psychic Mehdi: Guardian Angels. Who are they and how will they help you Acquiring, existing and losing an angel

There is a woman living in Ireland with helping to see angels. “I don’t always get to see the wings of angels,” admits 54-year-old Irish resident Lorna Byrne, “but sometimes I have the opportunity, and I can say that their beauty is difficult to convey in words.”

This is not a confession of a person with a mental disorder and not a portion of ear noodles from the mouth of yet another scammer. The fact is that Byrne really sees angels, which, according to her, are simply everywhere, reports the Daily Telegraph.

As Byrne writes in her book “Angels in My Head,” her ability to see otherworldly beings manifested itself in early childhood. “I see spirals of light behind people,” says Byrne. “These are guardian angels. Every person has one. They are usually located three steps behind.”

According to a resident of Ireland, many of God's messengers on earth act as helpers and teachers, and they all have a human appearance.

“I believe what I see, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about it,” says Byrne.”

The woman first recognized her future husband Joe, with whom they had four children, from a vision shown by an angel when Lorna was only nine or 10 years old. According to her, she immediately fell in love with her future husband, destined for her, and when he died, she was allowed to see his soul and it was truly beautiful.

“I don’t like the word “medium.” Sometimes people come to me and are looking for a medium or a traditional healer,” says Byrne. “But I don’t heal myself. The Lord God heals.”

The word “angel” means (ancient Greek ἄγγελος, angelos - “messenger, messenger”).

The Greek word ἄγγελος is “angelos”, a direct translation of ancient Hebrew. מלאך - “mal’akh” with the same meaning, from the archaic root of ancient Hebrew. לאכ - “to send”, witnessed.

Angels deliver from danger. This is what Holy Scripture says: “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them.” (Psalm 33:8)

Jesus himself often spoke about angels, both good and evil, and about their participation in the affairs of people.

Angels can appear in the form of ordinary people. This is what Holy Scripture says: “Do not forget the love of hospitable people, for through it some, unknowingly, showed hospitality to Angels.” (Hebrews 13:2)

In most translations of the Bible, when mentioning the fallen and all kinds of angels who sinned (those who opposed God), they use a lowercase letter, and when mentioning the holy Angels, they use a capital letter.

Belief in angels is an integral part of the Muslim faith (Al-Baqarah 2:177), it is one of the pillars of the Muslim faith.

Cherubim are mentioned many times in the Old Testament. In the Book of Genesis (3:24), (Ps.17:11), (1 Kings 4:4, 2 Kings 6:2, Is.37:16, etc.). The seraphim are described in the book of the prophet Isaiah (Isa. 6:1-7). In three Epistles of St. Paul (between 48 and 58) are named in addition to the Angels: Archangels, Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Powers and Powers (Eph 1:21), (Eph 6:12), (Col 1:16), (1 Sol 4:16).

In Orthodoxy, there is the idea of ​​guardian angels sent by God to every person immediately after his baptism. Although we do not find such confirmation in Scripture.

Countless paintings depict male angels appearing to people in biblical scenes, and cemetery gravestones often depict mourning female angels. But the Bible doesn't say anything about female angels.

Imagine a biblical angel. He will most likely have flowing robes, wings, and a halo. But the biblical accounts never mentioned that angels have halos. The halo first appeared in art only in the fourth century. Initially, it was only in images of Christ sitting on the throne. Gradually, the halo became a symbol of goodness, and it was always painted with Christ and angels. By the sixth century, the halo was “worn” by everyone, including saints.

In early Christian art, angels are almost always depicted descending from heaven on wings. For obvious reasons, the ability to fly is associated with the presence of wings - two, as we are more accustomed to.

Gabriel appears in the Bible four times.

Official representatives of the Catholic Church confirmed the existence of angels, but assured that in fact they look completely different from how people used to imagine them. Father Renzo Lavatori, who specializes in the study of angels, said the celestial beings are actually more like shards of light.

Did you know that angelfish exist? Angelfish live in tropical latitudes of all the world's seas. Nine species are found in the Atlantic Ocean, the rest in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Angels have long appeared in literature, dating back to Romanticism.

Angels were usually depicted as blond, androgynous youths with wings (a symbol of freedom of spirit) wearing white linen clothing with gold belts.

They often appear to people in dreams or visions to bring messages from God (Matt~1:20; Acts~10:3).

The word Angel in Hebrew is pronounced “Malah” (מלאך), which literally means messenger. Also, the word “malakha” (מלאכה) is translated as craft, work, labor. And the word “malakhuti” (מלאכותי) is artificial. You will notice that all these words have a common root. From all that has been said, we can conclude that angels are “artificially created ministering messengers of God.” And they cannot possibly be deities, since it is written: “Do you not know that we will judge the angels...” (1 Cor. 6:3). Although in some places in the Bible angels are called saints (Mark 8:38).

Seraphim, mentioned in the book of the prophet Isaiah, are a certain type of angels whose task is to burn everything unclean around. Hence their name - "sraphim" - (שרפים) - from the verb "Lisrof" - to burn (see Isaiah 6:2-7)

If you ask most people whether they have met angels in their lives, the answer will most likely be no. And this question will make many people smile. In the Bible we read that angels perform the following functions:

- messengers, proclaiming the will of God, His intentions, prophecies (Luke 2:10-12; Matthew 28:5-7; Exodus 14:19).

- performers God's judgments (1 Chron. 21:15 - punishment for David's sin; 2 Kings 19:35 - destruction of the Assyrian army; Acts 12:23 - punishment of King Herod).

- guardians, protectors and helpers of people (Matthew 18:10; Acts 12:7; Ps. 33:8), witnesses to the entire life of each person - his words, deeds, actions.

- Servants God - Psalm 90:11 Psalm 103:20

-They rejoice to the repentant sinner - Luke 15:10

Angels it is forbidden bow down - Col. 2:18 Rev. Rev. 19:9-10 22:8-9

Angels will appear with the Lord at the coming - Luke 9:26 2 Thess. 1:7

- Number of Angels(thousands of thousands, the multitude of the heavenly host) - Dan.7:10 Matt.26:53 Luke 2:13 Heb. 12:22 Rev. 5:11

Angels interact closely with members of the human family. They carefully observe everything that happens to a person. They know us by first and last name. They know what we do for a living. They know where we live.

All the facts of our biography are completely open to the angels, since they accompany us from the cradle to the grave.

Psychics about guardian angels they say that it is most often found in the Christian faith, but various variations of its manifestations can be found in other religions. Guardian angel is a good spirit that every person is endowed with at birth. This creature is called upon to protect a person not only from bad deeds, but also from bad decisions; such a spirit can also protect or help in a difficult life situation, and show the way to salvation.

Christianity teaches everyone who professes this faith to love and honor such spirits, as well as turn to them in prayer. Though guardian angels and invisible to the human eye, they always tirelessly follow people. Most often they are depicted behind the back of their “master”.

You should also not confuse name days, or the day of an angel, with the day that honors guardian angels. There is a special day for them - November 21st.

Acquisition, existence and loss of an angel

Psychics say what is given to a person at birth, some claim that it appears only after baptism. In general, there are different theories about how you can “get” an angel, but they agree on one thing - every person has one.

It also happens that a person may lose his protector. Do not confuse moral principles and karmic laws and regulations. An angel will not leave a person if he will drink alcohol or swear words, he will do it for completely different reasons. For example, not fulfilling the karmic tasks that were assigned to a person at birth: he did not save a person in need, although he should have, instead of achieving something he ran away, etc.

There are also replacement patrons:

  • if a person stopped adhering to the true path and instead chose anger, aggression and hatred, which settled forever in his heart, then the guardian angel changes to gray or black creature, which tirelessly follows a person;
  • if a person is aimed at high achievements, and the guardian angel cannot provide him with the necessary protection, the person is given more strong defender.

It also happens that one person can have several guardian angels. Typically two or more protective spirits are only given to seers or people who are or have acquired a divine gift.

For bad deeds or sins, an angel can turn away from a person. In this case, in order to regain it, a person must realize all his mistakes and misdeeds, sincerely repent of them, take the path of correction and again begin to read prayers addressed to the angel.

Requests to an angel

Of course, we always ask the Almighty for something, but our desires are not always good, or we are positive. As with any wish, appeal to the guardian angel must have only pure thoughts.

You should not ask for specific things, for example, “I want an apartment” or “I want money,” the appeal should be formulated as follows: “Guardian angel, help me and guide me in the right direction so that I can earn enough money to buy something.”

As with the universe, desires must be expressed intelligently. You should also not use the word “not” in your address. The Almighty powers do not perceive such messages. If the speaker expresses his desire something like this: “I want my boss not to be an asshole,” then that’s exactly what they will get. In this case, you should address it like this: “Guardian, help my boss become more loyal and understanding.”

How to know that a guardian angel is nearby

Some argue that every person can see or even feel your guardian angel. Feeling it is much more difficult than seeing it. This usually happens in critical situations, for example, when you are walking along the road and feel that someone has pushed you to the side of the road and a car is passing nearby.

One of the parishioners talked about a miracle that happened to her. In winter, she had to walk along a frozen river and at some point the ice could not stand it and cracked. The woman felt that someone took her under the arms and literally pulled her out of this water. There was no one nearby, but the woman claims that it was Guardian angel.

You can find out that your angel is nearby in the following cases. For example, he may come to you in a dream. They say what exactly dream this is not only our subconscious, but also a door to other worlds and dimensions. Appearing in a dream, an angel shows that he does not leave you and protects you.

Another method that believers talk about is smells. Does it ever happen to you that, sitting in an empty room alone, you suddenly smell a pleasant aroma? It can be anything. From the smell of food to the perfume that someone close or dear to you used. This person may no longer be with you, but you smell a familiar smell.

Most often, children see angels. It is said that children under the age of five can see things that adults cannot see. In general, adults can see etc., but as they grow older they do not focus on them as much as children, and the eyes of an adult are not able to perceive such creatures. Have you often noticed that a child or pet “stares” at one point for a long time? In such cases, children may smile at the wall or looking at the doorway. Adults think this is funny, because in their opinion the child has found something unusual in an ordinary thing, but most often this means that your house has been visited Guardian angel. For animals, as for children, angels bring calm and peace.

It happens that an angel can be seen in heaven. For example, you decide to look at the morning or evening clouds and clearly see the image of an angel formed in the clouds. Sometimes, others may not see this image from the clouds, but do not be afraid. Everyone has their own angel, so others are not able to accept your image of an angel.

Psychics also believe that the arrival of an angel is expressed in numbers. These may be important dates for you: a wedding, the birth of a long-awaited child, an anniversary, etc. The manifestation of an angel can be found in numbers that repeat. For example, you looked at your watch, and on it you see "12:12" and for some reason you look at the digital reflection of time for a long time. Or on your way you come across numbers of cars, houses or buildings in which the numbers are duplicated.

The sensations of an angel nearby may be more realistic to reality. For example, you are sitting with friends in an apartment where it is warm. This can be in the summer heat or in warm company by the fireplace. And suddenly you feel a sudden change in temperature that literally makes your body shudder as if you were transported into a cold room or freezer from a warm place. The back is especially sensitive in this regard, since it is believed that our Guardian angel. Tingling on the back of your head may also indicate that there is something nearby unearthly creature. Plus, you can add strange voices to everything. They are usually quiet and subdued. They can appear in a difficult situation for you and help you solve a complex problem that seems impossible to solve.

Sometimes, there are moments when it seems that everything is being done in vain and there is no longer a way out. The person falls into a state akin to depression despairs of everything and thinks that no one is able to help him. At such moments, many of us can receive support from our own guardian angel. At some point, it seems to us that from somewhere outside, someone is encouraging us and keeping their fingers crossed for us.

Everyone has heard about Guardian Angels; they will avert trouble and tell you what to do in a difficult situation. Skeptics call people who are protected by their Angel simply lucky, and non-believers regard the tips of the Guardian Angel as pure well-developed intuition.

I will not try to refute anyone’s opinion; after all, I do not have irrefutable facts about the existence of Guardian Angels, but since I do not consider myself a skeptic, my article is intended primarily for people who believe in the presence of in your life such a phenomenon as a Guardian Angel.

In Christianity, a Guardian Angel or good spirit is given to a person by God at Baptism for help and guidance. Such an Angel guided each person along the right path. In some religions it is believed that Guardian Angels can leave a person forever or temporarily. This usually happens when a person deliberately ignores all the signs and warnings that his Angel sends him.

If a person commits a serious act, the Guardian Angel can also leave him. It is also believed that Guardian Angels can change throughout a person’s life. If one Guardian Angel fails to cope with the assigned tasks, he fails to influence a person or direct him in the right direction, another Angel may come to replace him.

Guardian angels never influence other people except their owner. They cannot be asked to interfere in someone else's life. Some people are trying to get in touch with the Angel, looking for literature that will tell them how to do this. This should not be done because, when trying to communicate with your Guardian Angel, you may accidentally open access to other forces that may not always have a positive effect on a person.

If there is such a need, the Guardian Angel himself will find a way to come into contact with you. The path to understanding your Guardian Angel is prayers, good deeds, good emotions. When a person is constantly in a bad mood, it is difficult for the Guardian Angel to reach him.

Hints from Angels can come in different situations... We often call these hints an inner voice, which sometimes very clearly tells us what exactly we should do. There are many examples from life when people, getting ready to travel, handed over their plane or train tickets at the last moment because they clearly heard warnings about danger from their Guardian Angels. As a result, the planes and trains that these people refused to board at the very last moment suffered crashes and accidents.

If we turn to Kabbalah, then according to this teaching there are 72 angels who take care of us from the moment of birth and remain with us throughout our lives. These are “ofanim” or they are also called “angels of the spheres and stars.” It is believed that these Angels can provide assistance to anyone who turns to them with a request.

In this case, they become the Guardian Angel of the person who turned to them and help him until the specific situation is resolved. Each of these 72 Angels is a “master” in his field, so you need to address specific problems not just to any Angel, but to the one who can solve this particular problem.

For example, if you are experiencing failures in financial matters, contact the “angel of abundance” Al-Kabat; if you are lonely and no longer want to put up with this state of affairs, Ayau-Yaha will help you, etc. If your requests are of some global nature and your life and destiny depend on the solution of some issue, according to Kabbalah, it is more advisable to turn to the angel under whose protection you were born.

In Christianity, on the contrary, it is believed that you cannot know the name of your Angel, because “An Angel is an entity endowed with intelligence, constantly moving, free, incorporeal, serving God, by grace having received immortality for its nature: only the Creator knows the form and definition this essence (St. John of Damascus).”

And it’s not at all difficult to feel the presence of a Guardian Angel next to you; contact with the Angel will be indicated by heightened intuition and luck, which will accompany you every time you listen to your inner voice!

The television show “Battle of Psychics” is one of the most popular on TNT. In June last year, regional casting took place in Khakassia. Our correspondent, having taken part in the casting, showed good results, and, among the five strong psychics of the republic, presented Khakassia V Moscow, at the qualifying castings for the eighth season of the battle. For a journalist who “changed his profession,” this trip turned out to be simply enchanting. To say that it was interesting is to say nothing. But the main result, of course, can be called the acquaintance and close friendship subsequently with the strongest psychics Russia.
An exclusive interview with one of the brightest psychics of the eighth season, a clairvoyant and healer Alsou Gazimzyanova, we want to bring to the attention of readers.
Small and fragile - compared to her husband, also a psychic from Kazan, Anatolia Emelyanova, she seemed like a porcelain figurine. But this porcelain figurine, I immediately felt, contained extraordinary power. Unfortunately - the show is a show - it is tailored and occurs according to its own laws, the audience was not allowed to truly evaluate the abilities Alsou. But for people directly familiar with her Alsou Gazimzyanova in terms of her strength, she was the undisputed winner of the eighth season of “The Battle of...” - although, having entered the top five, she left the show.
A month ago Alsou became a mother and had a daughter Camilla. But, despite the abundance of worries, the psychic found time to answer our questions.

–– Alsou, you clearly showed yourself within the framework of the “Battle of Psychics” program, and left it for personal reasons? What, in your opinion, was correct during this program and what was incorrect. What challenges do you remember most?

–– The project itself is very interesting and significant - people with paranormal abilities have always existed, but you can only find out how great your abilities are through tests. At the “Battle...” there are real tasks, real events, and such a test of one’s strength is necessary for everyone who calls themselves a psychic. Another thing is that this is a television show. This means money, payments, information leakage. Unfortunately, not all participants act honestly, not understanding that in magic this is not possible - to sell or buy a gift. But let it remain on their conscience. The only shame is that often many people turn to such “winners”, and then problems arise: they were deceived, they did not help.
And if you walk honestly, then the struggle actually takes place “not for life, but for death.” A lot happens behind the scenes, and the negative influence of sorcerers and rivals can be very strong. After all, for many, a project is also an investment of money, and after the final, when the “horse” you paid for comes first, the investment in it pays off very quickly.
We are with Anatoly We are grateful to those people who supported us, but a lot remained behind the scenes. It was a shame to watch what was shown after the editing; at the “Battle...” they put me out, saying that I belonged more to the dark forces, there was such a stigma that I was tough and rude. Although the same participants singled out me and Anatolia, came to us for help and advice. But, unfortunately, those tests where I was very strong never fully showed. Many wrote and called about this, and now people come up to me on the street and say: it was unfair, you were not even discussed anywhere, not at any jury council. But I remained honest with myself, with to the Almighty and on her own, did not sell herself for any money and remained human.
By and large, the goal of my participation in the project was also to ensure that a normal, humane, humane “Law on Animals” was adopted in our country. I talked a lot about this on the set, but not a single word went on air - and at that time I naively thought that I would become famous and would be able to convey to so many people that it is necessary to be kinder, to take care of nature and animals, and all living things on our planet. planet. Therefore, I want to appeal to the readers of the magazine " THEY. Live in Khakassia" Be kinder and more attentive to the beautiful nature around us. Look what we are turning our beautiful planet into. But how will our children live after us, because we don’t leave anything good for them. Do not offend those who are weaker than you, you will have to pay for everything in this life. Think about yourself and your loved ones - if everyone thinks about it, a lot can be changed and prevented.

–– How did you begin to manifest psychic abilities, how did you perceive it yourself? Scared? Are you happy? Took it for granted?

–– I was born in Uzbekistan, in the village Dustlik, and at the age of nine she moved with her parents (they still live there) to Leninogorsk. The move was a certain stress for me and, I think, contributed to the development of my abilities. In general, when I was still a very small child, according to my parents, “I was smart beyond my years” - I said very mature things. From the age of thirteen I clearly remember that I began to predict, interpret dreams, and began to travel to the astral plane. Since then, my sleep time has been no more than three hours. It’s very difficult - as soon as I close my eyes, pictures and information are already coming, my brain doesn’t rest at all. In fact, such abilities are quite a heavy burden. In my teens this was very evident. I predicted future events to friends and family, I could move in space and see events that were about to happen - but I could not help. It is very scary when you know how one of your friends will die, but no matter how much strength you spend, it is impossible to reverse it. This situation happened to a girl who was very dear to me, I tried to prevent it, but no one believed or understood my visions, and the girl developed a brain tumor. I was very worried. Words cannot describe it. I even started to get sick myself, and I decided to go to Kazan to make it easier to be away from it all. At 21, I left my home and moved to the capital Tatarstan in the hope that being away from home will make it easier for me to cope with what is happening to me. But I didn’t know then that it was in the family line, and that my great-grandmother had such a gift. Only after moving to Kazan Mom told me about this. I think this is not clear: a gift God's or punishment, but, in any case, God I was singled out, and that means I must fulfill my mission.

There have been many moments in my life when I repeatedly rejected this gift. It's really hard - you never have time for yourself. You always have to solve other people's problems and help people, and they often take this for granted, not realizing that it is very difficult to receive information and fly to the astral plane. I am often punished for this, although it is not a sin. I do not cause harm when I look at information - it’s just that for the fact that I can do this, I am punished by various forces. This is very scary, and I would not wish this on anyone. But this is my destiny, and there is nothing you can do about it. I tried so hard, and after the battle I finally realized that this would always be with me.

–– You are a lawyer by profession, you have had a successful career, while at the same time thinking about your true purpose. How do your family feel about the fact that you have chosen the difficult path of a psychic?

–– Mom always knew about my gift, but she was silent until the end, in the hope that it would pass. But it didn't work out. Mom was silent for so long because she understands how hard it is to live with this. I am also a mother now, and I have a daughter, and I don’t want my child to have this gift. But, unfortunately, in this case we do not choose, but we are chosen. Yes, I lived like all ordinary people, went about my work, received only relatives and acquaintances - I just didn’t have time for this. But I always felt that I had not done something in my life. In recent years, the pressure has begun to be very strong. It turned out that forces and circumstances brought me to the “Battle...”

–– What can a psychic do and what absolutely cannot?

–– When they come to me for help, I always say -“There are moments that I will not tell you, and you must understand me. Challenges are not given by chance, and many things you must overcome on your own. Of course, I will help you as much as I can.” But if I see that the test cannot be bypassed, then I speak about it directly - it’s better that it happens now than it will be worse.

Took an interview Elena Abumova

Alsou Gazimzyanova participated in the eighth season of the television show “Battle of Psychics,” in which she showed herself to be a strong psychic and clairvoyant.

A spectacular brunette with an oriental appearance, Alsou Gazimzyanova was remembered by the audience of the eighth season not only for her outstanding abilities, but also for her personal story, because she came to the “Battle of Psychics” project “for company” with her husband Anatoly Emelyanov, and the main tests took place at a decent stage of pregnancy .

The future seer was born on September 20, 1981 in the city of Leninogorsk (Uzbekistan), but at the age of ten she moved with her family to Kazan, where she still lives. The first echoes of the gift appeared in the girl at the age of 5 - she had a prophetic dream, and at 13-15 she easily prophesied the events of the next day. Subsequently, her ability to prophecy, predict the future and determine impending disaster gradually grew. Alsou’s gift was not acquired; her great-grandmother could do similar things.

The young psychic got involved with the project by accident - her husband, a Kazan sorcerer and healer, came to test his strength at the casting, the girl simply went with him and decided to complete the tasks just for fun. It turned out that her abilities are in no way inferior to those of famous psychics, and the organizers of the show noticed this, inviting the woman to the top ten.

During the tests, she did an excellent job of describing people from photographs or personal belongings, even blindfolded, but tasks with black boxes, mysterious rooms and a person’s painting turned out to be difficult for her. In addition, Alsou refused to continue working if she felt competition from other women. According to Gazimzyanova herself, the most difficult thing for her at the “Battle” was constantly being surrounded by energetically strong people and living under the gun of a dozen television cameras. Although there were people who supported the young seer, encouraged her with kind words and fueled her confidence in her own abilities.

Despite her inexperience, the woman stayed on the project for quite a long time, even winning against her husband. But before the finale, Gazimzyanova herself decided to leave the show, because, according to her, the baby needed vitality more, because at that time the woman was in an interesting position.

After the “Battle of Psychics,” the seer devoted herself to her family, gave birth to a child, but after a couple of years she still separated from her husband. However, now everything is fine in the psychic’s personal life - she got married again and is doing what she loves.

Alsou receives clients in Kazan, specializing in predicting the future, setting up money channels, assistance in business matters, removing negative influences from people and premises, getting rid of evil eyes, damage, celibacy and curses, diagnosing diseases, treating infertility and establishing love and family relationships. relationships. Moreover, the psychic is categorically not involved in inducing damage, evil eyes and other energetically dangerous programs.

In addition, “Battle” gave the woman popularity; now Alsou has become a frequent and welcome guest on various TV shows like “Let Them Talk,” she also hosts the program “7th Sense” and even sang in Tatar to show everyone the beauty of this language. She is also a full member of Moscow show business, while generously sharing useful tips and ways to attract money, health, love and luck with her fans. But first of all, she is an excellent psychic and a happy woman.

Alexander, November 24, 2015.